Is the Phoenix worth it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OffRyno, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    I think its well worth. Qhen I got purple medal for it I found it hard to go baxk to the crow. While others struggle to get a visual on the enmy I stand behind the hill all aafe and fire. If im lu kh to have team mates using it we can shoot at that prowler thats hiding behind the hill.
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  2. Doggzor

    But how do you use it coordinately with a squad using them. If say a tank is behind a hill and you happen to spot it using your phoenix, how do you get everyone to target something they cannot see themselves. Plus I assume everyone is behind something so they don't get gimped stood out in the open, so they are not going to get a visual of where your shot went.

    The way it works right now is you would have a squad of phoenix users all behind something firing at independent targets, which is in-turn just as effective as using it on your own.

    What it really needs to make it a squad effective weapon is to paint a marker on the position of the last target it successfully hits that is only viewable to others using the weapon.

    Another decent thing would be to reduce or remove the horrible restrictive area of view the camera hud uses, Because the projectile is so slow you need to lead a target and you cant lead anything with that obstructive view.
  3. lilleAllan

    Good damage pr rocket but slow RoF, slow reload, slow projectile speed (stock galaxies can outrun it) and all around low damage output over time.

    But it is GREAT FUN to use and I strongly recommend it. Lock on launchers are boring as hell and take no skill. The Phoenix is awesome and you can occasionally do some crazy stuff with it. I personally like to launch from a jump pad and fire it mid air at armor below - feels great, man.
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  4. ColdCheezePizza

    the other day saw a smoking Prowler in the distance, shot a Phoenix at it and the engi repairing it stopped and shot my missile out of the sky with his carbine when he heard the whistle noise it makes, reloaded shot again and same thing happened 2 more times. It's useless against air aswell when stock libs can out run them, I'd suggest to save your certs or money until they fix the Phoenix and get a 250 cert ground lock on instead.
  5. Syphers

    you want the hawk to take down annoying crafts and still be able to dumbfire Maxes and tanks
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  6. Revel

    No one will admit it, but its really good for hitting lots of different targets and raking in assist xp or picking off heavily wounded tanks trying to run behind rocks and repair.
  7. Aegie

    Nope. Best way to use a Pheonix that I have found is to get so close to the vehicle that you do end up not guiding it all- the less time you spend "piloting" the thing the better. Spend your hard earned certs elsewhere and only get the Pheonix when have plenty of certs and just want something a little different to goof off with from time to time.
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  8. dragunov

    Definitely u have no idea what u talking!!!! :eek:
  9. shd

    If you have certs/sc to throw away, get it. You will find yourself in a situation it is useful in (about twice a week) and it is kinda fun as a novelty. Otherwise, no.
  10. Dregan

    He does actually. A MAX has 2000 health and takes 50% more damage from Phoenixes specifically. Phoenix does 750, so against a Max that is 1125. 2 phoenix shots is 2250 which is more than the health of a MAX... unless I of course completely missed something.

    Well. First you talk to each other. "Left of Ammo Tower" is fairly precise. So is providing names if the targets have been "spotted". Another way that is less reliable is the idea of flying in formation. One person is the leader and fires first, while the rest fire just after and then follows his rocket in towards their target. The leader should say what he does so people are prepared if he banks left for example. As I said this is not entirely reliable as the clients don't always agree on where rockets are going.
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  11. dragunov

    No he doesn't neither does u :) Planetside2 is a broken game where phoenix rockets doesn't collide with infantry or MAX. The best u need like 20~50 shot to kill a MAX with the explosion when u hit the ground
  12. MasonSTL

    The phoenix only does 750 damage
  13. Pikachu

    Which is multiplied against vehicles by 8/3. Same damage as decimator.
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  14. oherror

    When i ran NC in PS1 it worked well. Now in PS2 its more of a gimmick then a valid option in battle. Sadly the default rocket launcher is just better. And if you already have the annihilator that works well for tanks and air.

    Only way that i can see it being useful if you have several camping libs.
  15. Scorponok

    crow? isnt that the AV? i thought the hawk was the AA launcher for us in NC...
  16. Divinorium

    Do you play with a squad? They know howto/use Phoenix?

    IF it's yes for both questions. Buy it.

    If it's no for any of those, don't waste certs. You alone with it aren't going to do much.
  17. a4555in

    As others said, its absolute fun to use. There's nothing in the game like the satisfaction you get when you hit lolpodding ESF's /libs.
    Aiming at aircraft with the pheonix is'int hard once you get some practise. If you do buy the rocket, droppod on top of a biolab with munitions pouch...i guarantee you will at least get some ESF's lolpodding the resupply pads:D
    I do occasionally manage to hit moving ESF' just gotta know by how much to lead the shot. Most people think its crap AA because they don't try hitting me-1 hit to an ESF after 5 fails is still worth it.
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  18. Cloaking

    I bought this on my alt a while back when it was on sale. I dont go on my alt too often, but when I do it's to use that bad boy.
    I use the striker too I must admit, but find the phoenix to be much more fun to use, and with the right placing (Behind any object which you can look above or around, you can sit and spam rockets until sundies either go down or run away, and they don't even see it coming :) it's not the strongest weapon but it's definitely the most useful, and fun. :D
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  19. Aegie

    Definitely the most fun to use IMO but I think it would be reaching to say it is the most useful.

    When I want to make the most out of the Pheonix I get into CQC with the target vehicle and use it like a short range dumbfire (think rocket shotgun)- any vehicle at a decent range takes so long to reach that it is easy to out repair the damage when you combine flight time with reload.
  20. Deschain

    Pheonix reminds me of a chocolate teapot, looks good ,taste good, but absolutely useless at its primary function.
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