[Video] So the NC won an alert on Mattherson...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by McFail, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. McFail

    This is how they celebrated.


    Pretty sure they are just ****** pilots and players and always fly like this. Nothing new here.
  3. Flashtirade

    I can't even comprehend the reasoning behind this post.
    • Up x 4
  4. McFail

    Yes, because the NC is always getting everyone on Indar to grab a galaxy and suicide at every moment in the day.:rolleyes:

    God I freaking hate these smilies...
    • Up x 1
  5. Lockerius

    I knew your post was BS the moment I read "So the NC won an alert on Mattherson..."

    Just kidding, happy to see them actually win one. Their pop has been hurting lately, hopefully this will help give them a little hope. They have had good numbers as of late, not sure what they are lacking.
  6. Concernedplum

    Actually we tied that alert with TR and that was an event with the Vanu of a Galaxy Mash at what was suppose to be the Ascent but we didn't get that far. It was like bumper cars with galaxy's
  7. Lividicus!

    I'm Happy To See Anyone But The VS Win An Alert.... Connery Has Been Destroyed By The VS Lately... The TR and NC don't even Bother to do Alerts anymore it seems... Big Thumbs Up! It's about time someone wore out the Spandex.....
  8. Liewec123

    NC won an alert? :eek:
    where was "THE MUSIC"?
  9. dragonwinds

    Agree about connery, the VS are all about alerts, there was an Esamir alert, A ton of NC platoons moved to Esamir but the vanu still held 45% of the population.
  10. Aegie

    Pretty standard form of celebration across all servers AFAIK.
  11. WaiZen

    It's a NC tradition LOL, We do it on Woodman too.
  12. nooblet91698

    NC's first victory in weeks....I'm happy for them since TR zerg alerts everyday and VS fights them while most NC ghost cap. McFail..I'm in RBLE with you :)
  13. VSDerp

    vanu been doing this. pshh