whats with the lack of bases we can spawn at?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Liewec123, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    ESF it then.

    or IA/ join a squad and deploy where they are. Its not really a hard issue to deal with tbh
  2. Reaver027

    I would like to see a sytem like the one in PS1.
    There we had for the longest time only 4 possible spawn locations after death.
    Sanctuary, nearest facility, nearest tower and nearest ams. Later on they added the posibility to bind to a specific spawn point no matter where on the server.

    So if we would translate that into PS2. Warpgate, nearest facility, nearest large outpost, nearest small outpost, nearest ams.
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  3. BraSS

    This frustrates the sht out of me. I understand why it was done with whole outfits redeploying around the map at an instants notice but there must have been a better solution then having someone die and not be able to spawn at any of the nearby bases and at times any bases with any sort of action going on.
  4. Kracken

    NC has north indar warpgate, TR Devs have to screw something up while we have it right...

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  5. Pikachu

  6. SarahM

    I've had only warpgate, rashnu, and if I was lucky, tavarish (tawrich tech plant) for most of the last days. Either that or a sunderer.