An outfit for elites only

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by EViLMinD, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. EViLMinD

    Most people play games for the social aspect. They log in to pal around with their buddies. They like to gab, see the sights and take things at a casual pace.

    I'm not like that.

    For me, it's all about the competition. I'm only interested in playing the game at full intensity. I don't need to win... and I often don't... I just need to know that I gave it my all. That's how I enjoy my games. Going all the way. Fighting as hard and as well as I can. Hey, I'm a try-hard.

    Unfortunately, my approach to things does not jive with most folks. Many get upset when I call them out on their lack of effort or blindness to what is happening around them. It's my tone, I figure.

    Sometimes I chew people out with a Christopher Walken voice. This often buys me a little more room to abuse 'em, but there's always one person who just doesn't care to be criticized. Always one.

    I do prefer to avoid these kinds of awkward situations. It's not particularly fun to get a bunch of people mad. It's not their fault that I care too much and they care too little. So, to avoid these confrontations, I tend to lonewolf most of the time.It's safer that way; less frustrating.

    Yet, that's really not the best way to experience this game. Is it?

    This is why I've come to the forum. My hope is that I can start a discussion, with other like-minded NC players, about starting a new outfit. One that would be extremely exclusive and focused entirely on rebuilding the Waterson NC's abysmal reputation. We need more than one strong outfit. We need a seriously bada$$ one.

    Please know that I'm not interested in joining an existing outfit. I've tried them all and none of them are a good fit for me. So, please, don't ask me to join one.

    I'm looking for players who have a BR > 50, a mic, are fanatical about PS2... and... a sour demeanor is more than ok with me. Just pair it with a devil may care sense of humor and we'll get along great. Also... if you know how to drive/gun a harasser and fly, that will go a long way with me.

    I'm open to ideas. All ideas. Let's talk. We'll see what kind of outfit we want to create. If something does get started, I don't expect it to be a big group. And, that is perfect for me. I'd want this team to grow slowly. With each new member being carefully vetted.

    Would this become an MLG team? possibly. I'll definitely need a new PC for that, though.

    Talk to me, baby.
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  2. Aeso

    I agree, largely. I can't play games if I'm not improving. Pushing my bounds and improving my current peak performance is what drives me to continue to play any game. I'm quick to identify my own faults and those of my squadmates, which I've been told can be off-putting. Coming from a background of competitive CS and Eve Online, serious games are fun for me. Winning isn't everything, but it's the competition that drives me.

    I'm tired of getting rolled over on the simplest of defenses, and not being able to hold points on caps. I'd love to play with other like-minded people and improve as a squad/platoon/outfit. Even if it's only 8-12 people, I'd totally be interested in something like this.
  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    Not sure there are enough skilled players still around that aren't already dedicated to their own outfits. Best of luck, though.
  4. AdennTM

    Good luck mate.
  5. EViLMinD

    So far, a few people have contacted me. I didn't expect many would be interested. Why I've been so frank about what kinds of players I wish to hook up with.

    What I propose is certainly niche. Not for everyone. No, sir. I'm really just hoping to connect with enough hardcore NC players that I don't have to solo as much (though I still like to do that). I'm cool with just building my friends list. See what happens.

    I'm not a fan of the open PLT. Those usually lead to me getting frustrated and annoyed. One good harasser/lib buddy can really make the game for me. I'd prefer to have a squad of harasser buddies, though. Or... an air squad... or a tactical infantry team.. whatever the situation/mood calls for. Just sick of people who don't communicate... don't know how to repair a harasser in the rumble... or how to coordinate with other squadmates. There's so much more fun to be had with people who know how to play this game. That's when the really cool tactics can be developed and utilized.
  6. Pirbi

    I think it's just that you are a bit too presumptive that rubs people the wrong way.
  7. Ribero

    Good luck with it. I'm sure there'll be plenty who appreciate the "No BS, it is what it is" attitude.
  8. Ender

    Good Luck evil, and be ready for the haters, because they'll come out of the woodwork as soon as you see an ounce of progress.
  9. EViLMinD

    Goood.... goooood. I can feel their anger...

    Some folks will always get their feathers ruffled over those who act superior. This is to be expected. But, facts are facts: some players are clearly better than others. Doesn't make them better people. Just means they are more focused on playing the game well.

    I'm not the best player. No way. My PC is old as F (really slow) and I don't have the twitch reflexes. I do have some natural talent, though.

    Still, the bulk of what makes me so great at PS2 is my tenacity. I've played so obsessively that now I own every gun, maxed every class and getting very close to completing every possible vehicle loadout one could want. I also have a pretty keen awareness of the situation. I can see what needs to be done to complete necessary objectives or overcome certain rival enemy forces.

    I fought my way to the top of the Waterson NC's leaderboards. With a degree of both shame and pride. It is what it is. Now, I want to hook up with other players who dig this game as much as I. Time to take sh** to the next level, mofos.
  10. DuhDavor

    I would gratefully like to be apart of this add me iDavor.
  11. EViLMinD

    I went ahead and created an outfit: (BH8) BLUE HATE SPECIALS

    Ya, I think it's kinda cool too. I mostly wanted to get a tag on so people would stop spamming me with outfit invites.

    Down the road I can't say I'm too keen on managing an outfit. But, if it's a small group then I don't mind. Which it will end up being anyway. No mass recruitment for me. F that noise. Either a player clearly demonstrate that they can cut the mustard or - like the vast majority of NC - they don't.

    Btw, I played with DEOZ last night and I was impressed with their leadership. They run a pretty decent 'toon. We had clear objectives and each squad was assigned a specific task. I've missed teams that do that. DVS used to run like that before the bulk of it's PS2 veterans threw in the towel.

    Anyway... I recommend adding me to your friends list and contacting me ingame. We can go for some harsser runs so I can see how you are. Then, we'll talk about stuff.
  12. Total_Overkill

    ... how disappointing...
  13. NinjaTurtle

    How many Waterson players do you actually think are good enough to create a MLG outfit? I know of some good players but not all that many.

    I guess not fighting NC means I lack that perspective but there seems to be a lack of real top class player on NC Waterson compared to the TR in NUC
  14. ViXeN

    Its not really fair to compare the average NC player to NuC. Actually its not fair to compare the average player from any faction to any of the really elite teams. LOL NC does have some very skilled players on Waterson but like with every other faction, the number of players who can play on a competitive level is pretty small.
  15. Wargrim

    I never thought i would say that, but... i miss the old DVS. Epic fights were to be had when they still rode in full force.

    I think Waterson NC has lots of highly talented players, however as far as i can tell most of them are already part of established Outfits, so your recruitment base might be pretty small.
  16. Brahma2

    You're Goodhead on Connery TR? Jesus, you want to make an outfit for "elite" players? You're a trash Vulcan harasser user, and a terrible driver, and a joke player. You run a fury harasser for christ's sake. Waterson must be an amazing server if someone like you is considered "elite."

    You should delete your Connery TR character, you've been revoked.
  17. Shanther

    Someones jimmies are rustled. You're cute when your angry.
  18. EViLMinD

    Screw you too, pal. You know jack if you think I'm a bad harasser driver. What's your beef with me? I run you over or something? Jesus... lol
  19. EViLMinD

    Old DVS was awesome. We weren't as disciplined as I would have preferred, but we ran the big 'toon quite well. Most of that had to do with us just having good leaders and enough strong players to fill our ranks. Hex was the best leader we ever had. He was a calm, thorough speaker who had a real knack for directing squads. His Bio Lab MAX crashes were OP (our pre-nerf Hacksaws helped with that too).

    Leaders don't have to be clever tacticians or brilliant strategists to be good. They just have to be clear communicators, and be able to focus everyone on the necessary goals: enemy AMSes, control points, vital choke points etc.

    Leading the big teams is a lot like herding cats, though. I don't have the patience for it anymore. It's just not fun to repeat myself so many frickin times. Having to tell people to clear coms... Having to warn people that they'll be kicked if they don't join their squads... then having to kick them... YUCK.

    I do like to SL, however. If I have some experienced players who are on top of their sh** - it's actually fun. But, that's a rare situation for me. At best, only half my squad will have mics or even bother to listen. Plus, it's often a choir to get the infiltrators to hacks stuff and spam recon darts... Or, get the MAXes and AMSes supported.

    As I keep saying - I'm mostly looking for strong players with a real dedication to this game. The more people I like to roll with the better. I really don't care all that much about making an MLG team. Hell... I don't even feel a strong need to grow my outfit beyond 1 person. I could just as well merge with another outfit should I find one that suits me.

    This game is hemorrhaging players and the NC is suffering badly on the server. It's hard enough to just find a squad that isn't full of complete nubs. So... again, I don't expect much. I'm just trying to better my time on the server any way I can. I know this game is frickin fun as hell or painfully frustrating depending on who I'm working with.
  20. Messaiga

    I am already in an outfit but I would be open to playing with your squad sometimes, Waterson NC need a miracle in order to resurrect from what we are at the moment, the NCC meetings are helping somewhat but we need much more organization than we do at the moment. I remember Jaeger, the server's population was largely balanced, it was very competitive since we did not have many players, the only bad part was the fact that each faction had their own continent that they constantly protected from the ghost cappers. Then we got merged and things were still good, for about a month, then NC went down the drain from there.
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