What was your most satisfying kill?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Necron, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. a4555in

    I got a random roadkill when i was hovering in my lib at a biolab. Apparently, i was in the path of some TR using the jumppad.:D
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  2. Andrea SKye

    I killed a Reaver once with the Commissioner. It was on fire and flying right at me, exploded all over my screen, was sick.
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  3. Thovargh

    Ramming my red smoking out of ammo prowler into a damaged enemy lightning somehow killing him in the process and surviving until the next AT rocket
  4. Caserion

    In Galaxy, about to pick up a friend to go to NC arsenal, then i see a Vanu galaxy below me. I decide to jump out to throw C4 on it. The galaxy went up, straight to where my galaxy was going...

    Instantly got 9 kills.
  5. RovingDeath

    Once I was riding around on my uncerted fury flash and ran across a 1/2 prowler in the open field. I opened fire, fully expecting to die and slowly worked it down as it continued to miss, and then tried to flee. I got behind it and finished it off; VERY satisfying.

    Another one that made me smile was when I was in a heated battle and defending from a roof of a 2 story building. Got a lock with my hawk on a distant ESF, and took my shot. At that very instant, another ESF came screaming over my head at <5m away, it ate my rocket and exploded quite spectacularly over the heads of my squad =)
  6. CL4p2p

    Solo-kill a Sundy (with a good placement obviously).... in HA class.
  7. Jackalmaster

    Short burst to knife swipe when jetpacking in on a guy from above.

    Bonus: If I can finish my clip and knife swipe a 2nd guy and finish a third with my pistol then base jump out.
    Super bonus: If I can do this all in the night time while wearing black camo

    Makes me feel so elite
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  8. Arkenbrien

    More of a surprising kill.

    Was an engi taking shots at infiltrators while defending a base with my Eidolin. I saw a random heavy run across a field to get to some cover behind some rocks. I whipped my mouse over, clicked, and whipped it back, not expecting to even get anywhere close to hitting.


    Headshot kill.
  9. Get2dachoppa

    Found myself caught by a Fury Flash (pre-nerf) in the wide open on Esamir. Managed to put a few rounds into him with my SMG and he missed his shots with the Fury. So he tries to run me over while reloading, I timed my knife strike as he got close and killed him. Pretty satisfying to knife someone off an ATV.

    Hipfire BASR headshots are always satisfying too, even if they are totally dumb luck most times.
  10. ironeddie

    Not so long ago I was in my lightning with skyguard. I'd had a couple of kills when enemy armour turned up. I ran away & he gave chase. I got out of my lighting around a bend & jetted up into a nearby hill.

    Enemy tank comes up to my lighting starts shooting it up, I jump from my perch, hover, c4 boom. Tank kill, driver kill.

    Enemy trooper wants revenge & I'm not sure how, but he drop pods a few feet from where his tank just went boom. So we trade a few shots but I get the kill. And that's what makes this my most satisfying kill. Not only getting him in his tank but preventing his revenge & dropping him for that second time. Made my day.
  11. Czuuk

    I killed Zoidbergenstien as an infiltrator with a gun. Once. I was so excited I think I pee'd myself a little bit.
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  12. ironeddie

    One time at band camp...
  13. ColdCheezePizza

    I have soo many its like asking a mother who her favorite child is, but the most recent one I can recall was being killed by a BR100 Lolpodder, then immediately squad deploying and killing him back with my loldrop pod, then to add insult to injury I got him again a few minutes later while he was in a Lib while gunning an AA Sundy, glorious :p
  14. teks

    Silly lightning pilot.

    I'm a proud part of the 'adopt an enemy infil program' Perfectly content to let you have a picnic on my tank.
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  15. Awass

    Well he was getting shot up by rockets from my team, so he had to do something. In fact, I got killed by a friendly rocket right after I killed him.

    But I would still love to be your pet enemy infil. :)
  16. Prudentia

    long time ago, before lattice, NC had north warpgate and Vanu were at norweigh station. i was assisting a random burstermax and then the NC made an Armor push, we somehow survived and found ourselves on the way southeast. trough open field, no cover and the NC behind us. we were attacked by multiple reavers but he managed to scare them away and even killed one. and then a Lightning came at us, when he saw that we had no AV he tried to roadkill me first... and i jumped over him, he stopped, i planted 2 AT mines and he went reverse... 2 minutes later we safly reached Freya and farmed the NC

    oh and: Everytime i get more ground kills with the vanguard than ESFs, i get atleast 3 per spawn but only 1-2 ground targets normaly.
  17. ErrantPilot34

    More of a satisfying string of kills and one final ultra satisfying kill, but...

    A few weeks ago I decided to play in my not-so-certed Prowler, I join in an Outfit push at a Tech Plant as we start a push into another smaller VS territory and I push up far in my tank and run into a Magrider...he hits me and I hurry backwards to the Tech Plant firing at him...I get into a position on a hill/plane and weave in and out of his shots hitting him square on, this happens again with about 3 more Magriders, by this time my Prowler health is half gone and whacha know, another Magrider. He shoots me again and my health goes down to Red, I am doomed (i try reversing and hit a wall), about to finish me off, some brave TR LA with C4 hits him and gets him distracted enough to turn away from me, I take advantage, and destroy him.

    Two things I learned that day, LAs with C4 are gods of support...and Magriders are severely disadvantaged with the stationary turret.
  18. Jur270

    Any BR100 specific weapon vehicle farmer
  19. Jur270

  20. teks

    And uncerted prowlers are still a pretty big threat. they still out DPS most tanks. The real killer is that your just a 1/2 without a halberd/vulcan