
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PelicanDynasty, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. PelicanDynasty

    I have a question about the cloaks, are they supposed to be 100% invisible, or is that because I play on very low settings? They disappear right in front of me and are completely gone(or I'm blind) but I never see them from more than 10m away.
  2. VanuSovereignty

    Don't play on low. It probably hurts your performance more than it helps. Don't ask why, just don't play on low.
  3. PelicanDynasty

    I'll try, but I mean, very, very low. I don't actually have a gaming pc(mostly for older games but this was free so I tried it out)so I really doubt it can handle even low settings. But I'll try.
  4. Ryme

    They are supposed to be a visible blur when moving, but fade to clear when they stop moving. On low settings, clear = completely invisible. Also the transition between clear and visible blur seems to be instantaneous on low settings, making them very difficult to spot when motionless.

    The movement blur is rather dark so a recon running at night or with dark background can still be very hard to spot. Across snow and ice though, they may as well not be cloaked at all.
  5. PieBringer

    The game is significantly more CPU dependent than on the GPU. In short: Turn up your graphics setting to about medium. If that brings your FPS bottleneck to GPU, then it's time for an upgrade. (unless you don't feel like upgrading, entirely your choice.)
  6. Ryme

    So increasing graphics settings shifts the load from CPU to GPU?
  7. Shadowyc

    Mostly just graphic stuff. Besides, game looks beautiful when maxed out...even if your combat performance tanks utterly from the lack of base lighting.
  8. PelicanDynasty

    Just tried and the comp can't takes a drop in performance if I raise anything. If I play a lower resolution my FoV is smaller right? I'd like to avoid that.
  9. Ryme

    Cool. I will give that a shot. I also have a low end system.
  10. Ryme much for that.
  11. PelicanDynasty

    ^Try it yourself. Maybe you can atleast up the textures and stuff. Either way the game's still fun so not a huge loss.