Connery is down Connery is down!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by tomahawk72, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. tomahawk72

    Start the freak out! :eek:
  2. KnivesAldren

    Freaking out sir!
  3. swiftmiester

    OMFG what now
  4. KnivesAldren

    Alert to Desktop in progress.
  5. ChapsChaos

    ALL IS LOST! :eek:
  6. portlandian

    why does the server status on here not show that its down...?
  7. ChapsChaos

    Dunno, Bug maybe? Or either unintended server crash...
  8. ChapsChaos

    Its back :) Peace is restored!
  9. XQueen_ChrysalisX

    Hide yo certs!! Hide yo SC!!!! An- Oh well, it's back... Oops