TR = Hardmode

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OriginalPodster, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. NoXousX

    It's not that the NC AI maxes are as good as the zoe, it's more that that they are both OP.
  2. Notih8Darian

    NC maxes are kinda ****** though
  3. Posse

    >Has the Striker (a.k.a. lockon rocket that even a monkey without hands can use)
    >Complains about other factions being easy mode.

    Yes, classic TR.
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  4. Zombo

    the infantry weapons have less recoil and no bullet drop, yes, yet Vanu has
    1)The weakest MBT, especially compared to the *lolshield* vanguard and the *loldmg* Prowler
    2)The worst damage dropoff over range and bullet velocity
    3)The worst CoF bloom by far for infantry weapons, don't even think about full-autoing (i am looking at you TR)
    4)The ultimately most hillarious max Anti-Vehicle weapon (Vortex)
    5)The crappiest standart AND empire specific pistol (cerberus and beamer)

    limiting a faction to the only anti-infantry weaponry is a bit harsh you might say
    the really good AV stuff we have is the Saron (i think btw that the saron, vulcan and enforcer never should have been mounted on harassers, EVER) the lancer, and the comet, which is crap compared to the falcon, fracture and striker (the only exception being the phoenix, which is just like throwing wet towels at vehicles and infantry)

    I think its okay to say Vanu and NC are not easy to play, with NC being by far the hardest, whereas TR with their ultimately low-skill weaponry really peak out:
    Striker almost instalock, 300m range,
    Prowler, F*cking crazy DPS and TWO shots for a MBT to top it off,
    bullet hose infantry weapons that are very easy to controll and have a ridiculous CoF bloom
    Fracture MAXs, outdamaging every other AV max and two-hitting infantry when both arms are firing

    and the best part is, the world domination event is quite simply proving that by the numbers
  5. Zexis

    TR isn't hardmode (lol) but it's also not as OP as people make it out to be. TR has the highest pop right now, so people are picking on the red faction to compensate for that.

    Skill + numbers > tiny differences in weapon stats
  6. Posse

    I'd like to add that my TR alt has more accuracy with the T9 CARV than I have in my VS one with every LMG, yes, TR is soooooooooo hard mode, make me laugh more.
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  7. Ronin Oni

    TR = Hard Mode?!???!?!?!?


    oh frack, I can't breath... can't... stop... laughing........


    wait-a-minute... is this a new tactic? Kill enemies by making us laugh to death?
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  8. P4NJ

    So much whiner logic in this topic, from all sides =P
  9. Locke

    NC MAX suits have advantages when it comes to taking on other MAX suits 1vs1 at close range due to high front loaded damage and a small TTK advantage at close range against infantry (0-10m). At pretty much any other range they are at a disadvantage due to long reload time, short magazine size and steep damage drop off. You can somewhat mitigate the damage drop off by equipping slug ammunition but then you start to lose your close range ability for dealing with enemy MAX suits.

    This doesn't make them useless or underpowered in the wide scale game they just are not as good as the "lmg" MAX arms that the VS/TR get in a lot of situations.

    As for TR being hardmode... personally I think they are easy to play mode. Big magazine size infantry weapons, 2 shot tank turrets make for easy infantry farming, decent range MAX weapons with lots of ammo, one size fits all vehicles lock-on launcher, MAX AV weapon with high accuracy + high velocity (point and hold down trigger) etc. Some of those bonuses have disadvantages to of course but overall I think TR have a lot of nice easy things to use.
  10. SpcFarlen

    Ima just put this here

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  11. Shanther

    The issue I have with the NC MAX is it will punish correct play. You could turn a one way corner, walk straight into a Shatmax and get 1 shot killed without even a chance to respond. You didn't do anything wrong and are punished for it. If you are fighting NC the correct play instead of walking into a room is to just stare at it and do nothing. Or throw a million nades at it and hope to kill the MAX and any medic that may be near by.
  12. chrisbeebops

    The NC MAX's strength is also its weakness. All of its damage is frontloaded, and if it misses its shots with its small mag size, it is stuck reloading for several seconds. VS and TR MAXs can sustain fire for much longer and can take out more infantry more easily in a single clip.
  13. Shanther

    Indeed. I am just not a fan of things that instagib and punish even correct play.
  14. Unclematos7

  15. Flashtirade

    You've got a few things wrong with your facts.
    - They normalized damage drop-off for the VS.
    - The Striker has a lock-on range of 400m versus ground, 500m for air, or something like that.

    Also, I disagree with:
    - Comet worse than the Falcon, at least ZOE makes dual Comets viable
    - Vortex being the worst MAX AV, Pounder is a thing
    - CoF bloom complaints, I'm not too sure on the values so I can't make a solid case for or against this

    The rest is fine though.
  16. Unclematos7

    If a shotgun got in instagib range then the user already played correctly and you didn't. Biolabs are another story though so I'll give you that.
  17. Zerran

    Really, the best way to avoid this is to just listen. Have to keep volume up and have a decent set of speakers/headphones, but the NC max is the loudest by far. When I'm fighting NC, I just listen for "CLANG CLANG CLANG" of the max's footsteps, and either avoid them or get the jump on them. Obviously doesn't help against a camping max, but in that case he stood still in the exact spot you were coming from, and so predicted someone would go that way, in which case he played well and deserved the kill.
  18. Posse

    There's nothing more scary than that sound when fighting NC :p

    The problem is you're not going to hear it in the middle of a Bio Lab 48+ vs 48+ fights with bullets (and plasma) flying everywhere, so I just assume there's going to be a ScatMAX inside any of the Bio Lab's buildings, it's easier that way :D
  19. CptFirelord

    >Has ZOE, the Lancer, Orion, Ursa, SVA-88, Serpent, Manticore, Sirius
    >Complains about other factions complaining about factions being easy mode.

    Classic VS.
  20. Shanther

    Oh trust me I make a point to listen for NC MAXs to the point any time I hear one I just start assuming he is stalking me and trying to do mean things to my body. There are still times though where you run into an NC MAX and get gibbed when you really didn't make a mistake. You bring up the fact he predicted someone would go that way, saying he played well and deserved the kill. Not really because it isn't a hard thing to do. There are a lot of places that force that to happen. When you fight the NC walking in buildings is such a coin flip if you are going to get gibbed by a MAX. The TR and the VS will still kill the person but you at least stand a okay chance of getting away. I have to COMPLETELY change how I play against the NC because of this fact.

    The the TR and NC can completely lock a area down way more effectively then the VS can. Lockdown Frac MAXs shooting at a door or putting Shatmaxs guarding a door are, in my opinion, to effective for the amount of effort required.

    Don't get me wrong ZOE will wreck NC MAXs. Its the insta kill on normal infantry that annoys me. I don't like shotguns >_<