Dormant accounts; times up.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Liberty's-Call, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. VanuSovereignty

    Well I got a more original name...
  2. Verisimilituder

    Yours is at least related to the game you're playing. I'm actually surprised it's not a naming violation, like trying to name yourself the same as an important NPC in EverQuest.
  3. NoblePixel

    I would approve of this only if it was for people who were level 0's. After several updates, I found myself unable to access my account no matter what I tried. I had to wait for the next update to be able to play. In my opinion, a player's name should only be deleted if they were inactive for at least six months, or two updates.

    Moving on to outfit names. I find it extremely annoying to find my first choice of a tag chosen by an alliance of two people who haven't played in a year. In my opinion, outfit names should be removed without option if the outfit hasn't been active for a while/
  4. ShureShot

  5. Pikachu

  6. ShureShot

    Ok good, and I see you replied in yellow. Here, AV grenade, catch ;)
  7. Mishkel

    One thing is if the account took part in that Alpha Squad promotion I think it would look very bad to take those names away.

    Then the other issue is... if say I'm off playing another SOE game and have station access. My character in PS2 may be inactive.. but the account is "active" and being paid for. SOE should never take a name away in that situation either.

    Beyond that if someone tried the game for a couple BR's never came back and doesn't play any other SOE game (or have station access) .. personally I don't have a problem with it. That said... SOE isn't really one of those companies if you look at names in their other games. The only reason someone might lose a name is due to a server merge and PS2 doesn't have that issue due to have names work.