Nanoweave or Shield Capacitor

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by BeefySleet, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. BeefySleet

    Started playing medic recently and am wondering what would be a better choice? I find myself hiding behind cover alot more now as a medic trying to avoid fire so I can continue to revive people and stuff, and am noticing how brutal the default 10 second shield recharge is.

    Since I can heal myself would it be better to invest in the capacitor, or to stick with nanoweave so I can get recharged twice as fast?
  2. SirIBON

    To stay crowardly hidden behind a rock, you need non of them :)

    But if you move sometimes, or your cover is not well enough for a good sniper then nanoweave let you survive a Headshot from greater distance. You have longer to wait for recharge, but on the other side you will respawn fully a the spawnpoint.
  3. Nakar

    Nanoweave for generalist work.

    ASC is actually decent for field fighting with an appropriate weapon like the SABR-13, but disadvantages you if you get jumped.

    Grenade Bandolier for Revive Grenade spam. Mmmmm, delicious certs.
  4. Qasar

    I use the ASC and if you're using cover properly, it works fantastic. I only get into trouble when our position is overrun or if I get tunnel vision down range and leave myself exposed.

    I would definitely recommend capping out ASC since it's cheap and you seem to be playing in a manner that would maximize its benefits.
  5. BeefySleet

    Cool, thanks for the input guys. I'll try it out after I grab the last rank of the medi-gun.
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  6. phreec

    Nanoweave. Dead medics don't get no revives done. ;)
  7. Maton41

    At medium-long range fire fights, ASC is useful if you invested like 41 certs into it. You'll regain quickly as you are running cover to cover. At forth or fifth, you'll regain much faster with shields.
  8. asdfPanda

    Nanoweave. It goes well together with nano-regen, because nano-regen makes your health effectively a second shield.
  9. Lazaruz

    I prefer nanoweave, since you always get the full benefit of it when playing as a medic. If you get in a firefight as any other class and happen to be out of med kits, you no longer have the benefit of the extra health. But a medic can always heal himself to the full extent of nanoweave.
  10. BlackbookPS

    Grenade Bandolier with Revive Grenades.

    If your not running this setup thru necessity then your not at blood bath fights.

    Nothing keeps people alive longer than this setup.

    Max Nanoweave for an extra 250 health is not going to make much difference to your surviveability at a Bio Lab in Close Quarters Combat.

  11. asdfPanda

    I don't have infantry resources burning a hole in my pocket.
  12. Ocaml

    I think that Grenade Bandolier is very good in massive battles when you can revive many times (Raise, raise, my slaves, and crush the living! (c) Warhammer).

    When holding capture point I personally favor Flak Armor, because I die to enemy grenades much more often than to bullets.
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  13. BobTGoldfish

    I'm currently looking for the Numbers on this, but There is talk that Nanoweave is better for you Vs explosions than Flak

    however until this is proven I would say you should level up both.

    Use flak for situations like Biolabs or holding cap points where you are likely to be under pressure from grenades or any explosives in confined areas, so you can stay up to rez others.

    Use your nanoweave for more open situations. crossing tundra etc etc.
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  14. irishroy


    So cool, when all teammates die because of nades, and i revive them,
    Flak also awesome, when these no0b-terrans are tank-spamming your base ;)
  15. Blackburn

    Very nice video
  16. FieldMarshall

    Keep in mind that Medics can heal themselves. Meaning they benefit from Nanoweave more than normal.
  17. escroteitor

    I prefer the shield, with nanowave you have more health but also you need more time to regenerate it.

    The shield is a solid choice if you tend to kill people with ease, you'll be at full capacity faster. Also I tend to press F immediately after a gunfight starts, to keep my teammates health as full as possible. Also the shield is better for more revive and run tactics.

    If you have problems dueling other players nanowave is your way to go, if you can't kill other people that does have nanowave when you don't have one you're pretty much screwed.
  18. Pikachu

    ASC is useless. The battle is either over before you can take any cover or you are far away enough to take cover and wait as long as you need to recharge. Those 4 seconds means nothing. You would be better of with a a cert that reduced nose gun damage and nothing else.

    Btw you're not supposed to play this game. You're canadian.
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  19. thePankakeManne

    Nanoweave armor makes the the difference between winning and losing a 1v1 situation. If you don't have the magic healing green nearby, it will quickly lose its usefulness.

    However, ever since they increased the effectiveness, I've found the advanced shield capacitors to be deliciously effective at prolonging my life-span in fights. Seriously, those 3.2 seconds off of my recharge time have saved my life more times than I can count.

    In the end, it's all a matter of personal preference: do you want half of your health system larger, or the other half to regenerate sooner?
  20. libbmaster

    Flak armor.

    At rank 4, you can sit on a frag and keep reviving.
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