Which is the best VS Max AI Weapon?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by AdennTM, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. AdennTM

    Going to have to play as VS for a scrimmage, need to know which guns will pwn the most.
  2. Van Dax

    People will tell the blueshift, they're wrong. Nebulae all the way to town. extended mags mean plasma for days and it has massive dps. It may be inaccurate in comparison to the blueshift but it isn't inaccurate in use or in comparison to many other weapons.
    If you're in an organized group it provides lots of versatility with suppressive fire and awesome close quarters damage. You have team mates for range, sva-88's have got your *** covered.
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  3. Singed

    Is this for community clash on Nexus? I love watching that stuff.
  4. Xasapis

    It really depends on your style.

    Blueshifts are more accurate, so aiming for the head of both MAXes and players is more rewarding. They are also more accurate a a distance. The downside is that you need to be conservative with your ammo, or at least more conservative than Nebulas. Generally speaking I consider them better at taking out infantry than MAXes.

    Nebulas are inaccurate, but make up with such rapid firing that will give you an advantage in close quarters. The only downside is that they eat up ammo at an alarming rate. I consider them a better weapon against MAXes, although the lesser accuracy make them less versatile against infantry in bigger than hugging distances. They are still capable of killing infantry at a distance (50m), you just need to expend more than 2/3 of the magazine to do it. They also suffer less of the deadzone due to the high rate of fire.

    Both of them (probably) need the extended magazines to face enemy MAXes. To be honest, I have so many certs that I'm full certing any weapon I get, so it's hard to judge by experience if I'd run out of bullets without. In any case, reload is relatively fast.

    If you are looking for the best anti MAX weapon though, you can't go wrong with ZOE Comets (full certed obviously). Four double shots should kill the majority of MAXes running around. Against infantry, they resemble slug pump action shotguns, only you need to hit most people with two double shots to kill them (a single double shot is not a guaranteed kill).
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  5. Dredbr1nger

    There are two options, the Blueshifts and Nebulas, both of which do 143 damage. The 167 damage profile weapons aren't too good.

    The Blueshifts are for open-field and Nebulas are for close-quarters. That's all that needs to be said, really.

    Also, Extended Mag Nebulas with Kinetic 5 are going to be your only chance to take down a skilled enemy MAX without abusing Comets.
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  6. AdennTM

    Scrimmage against Redmist on Saturday 19th. Since we're both TR outfits they play as NC and we as VS.

    I think I'm going to go primarily with the Comets and otherwise with the Nebula. thanks for all the replies.