What do you consider 'cheesy' ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by makrome, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. reticentbassist

    ZOE, TTK is INSANE even at range, and you cannot really run away or avoid them
  2. Klypto

    This game's wacko Physics.
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  3. Pie Chasm

    OHK shotguns... still
  4. vulkkan

    Cheetos, Cheez-its, mozzarella sticks, cheesecake.
    Edit: nachos :p
  5. Botji

    Doesnt maxed out ZOE need like 1 less bullet than without ZOE?

    I might have to add that everyone that complains about ZOE are cheesy too, the only real advantage from it is the speed and any fight that isnt 1v1 and less than 10m you are very likely to lose as a ZOE max. Just a lone medic can take you down to almost 50% in no time at all, a random rocket is instant death.

    The only time ZOE is scary is if you are alone or everyone around you are stupid enough to try to run away from the ZOE instead of just shooting it down in 2-3 seconds.
  6. DeadliestMoon

    Then they wouldn't be "lock-ons"
  7. Takoita

    IMHO, some of the 'cheesy' things are:

    - spawn beacons inside spawnrooms, AMP station generator lifts and ammo towers;

    - Harassers sitting ontop of the capture point;

    - AMS Sunderers deployed by the attackers in the places they really have no business being in (especially that exploit that allows you to deploy one inside the red 'no-deploy' area in AMP stations);
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  8. reticentbassist

    I appreciate your point, but have you been on the receiving end of a multi ZOE MAX crash?
  9. SolLeks

    All Lock-on weapons.
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  10. Botji

    I have been on the receiving end of ZOE crash just as I have tried to defend against TR/NC MAX crashes too.

    The things I like/dislike about the ZOE are the same if im the one useing the ZOE or fighting against the ZOE.

    I like/dislike the speed the ZOE has.
    I like/dislike the extra damage it takes when its on.
    I dont care about the extra damage it does when its on, one shot is not worth taking so much extra damage and dying from 1 less shot is never an issue when im fighting them. If I die to a ZOE then most cases I would have died to a no-ZOE too while if you kill a ZOE MAX it might have survived long enough to kill you if it didnt use the ZOE.

    In short, I kinda want them to use ZOE when im fighting them because they drop that much faster.
  11. reticentbassist

    Having never played in a ZOE myself, all I can say is that when I compare my experience in TR MAX to streamers like ItzMurda in ZOE MAX, it appears to me that the TTK on ZOE MAX even at 20-30 meters is seriously shorter than any other MAX, and their extra mobility allows them to engage and escape in ways that other MAX's can only dream of.

    Having said that, my evidence is purely anecdotal, and not based on facts. In general, I have a much easier time fighting NC MAX's unless I am indoors. Whereas I have just as hard of a time fighting ZOE MAX whether I am in or outdoors.
  12. Zamanoy

    I don't like SMG infiltrators

    I am guilty of killing infantry with my rocket sometimes due to the fact that you will die in the time it takes to switch back to your primary gun, I will take my rocket out if I hear MAX movement or gunfire and sometimes a normal inf will run at me after I switch to rocket.... and you gotta do what you gotta do to go home to your nanites.
  13. faykid

    that's my point. lock-ons should go, RL's should be guided instead
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  14. faykid

    all MAX units kill very fast, TR included. ZOE can kill faster at certain distances (at long distance if you equip Blueshifts), but if you ever played a ZOE max you'd realize that before you can kill a heavy at point blank he will shoot enough LMG rounds at you to take out a third of your health. if you run into 2-3 heavies and one of them shoots a rocket at you, you're dead in a second if not faster

    playing AI ZOE takes above average skill since you're very vulnerable and have to move and shoot accurately at the same time. i have ZOE 3 and i disengage it during AI fights since it weakens me to the point where i cannot kill anyone before i die to heavies
  15. DeadliestMoon

    Well whether you like it or not. Lock-ons get the job done.
  16. Simferion

    Non stalling ESFs and their lolpods
    The omnipotent debris
    Liberators with Dalton especially when it's silenced :D
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  17. faykid

    and some of them do it way better than others, making them the ultimate noob tube
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  18. Zolton34

    Heh i've played for a few weeks and have a high death rate lol But if i were to choose the ones i hate dying from it would be infiltrators that are half across the map one shotting me then stealthing. All other deaths i can deal with but those are the cheasiest i've ever seen. To much is put into the infiltrators. Sniper rifles plus stealth? Not sure why they decided they needed both but those are the ones i hate with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
  19. Posse

    -UBGL (aka noobtube)
    -Autoshotgun (because they're low risk high reward as opposed to, say, the pump action that's high risk high reward)

    Doesn't it deal 450 + 750 = 1200 dmg? In that case only Nano 5 should prevent death, anyway, since you have no way of knowing, you're better off firing 3 shots with a SMG and then knifing or aimiing to the head with the commissioner and then knifing.
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  20. DeadliestMoon

    At least you get warned.