"What is the special anniversary surprise for November?" - ReachCast Episode 57 CQ

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Torkz, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Torkz

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  2. Cobsy

    I hope the special anniversary surprise is they delete the TR
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  3. RobotNinja

    Moar nerfs for everyone and new bugs? /hopeful
  4. gnometheft

    I'm rooting for a new vehicle announcement!
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  5. Ryme

    PS4/PC cross platform servers?
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  6. SirBurning

    Equals a LOT of ******** controller players getting owned.
    But in return ,they have better performance.

    I don't really see this happening though.
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  7. TheIllusionKing

    Personally, I would like some new anything faction-specific really. A new vehicle class, a new infantry class, some new Empire-Specific Weaponry, anything that could make the game a little bit more strategic.

    Or, they could just give us Orbital Strikes issued by Leaders of a 4-squad full Platoon in place of a spawn beacon or the ability to use smoke. That would be something.
  8. EliteEskimo

    Well T-Ray and Higby said the special something they planned for November was something that players had been asking for. I'll assume they won't make this special something a faction specific addition or change to avoid more faction drama. I'm not getting my hopes up for something that would majorly improve or enhance gameplay but if I was the developers this is what I would implement that I feel all factions have been asking for awhile.

    1. Remove all Empire Specific AV weapons from the Harasser as those weapons were balanced around MBT's and not super fast super tanky dune buggies. And/or either give them a weakness (make the windshield area a critical hit area) or make them more vulnerable to AP rounds. This will make Harassers turn back into transportation vehicles and not super efficient tank destroyers.

    2. Reduce the range of the AV Turret's laser guidance range down to max infantry render distance as all factions have been asking for the AV turret extreme range capabilities to be balanced. After all I'm pretty sure we're all tired of the following scenario happening when we get into a tank.

    3. They could implement the ESF update or the highly acclaimed Galaxy improvements that AJAY suggested.
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  9. NinjaTurtle

    They should just have a M+K option for PS4 and allow an equal footing whilst pumping the pops for everyone

    As for the surprise I'm just hoping for some nice sexy remodels of old weapons, Y U NO make them look unique :(
  10. Van Dax

    this is all I want for christmas
    higby pls
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  11. SirBurning

    Well, console players want to play relaxed on their sofa with a controller.
    Enabling K+M support would mean you HAVE to use a mouse/keyboard to be competitive. So it sort of forces you to use them. It would mean nobody can ever use a controller in a FPS anymore.
    Not only in Planetside , but in all FPS games.
  12. HadesR

    The end of Beta ?

    Nah silly me that's to far fetched
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  13. Lazaruz

    My guess is, they'll put in actual warpgate travel. It has been asked for a fairly long time, and it would probably be one of the first steps towards continental lattice system.
  14. sustainedfire

    Either introduction of ESBuggies, with access to ESSecondary weapons, while removing them from Harassers-

    Or I don't know what else. Likely something minor though.
  15. Bill Hicks

    They will announce the PS4 release date.
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  16. Nintyuk

    update plz

    But seriously it's probably some thing mundane and boring like a re-cert item or a server switching item in the SC shop.
    Or maybe a Triple SC sale, Or just a decal saying "woo 1 year!".
  17. Suroped

    What could we expect in a year after release? Plot advancement? Autfit progression system? Gameplay finally getting more or less polished? Nah, have this free title, half-***** camo and maybe a month copper level membership. And don't forget to stack on station cash because we are releasing new hats available only this weekend!

    R.I.P. Barrels
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  18. Phyr

    3 day boost and a new 1000 SC hat.
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  19. Solo59486

    It could be weather.... Didn't someone create a thread because Tray asked the player studio people to create new helmets for some upcoming storm(?) or something for esamir...

    Also the deadline for those helmets were sometime in November.
  20. Bankrotas

    Honestly, thank you and compensation for patience for some of ******** this game has done. I ******* love the game, but how many let downs there were :/

    And I know, I won't probably get it, cause, I played since launch, but changed account and character, cause I wanted to switch factions.

    People been asking for equal camo coverage for all factions. Would you like a bra too?