Anyone notice that being run over is rare now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. f0d

    i miss those days
    imo it was only inexperienced players that killed others or got killed those days and even though i did kill the odd person in my mag i NEVER got a weapons lock from it because i was considerate

    id rather have old weapons lock back and old hit detection on vehicles than the horrible "completely miss everyone you try and run over" system we have now
  2. eldarfalcongravtank

    the dead people underneath my magrider beg to differ
  3. Irathi

    Yeah I think there is a good corrolation between magriders and getting run over. When I started to play TR I stopped getting run over. Especially when playing engineer.

    The only safe place to repair a mag is when you are on top of it...

    I think the mag should have a lift up, force down button. So when you see anyone repair you can lift up and still move. If you're trying to run over enemy you can force it down so you don't simply slide over them.

    That being said I had a beautifull kill a while back. Light infantry was jet packing up to C4 me, so i backed up and found a small edge I could use as a ramp, then i magburned forward and killed him midair :) - he did not see that one coming xD
  4. Bankrotas

    I love to duck under magriders and C4 them
  5. sodom

    Ohh i'am still very good in running over VS. As soon as my Mag comes near a ally it activate Ally-Vaccum mode and all allies surrounding me are sucked into my Vaccum Cleaner, just dropping dead. Only problem seem to be that the cleaner don't work on enemy troops. They can stay under me drop mines there even use their launcher to dismantle my cleaner. I still look for the "suck enemy in" button.
  6. Ghosty11

    It's not only the Engies! I give Magriders a wide berth, and they still manage to find ways to run me over no matter what class I play. The only class I feel some what safe around a Magrider is as an LA since I usually just fly over them.
  7. IamDH

    Went on a 7killstreak by running people over in my prowler a week ago
  8. SokolovNC

    to me it happens so that when i only touch a friendly one he dies, when i try to run over an enemy nothing happens. :/
  9. Aegie

    I still feel that they could make it so that it is virtually impossible to run over friendlies- you know, just push them out of the way- and that this would go a long way to allowing vehicles to perform better support roles in combat. There was a good post about vehicles and how many end up just trying to farm infantry due in part to the lack of proper support roles and how one aspect of playing support in a vehicle is related to providing cover for infantry- not really possible when your friendly vehicles pose such a serious threat. I understand friendly fire- you need that to curb spam and have some immersion but I do not think the same case can be made so well for friendly road killing.
  10. ViXeN

    I was run over by friendly harassers twice last night.
  11. Cobsy

    There is a reason why the Magrider is nicknamed the Magmower.. Cant even turn around without teamkilling 5 allies.
    Also, people can run INTO your mag and die, it's gotta be the magnetic force.. radioactive or something.
  12. RHINO_Mk.II

    Infantry-vehicle collision in PS2 is based entirely on the infantry's point of view. Unless he saw himself get run over, he won't die. It helps to aim about 3 meters in front of them to account for lag.
  13. Klypto

    The old techplant design where hundreds of infantry would fill the vehicle bays in the unpossible fortress where render distance dropped to 10 meters use to get me weapons locked daily.
  14. Vanus Aran

    The Magrider is nowadays nothing more as garbarge compared to how good he could drive over enemys during Beta.
    Dont know why but the only thing im now driving over with my Mag are friendly engineers that I have not seen.
    ENEMYS? Forget it. Even if I drive in ways that would kill them, they never die.

    But I think there is an advantage to it too. To do such a thing involves the risk of getting close to C4.
  15. CptFirelord

    Well, that could be because now when you die in a vehicle, the body doesn't spawn in the world, it just goes

    Also, I've killed my fair share of stupid NC / VS who were parking on pads with flashes.. very fun to get 12 kills for pulling 1 flash.
  16. GSZenith

    nah just less players to run over now.
  17. Regpuppy

    pfft, couldn't say that when you were sundy traveling with a large force. Everyone trying top hop in prevented you from moving until they moved away. When an infantry zerg flooded the area, there was no safety from the grief system. :p