
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. ComradeHavoc

  2. -Synapse-

    NC don't suck. They just can't handle all this dakka and all that spandex combined.
  3. Corporate Thug

    Connery VS and NC bow to your mediocracy, in which you're the king.
  4. Badname0192

    Hint: Try to help out your lower BR's so they're less farm, more threat.
  5. Fredfred

    Hey some of us try to lose, it is so the fourth factioners stay away! (Yes, I am serious)
  6. Botji

    The only bad thing about NC is some of their weapons have a skill requirement before you can use them but they also have a very high skill cap compared to the other factions.

    I do belive though that the way NC are advertised they draw younger people, snipers and small groups of players. None of these usually end up being well organized.

    If you just take a look at the faction ideals etc the NC seem to be the clear "GOOD" guys with all their freedom, what kid doesnt like the good guys? they also have the largest guns so that must mean they are the best too!

    Snipers/lone wolfs.. they are the faction that all snipers starts off with a bolt rifle and looking at the faction traits what sniper doesnt want high damage per shot?
    I know the rifles are more or less copies of each other but if you didnt know that much about the game and you wanted to be a sniper, NC is the faction for you.

    NC as a faction is a group of freedom fighters going around with guerilla tactics, doing ambushes and things like that to win against larger numbers, thats how they are advertised as if you look at the videos and stuff about the factions so people that might want to start a "small but 1337 outfit" that might just be a few friends or with others on the interwebs NC would also draw those in because thats what NC seems to be about, again if you didnt know that much about PS2 and just went on official trailers etc.

    All that imo ends up with the NC we see today. I dont think this is all that off both from my own experience playing with NC and what I see others say in game or here on the forums, ofc there are a lot of good outfits for NC but quite a common complaint seems to be that there are just so many tiny outfits that getting things organized on a outfit level is a royal pain not to even mention all the cool snipers hanging around.
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  7. Sagabyte

    Play for ONE day. ONE.

    The NC is plagued from being disorganized. Join for ONE day and you will have a heart attack compared to the TR organization. Also strikes and ZOE are BOTH turned against us ;).
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  8. Teegeeack

    This. Playing NC is pure slaughter.
  9. Raraldor

    One of these decades we'll focus less on who is more op and instead look toward teamwork, tactics, and constructive critism on our play styles, then the NC will actually be able to win stuff.
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  10. Blackinvictus

    HAHAHAHA!!!! That just made my damn day there!
  11. Kracken


    So, see they admitted to listening. So keep whining I hear the intelligence boost is coming to the depot.
  12. wolfva

    Sagabyte hit the nail on the head. It's not our population, or our weapons. It's the fact we're not organized on anywhere near the level the TR or Vanu are.

    Here's an example. We have a beach head at some base or other, we're throwing NC at the TR like cannon fodder and making some advances...when suddenly the TR push back with several maxes and HAs with engie and medic support. Meanwhile, the back of our front line is being harrassed by ESFs and tanks, and our sunderers have both been taken out by concerted attacks. Without a fast resupply line for the front line troops, as well as no air cover, they're swiftly wiped out and we have to fall back to a base to respawn. Upon respawning everyone starts running back to the fight....alone. A couple of sundies with 1-3 people barrel by. A couple of 1 man vanguards as well. Of course, flashes galore and a few harrassers. We arrive at the now hardened TR base peicemeal; many people are killed by ESFs and tanks on the way. Infantry throw themselves against the massed TR forces and are wiped out. They then complain about being outnumbered....well, YES. You ARE. Because you attacked with just a few people from your squad instead of attacking en masse! D'UH!

    I've seen this happen more times then I can count. At the Crown today there was easily a half dozen, dozen TR in that building the jump pad drops you off at. And here come the NC...1 and 2 at a time. Needless to say the TR had quite the farm set up....but THEY weren't the ones doing the setting up. WE set ourselves up to BE farmed. They just took advantage of the situation.

    Another example is how the TR will send a couple of Galaxies, with full gun crews and often fully loaded, to a battle site. These galaxies will have a couple of ESFs as a fighter escort. They fly in as SUPPORT for the battle plan, not just a bunch of bored guys goin, "Dude! Let's like, try to cap that base brah!" Meanwhile, if you see a TR galaxy it's usually almost empty. Heck, I saw a solo galaxy land near a battlefield and the pilot ran out to fight. Apparently he was using the Galaxy as a Flash.

    As me ole pa used to say, "Son, excuses are like (censored), everyone's got one." Population? Weapons? Being double teamed? Those are just excuses. They're things we should be able to overcome with a tactical mindset. The inability to work as a cohessive unit? THAT is our real problem.
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  13. Sagabyte

    Well, we also have a big learning curve and unforgiving guns...
  14. NachoFoot

    NC are in a bad position currently. Most of the problems could be easily fixed. The two main problems exist:

    1. Gauss Saw is a horrible weapon to give new players. It does not compare to the Carv or Orion.
    2. Short range MAX weapons prevent pushing. The shield is lackluster in performance and blocks your view.

    Without effective MAX and starting Heavy weaponry, NC suffers when attempting to push. When you have to depend on low ranks to help while using a Gauss Saw, you're in trouble already. This is why you see NC losing alerts even with 40% pop.
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  15. hansgrosse

    In the past 3 sessions I've played, NC has won 2 alerts on Connery. Seems like they're doing okay to me.

    Or maybe I just have fortunate timing. Dunno.
  16. Tragachinos

    Stuff that you have described happens in TR and VS as well.
  17. wolfva

    Yep Tragachinos. That it does. However, the thread is about the NC pop complaints, so I'm taking it from the NC point of view. Now, if we were talking about problems with TR or VS I'd have gone on from THEIR point of view. Well, I would except I don't play them so I have no basis to make such judgements but that's another issue.
  18. MavCooL

    3. Lack of AA option. TR got air denial striker, dual burster lockdown and VS got dual burster ZOE while NC got something thats the same as every faction. That's why I love being in a liberator in NC sky. If I got a lock warning its just AA lock-on launcher ( IIRC its called hawk ) which kinda weak against aircraft
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  19. FocusLight

    I did . Gave it a full, average-day play-session.

    Perhaps more convincingly, I have a NC character on Woodman. While the NC is my least played faction overall because I personally favor TR and VS more for a variety of reasons (lore, visual appeal, overall 'feel' etc.) I play the NC toon on a semi-regular basis. I have little trouble personally, though the typical derp from Woodman NC occasionally get me down.
  20. ZeroErrorz

    actualy the best way to get organized is actualy starting a private squad that way you might get everyone havin mic and working like a real fireteam but you will need to follow the fight to compensate the lack of number,this way everyone outside of your squad considered as an bullet bait,to cover your fireteam movement, is this what anyone said of being organized since i dont think there is any other way to do it,since if you use blueberries as member of your squad you wont know how effective and their willingnes to follow order.