TR = Hardmode

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OriginalPodster, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. ShinBreaker

    Striker: Guided Lock-On Missle
    Lancer: Sniper Charge-up Rocket Launcher

    Which one is easier with a group of players?
  2. Makora

    it all very much depends on the moment to moment gameplay. If you happened to be in the middle of a situation where things just stack against you. Your buddies not noticing that sunderer, that infiltrator slipping through the net, that friendly who didn't see you and ran you over while hiding from a mana AV turret.

    They all stack up on how you precieve something. You become irritated, and at some point you die to three people who just so HAPPEN to use the same weapon, and just so HAPPEN to see you before you see them and you die. It simply causes you to think "Oh I get it. X is OP so everyone is using it. Balance is BS, X is BS, faction using X is BS, everything to do with the faction using X is BS, EVERYTHING IS BS!" And it snowballs.
  3. Aegie

    [points out you can look at API data to see how things are performing]
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  4. VoidMagic

    I <3 this thread.
    Everytime I see it... I LOL... 4real
  5. Urban-ski

    VS has the best/easiest to use infantry weapons.....hmmmm

    I'd rather have the TR infantry stuff anyday. 40 round clips on the assault and carbines, 100 round clip on the starter Heavy weapon. I know there is a longer reload time but I'd rather have the extra rounds in the clip every time. Having played both factions (mainly VS) I think the TR infantry weapons are OP

    The lack of bullet drop is an advantage for VS at range but I don't think VS is easy mode - TR seems stupidly OP right now and I don't get the SOE logic on some of the TR weapons but they will probably balance it over time.
  6. Tekuila

    C'mon now, the TR lmgs are crap.
  7. Grayson

  8. Pootisman

    what VS has? all vanu gear is superior to other factions, vanu is easymode, NC hardest.
  9. MurderBunneh

    TR is hardmode for bads but then isn't everything?
  10. asmodraxus

    To the VS player
    NC easy mode
    TR easy mode
    VS hard mode

    To the TR
    NC easy mode
    VS easy mode
    TR hard mode

    To the NC
    TR easy mode
    VS easy mode
    NC hard mode

    Deal with it!

    Some empires have advantages that the others don't have ie TR striker, makes for the asymmetry and remember this game is not yet finished for all we know there's going to be lock on AA/AV weapons for NC/VS Max units?
  11. pnkdth

    Compared to their amazing carbines and ARs I would assume they'd feel that way. Trading down from the TAR, SABR-13, Jag, or T5 AMC must feel like one hell of a downer. The TMG-50, Rhino(my favourite of the bunch), MSW-R, and CARV are not bad LMGs, they just don't blow you mind like the ARs/carbines do.
  12. Tekuila

    I'd take NC lmg's over TR ones anyday, but yes the TR assault rifles are amazing.
  13. Aegie

    [to a statistician TR>VS>NC]
  14. Zombo


    the f*ck?
  15. MurderBunneh

    When NC was overpop they said we scored low because there were less targets. The only place we EVER had consistent first place success was the MAX and after that was nerfed nothing.

    Now that NC is the underpop we still enjoy last place. If we ever do get some love prepare to see TR whine threads 100 times a day like back in March,.
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  16. Aegie

    [points out for the 2^200th time how pre-nerf NC MAX outscored TR MAX by 8.5% and how post-nerf Prowler outscored Vanguard by 20%]
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  17. Keiichi25

    The Vulcan suffers the biggest issue because the Devs didn't learn from the earlier mistake made by the previous PS1 devs when it came to the Dual Cycler and the Pounder MAX.

    The Dual Cycler and Pounder MAX originally started out as the AI and AV MAX for the TR. Somewhere between Beta to Retail, they were swapped because the Pounder was sub-par in comparison to the other AV MAX armors, mostly because the pounder required a lot more effort to aim and lead a target compared to the Falcon and Comet AV MAX armors. The Dual Cycler was fine for AI MAX, although its firing rate was about the same or worse than their standard infantry Assault Rifle, the Cycler.

    They went with making the Dual Cycler be the AV max and the Pounder as the AI MAX. Which went horribly wrong, as the Pounder turned into a major grief machine for the TR because of the explosives were just as likely to hit friendlies and no way to control it because the pounder was designed to fire mortar rounds and indoor fights was a nightmare for TR AI MAX users because the mortars are hard to fight infantry indoors and at close range, which most AI fights are. The Dual Cycler's AV damage was crap, even with it upped a few times and lowered for AI damage... What more, the Dual Cyclers were used more effectively AS AI MAX armors.

    The Vulcan is suffering this same problem. It is overpowered for AV per round. Even if you lower it to make it not nearly as effective, there is still the issue with the AI component. And even if you lower the AI component, you will more likely make the weapon less worthwhile using in general.

    The Maruder AI weapon is annoying AI wise with HE spam, but it should have worked like the Pounder gun on the Maruder, more for AV/AI than pure AI. It would also require more effort than spray and pray with the vulcan which is annoying the most out of people with regards to the AV component and put it close to on par with the NC/VS AV weapon equivalent and fit the theme.

    The Vulcan is more fitting for an AI/Light Anti-Armor weapon than a pure AV weapon.
  18. Balrogos

    best tanks good story bro 550 dmg per shot.
    best ESF good story bro Scythe

    maruder is OK not op not bad
    same fractures
    Strike its just rocket launcher
    Vulcan close range AV just ok
  19. Littleman

    I'll give you that. If your base aim is sub-par, the VS weapons are by far the most punishing. NC make shots count. TR have the ammo to spare. VS fall in line as the efficiency empire with accurate weaponry that makes making every shot count much easier, but only if the player's aim is initially and stays true to begin with. RPM be damned, it's only really good in CQC, and even then, player accuracy and CoF control > RPM.
  20. lilleAllan

    OP goes on ignore