A hardbitten NC veteran reporting live from TR faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cind3rs, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Liewec123

    or the fact that on Clientside 2 death is controlled by whatever the killer sees on their client
    (this is why you can be 3m out of sight and still die, because the guy shooting you saw you die on his client before you even realise he's spraying you on your client,
    but i'm getting side tracked!)
    in this format high RoF weapons will almost always trump slower weapons
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  2. Aegie

    Actually, if we look at ARs, LMGs, Carbines and Pistols we see that TR leads average DPS in every category, VS comes in second in 3/4 and NC comes in second in only 1/4.

    The hard-hitting thing is a bit misleading.
  3. Thovargh

    NC is the only faction with 200 damage per shot weapons. This is exactly what hart hitting means. Nothing else
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  4. Aegie

    Funny, in the description it says "hard-hitting" not "you get 3 200 damage weapons".

    Outside of sniper rifles (the hardest hitting infantry weapons in the game that are equal for everyone) the hardest hitting infantry weapons are the Commissioner and Underboss- both NS, available to any faction, any character, all the time regardless of whatever faction flavor your choose for your primary.

    Having high damage per shot is worthless if you have significantly lower DPS just like having high ROF is worthless if you have significantly lower DPS. Look, if you want to just argue because you like a different faction then go right ahead but IMO you're just picking a fight. All I am saying is that "hard-hitting" is a bit misleading.
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  5. Xasapis

    DPS is sustained damage. That's not the same as hardest hitting. A dual wielding battle axe can have huge alpha strike but the actual damage per second being horrible due to being so slow.

    The hardest hitting pistol is indeed NS.

    The hardest hitting AR, LMG, Carbine, Heavy and SMG however are all NC.
  6. Thovargh

    I'm saying that you definition of hard hitting is wrong.
    Hard hitting means that you hit hard, not that you hit fast
  7. CanadianAttackBeaver

    Don't be stupid. What the OP posted is valid, regardless of whether it is complete. He provided insight, from his perspective as a long-time NC player, as to how the TR weapons feel & compare to the NC equivalents. His insights may be incomplete since he didn't include the VS, but his insights still count.

    He highlighted, with detail, an imbalance that is perceived by many. I enjoy my NC character and have invested in him, but I'm not blind to the truthfulness of what he wrote, unlike some TR fanbois are. I tend to discount the overwhelming majority of nerf and imbalance cries, but the trend in the number of these posts is communicating something. Add in a post like the OP's and it's possible something is being perceived as wrong, despite the numerical balance of the game.

    I would assume anyone with half a brain could figure this out.
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  8. Aegie

    The hardest hitting weapons are all equal among the factions. Of the 27 hardest hitting infantry weapons, 8 are NC, 8 are TR, 9 are VS and 2 are NS.

    Discount that fact all you want but it is a fact. That there are 2 NS weapons that are more NC than anything NC has exclusively is also a fact.

    No bullet drop is not the same as no bullet rise but I imagine you would feel pretty upset if you found that VS weapons curved bullets upward into the air. Hey, that is no bullet drop.

    The idea that people would expect "hard hitting" to mean more damage and more damage to mean more damage is not that unreasonable. Granted, it is incorrect in this case but that does not mean that it is not misleading to find out that the "hardest hitting" firearms are the weakest.
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  9. Xasapis

    Hardest hitting AR: Reaper DMR
    Hardest hitting LMG: NC6 Gauss Saw
    Hardest hitting carbine: AC-X11
    Hardest hitting heavy: Jackhammer
    Hardest hitting SMG: AF-4 Cyclone

    If this was an rpg, NC would be wielding a huge battle axe, TR a pair of daggers and VS a sword. What you describe is having the huge damage of the axe along with the speed of the daggers and the usability of the sword. Something has to give.

    Bullet drop is a lie :). The game features such weak bullet drop on infantry weapons, that it makes zero impact in the majority of the fights, unless you use a silencer. Incidentally, the faction that is affected the most by bullet drop is ... the VS, with the main cannon of their battle tank suffering the most.

    Bottom line, NC is the hardest hitting faction. There are weapons on the other factions that try to approximate the effect, but no weapon like the ones listed above exist for VS and TR.
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  10. MurderBunneh

    ha ha it's always VS that say bullet drop doesn't matter. Try using a ACX-11 and tell me it doesn't matter. There is a reason so many VS run suppressors. Nc can't run suppressors without a massive bullet drop penalty. The penalty is so bad that for a long time people thought suppressors decreased damage but it was actually the drop making the shots aimed for the head hit the legs. So not only do we have to compensate for leading we also have to aim over their heads to hit the body.

    So when running suppressor VS only lead on 1 axis while NC and TR lead on 2 axis that's totally not an advantage amirite?

    But don't worry NC we get the ACX-11 and the LoLMax to make up for it.

    But bullet drop doesn't matter.

    So VS get better camo and the license to use an attachment that keeps you off radar. Totally not an advantage amirite?

    But bullet drop doesn't matter.
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  11. Roamcel

    The perfect conclusion, which I agree with.
  12. Bankrotas

    I so have issue with this though :/ It's both hardest and weakest hitting. If it had slugs, I would agree, but at this point. It's a 110 dmg times 6, but still single pellet has least damage as a shotgun weapon.
  13. Xasapis

    If you compare them to other shotguns, you are right. If you compare them to the other heavy weapons, then the Jackhammer does have the best frontloaded damage.

    Also, regarding suppressors. They do in fact affect damage to a great degree. That's why very few people use them. Damage degradation comes sooner, which means unless you're fighting close combat, you'll need more bullets to hit your target to do the same amount of damage. Suppressors are meant for close combat, where you don't show up in the radar when firing (ideal mix for infiltrators and SMGs) and where obviously bullet drop is a non issue.
  14. Sobdude

    Bullet damage doesn't do anything by itself. ROF is the prime attribute in this game! Almost every key locations located inside the buildings. That means CQ scenarios. ROF, DPM and damage per mag. are absolutely dominate in CQ. And almost every TR gun has better ROF, DPM and damage per mag.. Period.
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  15. Sobdude

    My NC character.

    My TR character.

    Nothing to add here.
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  16. Dingus148

    Let me guess. You played your NC since launch? Link pages, because for all we know you played your TR for 20 minutes and had a good run. Unless you link the pages, this is absolutely worthless.
  17. Xasapis

    I didn't say that it does, or that it is the most useful attribute a weapon can have. Far from it. All I said was that as far as a defining trait for the NC, this is a true one. So is bullet drop for the VS. Neither is particularly useful by itself.
  18. Sobdude

  19. Dingus148

    And your NC? What server? Just link the URLs
  20. Messaiga

    Huh, sounds like somebody had a good time. TBH, I would never go over to TR simply because they are FOTY right now, but if I could switch to VS while being able to redistribute my certs on the character I have right now I probably would since IMO, VS are the most balanced and fun of the three factions right now, but I can't just abandon my BR 73 NC either. :l
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