Not fair not fun.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GruntMagiC/John NZ, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. GruntMagiC/John NZ

    This is my first post ever to a gaming forum in nearly 20yrs of gaming regarding balancing.

    I only play NC as I did in the original. And I only play on Connery if that is relevant.
    I am sick to tears of how fracking useless the NC faction weapons are by comparison's.
    Phoenix compared to Striker is just male cow excrement (BS) weak.
    30mm Gatling also a weapon of hate ****, so that would explain why nearly every Terran H/A has a Striker and the same with Harassers and 30mm Vulcan's.... Hmmmm
    Vanguard Shotgun gimme a break! Ive seen it on one Tank in my 69 levels of game play!
    SAW is way too inaccurate even with attachments, I know Ive tried it.

    NC are nearly always outnumbered and rarely in my experience have we won many alerts. This is due to the fact that, why would anyone want to join the NC if they are underpowered and undermanned and mostly outgunned.

    Faction Population caps maybe?

    Developers need to bring in an original Planetside balancing system or balance our weapons or just scrap NC all together as it seems that we are now only an annoyance to the two "Main" factions.

    Also I am a year subscriber and have spent a large amount of time and over 100$ USD or more on things so I feel I have a right to moan.
    And I'm not even going to start on the 4th factionist fracking toerags.
    Sony sort your crap out!
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  2. HadesR

    While I understand your concerns and frustrations .. I can't see this thread ending well
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  3. sodopro

    Prepare yourselves
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  4. Shadowyc

    Some good thoughts...
    But, $0 = Right to moan. $10000+ means you get a say in things.
  5. TheFullCologne

    gauss saw is amazing if you're a good player. i agree with vulcan and imight also add the fractures (upcoming nerf, also to ravens, not need imo), and definitely agree with the enforcer modified. amazing that the AV weapon is better at AI than the enforcer modified..

    nc were overpopped early in the year... its just a life cycle. sadly.
  6. Earthman

    The very word "fair" is blood in the water for internet tough guys.

    I am sorry in advance for what the dregs of the forum will do with this.
  7. CDN_Wolvie

    Why does something need to be fair to be fun? Let me explain, I play a lot of rogue-likes and well, I see no reason why failures and dying shouldn't be fun as well as succeeding when you can learn from them. Have you played FTL for instance? Goodness me, lose a crew member or a fire starting or whatever is reason to keep playing rather than restart for me. Its not frustrating, its fun.

    But that just addresses your thread title, in regards to the NC, I joined them too and well, a year later, I uninstalled PS2. The NC faction trait is flawed, its not special, hell, in many circumstances it ties one hand behind your back and asks you to lemming off the cliff into the VS and TR or stay off the capture objective :( NC is fraught with frustration and the fun was had from the other players with things like vehicle races, helping each other out, praising each other's achievements, and the occasional voice actor. :)
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  8. Earthman

    I played and loved FTL, and even beat it with a pretty damn good high score on Normal quite a few times (normal can be crazy there for newcomers).

    That said, not every game must follow that particular kind of "fun" nor should they. Not everyone's into that, and I personally would find it dull if applied everywhere. Sometimes fair IS fun. Good example: most organized sports. Played, mind you. If you're suggesting that American Football would be more "roguelike" and fun if one team was allowed to pump itself full of steroids, that's bizzare. Wouldn't it be "fun" to be crushed by juiced up animals with funny padding?
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  9. Snoozzzer

    Fighting for freedom from oppression and bigotry balances out the difficulty and demands of skill our weapons require. Pheonix is situational, but the Hawk always works. Yee, Enforcer modified truly sucks, and the Vulcan is incredibly simple to mow down infantry and vehicles with.

    But hey, we have that great Titan AP and Enforcer rocket or halberd to knock out prowlers from range and make magriders run away. Our Reaver's Air Hammer is another do or die weapon, but is versatile in learned hands, moreso than the Banshee and PPA. That SAW is great - you ought to be ashamed to claim being both an NC vet and that the God SAW is inaccurate in the same breath - it's just bloody frustrating to stick with enough to get that perfect recoil compensation muscle memory dialed in.

    Dude, try running as VS and TR a bit, learn the ins and outs of their weapons. Those NC who are too high and mighty to do so (and claim folk like myself being "fracking toerags") are, well, douches.
  10. Earthman

    NC's corporate talk ("Time to close the deal"/"That brought new meaning to hostile takeover!"/"The suits are impressed, good work") along with the player autobanter ("See that you get your bonus check!") turned me off from the NC. The "freedom" seemed a shallow power play by corporate overlords and their mercenary army.

    So I made my main TR and never looked back. At least our tyrrany is right up there for you to see! :cool:
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  11. Crackulous

    So it begins.
  12. Killuminati C

    Begins? Where've you been?
  13. Crackulous

    New to the forums. All I know is these signs don't end well.
  14. CDN_Wolvie

    I get your analogy and it is pretty funny (laughing with you). Some things simply are OP in that the time for a player to react to damage is shorter than they can possibly react and there seems a distinct lack of available tactical options to counter it and in some cases that meant many resources they spent amounted to jack and ****. In FTL, you can simply run away from the steroid aliens, in PS2 well, you get warp gated :/

    But surely you got what I was getting at as well, I was referring to that in a game this large and with its specific class types, you're just going to end up in situations where you will get overwhelmed on because the opposing team needs to overwhelm your resources to achieve their objectives.

    My thoughts are that defending should be just as fun as the creativity that goes into being on the offensive, has been from pretty much since beta, since I think if defending even before the enemy shows up is fun, fights are more enjoyable for the attackers too since they have to figure out the puzzle the other side set up for them. Base design lacks all kinds of sub systems to be subverted in varied ways and player initiated augmentations to keep things fresh.
  15. MasterDemoman

    I surprisingly see a lack of outright hatred to this man's (while definitely over-stressed) valid concerns about NC's weaponry and equipment.

    Bravo ForumSide, bravo.
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  16. Shadowyc

    Don't worry, ForumSide is just taking a break. It'll go back to its xenophobia soon enough.
  17. NC_agent00kevin

    Actually, the Gauss SAW is amazing if you're up against bad players.
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  18. HooWoo

    Higbeh pls I spent over <huge amount of monies> so now make NC overpowered because I can't use their weapons properly because I'm a terrible player.
  19. Morpholine

    You clearly have been playing on a different Connery than I have, or only in the wee hours of the morning, server time.
  20. teks

    Nerf pendulum favors TR a bit for a couple weapons. its only so bad because of the playstation 4 deadline. As soon a sthey got performance tweaked they will fix balance.

    On the other hand. I want to point out that EVERYTHING your complaining about it TR, yet you throw VS in as being above you too. As if we have the things you mentioned. We share many many of your problems.

    You need to join a good outfit, so you can get into better fights.