[Video]The Battle for Snake Ravine (Warning : ZOE Max Montage)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Novani, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. MonnyMoony

    As opposed to what? Have you ever gone up a TR max with dual fractures - you die in about 0.1 second.

    Most weapons in this game are capable of killing infantry in under 1 second - and many that aren't strictly OHK have kill times so short - might as well be given its impossible to react to them.
  2. Qaz

    Yes, absolutely. I'm playing on Miller and VS is in the (slight) minority here. Whenever we're fighting TR, it's always loads maxes and explosive spam. Maybe that's the reason why I never thought ZOE was all that OP after the nerfs ... it barely takes more than 30 seconds to get gibbed by a combination of ubgls, nades, rockets, and sometimes even marauders that have snuck over basewall or into techplants. Yes, it's a strong ability and it's better than lockdown. I'm not sure about the shield, but i see it used rather frequently.

    Anyway, ZOE sees a lot of use because it fills the exact same niche as charge. In other words, there's no real incentive to pick charge over ZOE ... ever. That doesn't mean that ZOE is universally useful though--whenever there's corridors, loads of friendlies, or a high density of explosives, having ZOE on is problematic. Yes, this is more utility than what lockdown has, but to truly change ZOE away from mobility we'd have to have a complete redesign.

    Also, it's not like the MBT abilities (which is the only other ability in the game) are even close to balanced, by the way, but when it's the magburner that's the ability that's been underwhelming for half a year, people don't really seem to get worked up so much.
  3. phreec

    Sigh, YOU should pay attention. It's not "quick reactions" that caught my attention, it's the typical aimbot shake. Most cheaters don't crank their stuff up to 11 and 180 instasnap 100% to heads unless they're begging to get banned. Look up some videos or read about how customizable cheats are these days. What you've seen here is an aimkey (hold-to-aimbot) or a narrow FoV that locks only once hovering over a target, but that's also configured to 'release' if he moves his mouse away far enough (think magnets) and I suspect that's what happened with the case of the HA scene.
    You can see the same odd aimkey spazzing that starts as he hovers above a target in another one of his videos (3:27), this time in a Vanguard.

    As for the libscene, watch it again. It's not scene change. First his aim is at the side of the WG mountainwall and then snaps and locks the Reaver.

    Sigh, no wonder cheaters are blooming when people are so oblivious to them...
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  4. Torok

    MLG & ZOE!
    Way to go SOE lol
  5. DeadliestMoon

    You can't discern that from this video. You can if the OP is normally a terrible player, but seeing as how you don't know that, you can't say for certain that this video proves that ZOE is unbalanced.
  6. Giggily

    That's not what an aimbot looks like, that's what someone playing at a high DPS with decent aim looks like.
  7. Pootisman

    thats true and that is why C4 isnt a good counter to ZOE MAXes like some vanu are saying. 1 C4 doesnt even kill a ZOE MAX, they still have 1/3 HP left when 1 C4 detonates directly under their feet.
  8. phreec

    Explain the erratic shaking that only happens once he's aiming at someone then. Take a second look at his lib video, you can see how his aim is perfectly natural and smooth at 0:10 but as soon as he aims above the multiple targets next to the spawnroom at 0:13 it starts shaking like an aimbot again. The same shake can be seen in his Vanguard video (3:27) as he's about to take the shot (it's an aimkey, bot that's only activated once a certain key is pressed).

    Here is a video of a now banned liberator aimbotter who also used an aimkey (on his RMB, hence the zoom and lock). You can see how the snaps and "lock shaking" is very similar to the case we have here.

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  9. Giggily

    Wow, the examples of you posted look nothing like the confirmed aimbotter video. Oh no, some people jerk their mouse around while aiming a dudes. So do I.
  10. Hrafnagaldr

    The issue is clearly you not understanding sarcasm. Because everyone complains about Strikers yet they are useless against MAXes resulting in this video...
    To be honest: I run similar killstreaks without ZOE or an aimbot. I run Kinetic 5 and charge back to safety when low on health. Then switch to Auto Rea
    pair 5 if no engineer is nearby. ZOE makes you a glass cannon. If ppl would use AV grenades those MAXes wouldnt be an issue at all.
  11. treeHamster

    ZOE is only a little faster than Charge 5 if you used it continuously. The damage boost it provides is negligible as ZOE rank 5 reduces it from 6 to 5 bullets for a kill.

    The ONLY reason you see ZOE used AS much as it is, is because to get the overall same speed increase for traveling, you would have to get Rank 5 Charge which is over 2k worth of certs. ZOE on the other hand can get you the same speed at Rank 1 for 200 certs in exchange for a massive decrease in durability.

    I might also add that you don't see the VS in their vehicles ANYWHERE near as much as the TR. ZOE isn't a direct upgrade over Charge because you have to TRADE durability for mobility. The Striker, on the other hand is a DIRECT upgrade over the Annihilator and the G2A and G2G launchers.

    I see plenty of people use the Jackhammer and MCG and whine about how those aren't any good even though the Lasher underperforms BOTH of those weapons.

    The point is, maybe your abilities aren't AMAZING or they require team play (I think the Aegis could use some work to provide more cover though), but it doesn't mean YOU don't have something that is better than what other people have.

    I might also add that whenever I go an NC Biolab there are ALWAYS plenty of NC MAX's camping the teleporters to instagib anyone that walks out. The TR use their MAX's a LOT more for MAX crashes than the VS ever do.

    The alternative solution is that ZOE gets removed from the VS but the TR and NC lose Charge altogether that way it's the VS specific ability. If that happened I'm sure we would see even MORE tears about the VS MAX.
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  12. Graylin

    Strikers got nerfed. So Zoe must be too by that reckoning
  13. Graylin

    OMG have you not read the forums? It's all Strikers and Prowlers (AI set up), but not mossies as it's clearly the scythe, which can take out infrantry in two or three salvo's rather than the sixteen hellfire rockets required by the mossie, that's an issue. Strikers are nerfed and pretty much dead now. Prowlers are paper thin as are mossies. If they can't be complained about then Zoe max's can be complained about. And you have much more than a couple of good things. I know I have been on the receiving end in woodman.
  14. Jokkie

    Fractures do not kill that fast. They are actually pretty terrible at fighting against infantry unless from afar because of the slow TTK. You also have to be pin point accurate with fractures. I think it takes 6 rockets total to kill one infantry.
  15. Drasilov

    I don't think anyone using an aimbot would post a video using it on the actual forums. That first video is heavily editied - you didn't see how many times he died for instance.

    I've killed plenty of these with a dumbfire rocket launcher on various characters.
  16. treeHamster

    Wrong. Flares don't currently work. It might not show it on your screen, but the pilot is still getting hit with rockets. Also I have YET to see the devs ACTUALLY post something that says they have changed the Striker.

    Just GO play with a freakin' ZOE and see if you can get one of these "epic" runs you seem to think everyone gets with ZOE. You get slaughtered if you are more than 1v2 and don't catch them with their pants down. Do you get 5-6 kills with a normal ZOE run? Sure but you do that with ANY MAX as long as you play smart. ZOE is good if you wanna lone wolf it, if you have help, it is nothing but a death sentence for the MAX operator and the support crew because nearly ALL VS are ding dongs and won't sit still for 3 seconds so you can repair them.
  17. theone

  18. Gundem



    Try over 300 infantry kills with the S1 alone, not including the Hades or the Nemesis. If I can do that, and ZOE gives MAX units the mobility of an Infantry, then anyone else shouldn't have a problem with hitting them with a rocket.

    Go learn to hit **** with rockets.
  19. Chipay

    Actually it's the same TTK, Photon pods just have half the RoF but double the pods per shot. (photon pods also have slightly less splash damage, slightly less splash range but slightly higher on hit damage)

    You need 2*2 photon pods to kill an infantry
    You need 4*1 hellfire rocket pod to kill an infantry at x2 the RoF
  20. Spartan3123

    lol its difficult to hit a ZOE with a rocket... because it strafes faster than regular infantry....

    and also it has a massive faster ttk...

    this makes the m40 look like a joke