I have been TK'd 1500 times...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mustarde, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. Mustarde

    How about you? Not a whine, this is more of a "hey that's an interesting fact, I wonder what others have experienced" type of thread.

    *I play infiltrator, which puts you in situations where TK is common.
    ** The IFF cloak change has had no positive impact on the rate of being TK'd

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  2. VSDerp

    by AoD lol
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  3. MFP_TK_01

    According to my stats page a grand total of 4 times but I know that's not even close to true. Hell I got murdered twice that last night while trying to rez dead players in a spawn room. I distinctly remember one of them because a engineer threw a sticky bomb on the side of my head.
  4. Jellypig

    139 team kills. I thought it'd be more than that.
  5. Liquid23

    you should get a special hat for that... one with a glowing neon target on it
  6. Gouger

    Sorry Mustarde :(
  7. SinerAthin

    Friendly pilots. Mainly, friendly Scythe pilots.

    I have no idea what's going on!
    It's like when I enter the airspace, every single pilot is drawn to me like I'm some sort of magnet!

    I hover beneath a cliff, shooting at an enemy; and BOOM, from the corner of my screen comes a friendly Scythe charging right into me!
    I spawn my Scythe at a Biolab, turn; engage some infantry, but before I know what's happening, another Scythe charges down from the air and hits me from above!

    I've even been killed by ghost Scythes that didn't even render...

    Like 8/10 of my last deaths while playing my Scythe has been from friendly scythes, and 1 was from a friendly galaxy :confused:
  8. Hoki

    omg give me ur certs
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  9. Ravenorth

    353 for me, played since the launch.

  10. Ganelon


    Not bad.
  11. HadesR

  12. MFP_TK_01

    56 is what I have. Pretty damn good considering how much smack people talk about capping engineers for not doing their job.
  13. phreec

    Pretty sure that also counts suicides...

    /suicide spam all day err day
  14. Nocturnal7x

    Well ya see, before inf IFF it was hard to tell, I bet thats where most of your TKs are from. Or being an inf in general getting blasted with HE because they don't see you.

    Downside to playing such a lame class all the time.
  15. Cougarbrit

    I saw this question on one of the subreddits recently, so I already have a pic handy.


    Roughly 4% of my deaths are from TR. I'm guessing it'd be higher if I played infantry more though, I'm in a vehicle for most of my playtime nowadays.
  16. Rohxer

    Looks like about 5% of all your deaths are TKs.

    I'm at 399 - about 4% of all my deaths, so fairly similar results.

    I wonder if those get "wiped" from that pie chart stat when you're revived. Playing infiltrator almost exclusively, I rarely get revived since I usually die at the feet of a mass of enemies. Though when I do get a FF death, revives are more common, though I'm usually not patient enough to wait.

  17. Rohxer

    I have been TK'd MORE since the IFF changes. The IFF changes were not meant to help infiltrators, but to help our victims - but that's been covered in many previous threads and really doesn't belong here.
  18. AnuErebus

    On my TR 410 of my 5878 deaths are from TR. 7% TK rate.
    On my NC 110 of my 1322 deaths are from NC. 8.3% TK rate.

    Some people have an amazing ability to not recognize friendlies and no amount of bright glowiness or bright blue sports bras will change that.
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  19. nist

    The IFF makes infils the only class where there is such a massive contrast between enemy and friendly units that the usual recognition mechanic, intentionally put there via the coloured name tag not appearing unless close and added to by a vast amount of camo shared between factions, is completely eliminated. The goal of the recognition mechanic is to aid infiltration by not having instant recognition..and infils are supposed to be the infiltrator-y-stealth class:p

    The infiltration role takes place deep in enemy territory or at least when heavily outnumbered by the enemy near the frontline during closer squad support, so in all the important places the recognition mechanic, which works for all other classes including an infil's enemies, doesn't work.

    I made a suggestion regarding this when the IFF came out which anyone reading this should consider upvoting.
  20. Hibiki54

    I would TK you, also.

    Blatant, even.