I've noticed something about Mattherson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shadoiex, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. Shadoiex

    ~1 month ago
    VS won everything, had highest pop, unless they we're "lunchbreaking/dinnerbreaking"

    TR own everything, have highest pop. unless they are "lunchbreaking/dinnerbreaking"

    Hey NC, we may have a chance to shine, soon.
  2. Shadoiex

    Actually, I've noticed the NC are taking more and more continents on Mattherson.

    Our time is almost here.

    Live free in the NC.
  3. Delta102

    NC was overpopped longer than TR-VS combined.
  4. Delnar_Ersike

    Take a look at Sirisian graphs if you're interested, but I doubt you'll "have your time" like TR has for the past 2 months. Even when NC had the larger population, they performed at a similar level to TR and VS, mainly because their (default) weapons are the hardest to use of the three factions, so an average player isn't as deadly with NC weapons as TR or VS weapons; this is even before you consider "flavor of the month" factors like what weapons are overpowered, underpowered, broken, etc.

    Oh yeah, and according to a lot of stats people have gathered to try to prove NC is underpowered in all regards, they noticed that NC has the lowest average Battle Rank (~39 compared to TR ~40 and VS ~41) and unique player kills per minute, so there's that to consider, too.
  5. Negator

    or that NC draws more new players, and outside of a handful of outfits have little coordination.