They really need to review the placement of the pylons in amp stations.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Angry Scientist, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Angry Scientist

    Getting real tired of having a single sunderer diffuse through, having a terminal hacked, and then seeing three fury/maruader harassers parked directly on the point. There is no way to kill them without massive, overwhelming numbers, and if you're in a stalemate, guess what? That would crush any defense you have.

    Not a real fan of the practice of packing two squads into two sundies, diffusing through, and then camping everything with explosives, because lol, why should the defenders have any sort of advantage in the interior of their own base?

    The only way to stop the tactic is mines everywhere on the inside, and you can stop that from working with mineguard.
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  2. CNR4806

    You call that no fun, I call that organized tactics.

    Inadequately-prepared shield-diffuse assaults will get vaporized in seconds.
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  3. Sen7rygun

    Yeah tactics totally suck right? It totally sucks than when I'm defending my amp stations that I cant just sit on a wall farming kills all day and I have watch out for people driving a giant school bus through my lazy as all sh*t defences. I mean, why should I even have to pay attention to the capture point? Why should people even be able to reach the capture point at all? Its not as if we can just throw a few mines down right behind every shield wall and have a couple of HAs ready to rocket the crap out of anything that survives the mines right? Because that would be totally stupid....
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  4. ThunderSock

    Amp Stations are badly laid out.

    I don't mind abusing the vehicle physics, but I think it should be harder to do.
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  5. mblades

    its honestly laid out fine before the no deploy besides the harrasers on A point you had ams deploy under A and have litreally have platoons worth of people holding A instead of 1-2 squads that happen now.

    Besides amp station is probably the best/easiest base to defend since tactics matter more here than tech/bio labs.

    Also putting a sundy where you put it doesnt mean auto win since you still need to take our the generators if you are not GSD in. And generators are so easy to defend or repair.
  6. mblades

    well at least there is no deploy zones for enemies so its not like they will have 3 harrasers plus a deployed sundy spawning platoons worth of enemies instead of just 2 squads.

    Also you make it like its impossible to stop this but there are ways to stop it. Use the sundies to block them physically which take what 4 sundys to block all access via GSD and have a sundy deployed under A to have some people deploy there.Mines even if they have mineguard doesnt mean it wont hurt, heavies with decimators hell 1 squad easily hold A from 1-2 squads if they are there in advance which is what defenders get. If you dont take advantage of being in the base before the enemy do then its your factions fault not the game developers.

    Besides you offer no way to fix it instead of ******** about it maybe if you offered a alternative way of fixing it instead of saying this is a problem but soe fix it means your just lazy.GSD always been used before no deploy and even more so now because of no deploy.

    Also there are ways to prevent your said situation from happening and if you cannot employ these particular measures to stop organized squads crashing on A then you need to go back to COD where tactics are not needed.
  7. CrashB111

    I can get 8+ kills at once when people try shenanigans like that. Most Battle Buses that run with GSD also use Blockade Armor.

    Nothing better than to be walking around defending the walls and randomly get a massive killstreak of several MAX units and their support because they all had the misfortune of Fluffy here and drove through my mined up shield door.

  8. Regpuppy

    Simple solution to the harassers getting on the point; make the pylons blocking off the stairs taller, even stretching them to the ceiling. Problem solved. Those things were put in before harassers to stop vehicles from driving up there, so they need to be redesigned again to fit with harassers then. Because they obviously don't intend for it to happen. I agree that harassers getting up there is an issue.

    As for breaker sunderers, I'm not sure I see the issue. It's a very niche upgrade MADE for exactly what you're complaining about. It effectively turns the sunderer from an infinite infantry spitting machine into a single use item to get up to 12 people through the shields. Especially when defenders have the option of deploying their own sundy there, mining it up, and more often than not seeing the thing as it's coming in.

    If you cannot stop a finite amount of people hopping out of a GSD sunderer with the options to mine, block off, and deploy an AMS inside then you just got outplayed. You could even go one step further and use tanks/lightnings/sunderers to block off the doors physically like someone here suggested. If it's simply a matter of you not having anyone in there during an attack. Then tough luck. The only broken thing they can do is put harassers with fury or marauder guns, which I agree is broken. Aside from that, they can't deploy an AMS inside anymore, so it's just a matter of clearing them out and deploying one yourself.
  9. Angry Scientist

    The harasser issue I stand by. Something that requires several rockets to destroy while outputting enough explosive power that can crush even a max crash should not be able to be plopped on the point. Sunderers can get up there, with determination, though it seems to be so time consuming as to not be worth it.

    Mines are a valid way to counter GSD sunderers, as are proximity mines + tank mine on the terminals to automatically pop them. The issue there is that teammates are stupid. Gotta love when they 'defuse' my trap by shooting it because why not? But that's neither here nor there.

    The tactic I'd like to mull over is simply bottling up two squads or more of maxes, medics, and engineers into an amp station. Overpowered, needs a nerf? No, I'm not so simple as to demand that without a valid reason. But it's a potent tactic, and incredibly difficult to counter. Kill an enemy, three medics rush to get them up. Can't kill the medics fast enough, and if you did, you leave one...well, sucks to be you. The revive grenade is simply going to laugh at your killstreak as well. Infinite revives, plus the fact of an indestructible's surprisingly easy to keep the defenders out. I had the tactic done to the NC twice, and despite my best efforts to coordinate the defenders, the base was lost both times.

    What to do, what to do, in such a situation? Realistically. Let's roll the options.

    Any armor you send in is bottlenecked, twice over by the enemy vehicles. Enemies swiftly swam the vehicle to kill it with C4. The vanguard has an advantage in the shield, but eight seconds is two shots. Not enough to kill anything that isn't two direct shots to the face as a max.

    Okay, max crash them back. Not a horrible tactic, but you need to organize greater numbers then they have. Remember, fury sundies and enemy maxes sitting in your room, and you have a grand total of five ways in, each able to be easily camped. The best is the SCU shield, which actually lets fury projectiles through but blocks rockets at range, making any vehicle on the other side entirely safe. Most max crashes would get crushed.

    Infantry rush? Ends the same. Maybe sheer attrition might kick them out, but the ever present medic issue makes it hell. Not pleasant.
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  10. mblades

    Oh so you are talking about when all other options have failed to prevent them from getting there. Well there are 5 ways in and in theory 2 organised squads can hold each.

    But if you do armour they have to go in without stopping sure 1-2 will get c4 maybe mined if their engineers have them but it would make their maraders useless against your armour once their av options have been exhasuted also pure tanks wont take the point but will divert some of their attention of your infantry that push after they focus your tanks. not to mention one of the entry points gets opened aka the SCU room since you can clear that section with tanks and procede towards the harraser on A. Infantry and spam AV nades or LA from below A point to flank.

    Besides you cant just use one tactic otherwise they can focus you. Going to have to do simultaneous attacks with armour/infantry/max crash. I will say that the harraser thing is pretty broken so maybe a pillar stopping them getting on A point may be in order but its not a impossible stalemate to break just alot harder.

    To be honest if they got on A that quickly/easily then its either your squads/platoon/faction probably didnt deserve to have the base.
  11. Ender

    They can't spawn in there, you need LA's suiciding on their harassers, it's not all that hard ESPECIALLY if you own the base. No nerfing fun now come on!
  12. Angry Scientist

    All of your sunderers run blockade, come on. Add on the fury spam at anything that moves, and nothing gets in. Superior numbers are the only take your own base back. When you own it. It's basically ridiculous.
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  13. Van Dax

    clearly the solution is to construct more pylons
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  14. P0INTMAN

    god forbid you have to actively defend a base against an organized and experienced force with tactics. this particular tactic CAN be countered, use your mind and think about it. Those shield diffusser squads have one major weakness: they're surrounded. they cannot respawn outside of the shield.

    What do you do? Kill their ams, if any, grenade spam and kill their medics, kill their vehicles and then KILL THEM.
  15. Angry Scientist

    I honestly get the feeling you haven't experienced the scenario I'm talking about.
  16. Van Dax

    but seriously 2 c4 and one tank mine on each entrance and you're totally safe.
  17. Prudentia

    well if we rate the diffrent ways in:
    SCU: LoL are you stupid? the Shield makes it extremly hard to see the enemy while they can easily pick up any movment in the wide open area down there.
    the big gates: can work, depends on your and their faction, numbers etc
    the jumppads
    a) the front elevator: heavies with decis and AV nades can kill the vehics and you have good cover from the vehicpads and the barriers when you in and you can't be shot from enemys on the bridge
    b) back elevator: you are directly at the Cappoint and they can't shot you before are in knifing range

    so use the f ing jumppads they are the best friend of the defenders ever, it takes 8 seconds to get from the spawn to a) and 15 to b) max crash them, they can't use their vehics for b)
  18. Angry Scientist

    Jumpad entrance can easily be camped by vehicles inside the bay. A sunderer with dual furies can destroy anything that comes in faster then it can react. I loved using the pads to assassinate sunderers before the no deploy zones, but it doesn't work so well.

    Remember, you can easily watch every entrance with five men. Any more then that and it gets exponentially more difficult to breach, especially since you can spam as maaaaaany explosives as you want at anything. In this case, the shields work against you because they can see you and in this, they have the superior firepower. Anyone trying to shield hop will get shot. Quickly.
  19. Prudentia

    i solo killed a sunderer there with a comet max by just circlereloading in the elevator, no one exspcets you from there
  20. Teegeeack

    It's a trick that takes advantage of poor base design. You're not Erwin Rommel.