Already Deeply Certed into Medic.. Advice on where to go now?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by BobTGoldfish, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. JonboyX

    C4 as stated. One level in triage at least ensures team mates exit a vehicle at full health, but are ultimately probably wasted certs (might as well though, it's an unused slot otherwise).

    I'd get some NanoWeave on your medic as an alternative load out. Many times it's more useful than flak to be honest, especially when you're nipping in and out of gun fire; level 5 and you'll still survive at the radius of a grenade.

    I think realistically though, my advice would be for you to cert in to a different class! That way you offer versatility. I'm currently dividing my time between medic and max. Two very different roles, so you don't get bored/become too used to just one style of play...
  2. Souleater

    For medic I think the Armistice is better than a shotgun because it gives you a longer effective engagement range. An LA has more avenues to attack from, much greater mobility so can often start a fight a point blank range.

    SPA is good for pushing out your maximum damage range.

    Engineer can be an excellent second class simply for the ammo packs and repairs. You ar3 supporting your group but in a different way. I have often noticed an over abundance of these two classes. Being able to swap out if the other one is needed can be useful.

    I often end up swapping to Medic to res a fallen Max then quickly swapping to engineer to repair and re-equip him.
    A few levels of NW or Flak are all one really needs once you have three or four upgrades in Ammo Pack and Rep Tool.

    if you do not want to go deep into Engineer then a flexible class like HA or MAX might be worth a look. MAX flexibility comes at the expense of having to swap loadouts at a terminal.

    HA could use smg or shotgun for assaulting rooms, and the LMG is good for longer range fights, obviously.

    You could l9ok at fitting out a Sundy with AMS, or ammo or repair, or simply to be a battle bus.
  3. RobotNinja

    MAX cert Triage...

    ...said no one ever.
  4. asdfPanda

    Get C4, finish flak, get full nanoweave, cert out the TAR.
  5. LowTechKiller

    Does anyone forego the defensive armor in favor of multiple revive grenade slots?
  6. phreec

    Nanoweave 5 and 2x C4.
  7. Epic High Five

    I do this, 4 revive grenades is a whole crapload of certs and useful for pushes where you're under heavy HE bombardment.

    My personal record is 12 revives with a single one, but I can spam them in biolabs and make CRAZY exp.
  8. Regpuppy

    Unless you're standing by tanks all day, go nanoweave. If you play support/backup, Advanced Shield capacitor is a legit choice that shortens the downtime between shield recharges.

    For gun, (TR, right?) throw a laser dot on the TAR and be ready for anything. You probably will not need any other gun. Shotguns are only good if you're extremely aggressive and constantly force close fights as a medic.

    Other than that, there's nothing really huge for medic unless you get together with a bunch of other medics and use the immortal squad tactic.
  9. BlackLight

    Do NOT get triage... Why? 350hrs playing medic and it has got me: 84xp
    • Up x 1
  10. iRhuel

    You could try exploring the other 95% of the game you're missing out on.
  11. Epic High Five

    Hey, if they're really enjoying medic why stop? Medic is a great class and scales the best with player skill out of all of them. I made a bunch of exp as a medic when I was terrible and now that I cruise around with a 3-4kdr I still make gobs of exp with them. It's worth investing in!
  12. Shiaari

    Triage is one of those surprise certs when you get into a vehicle and you see, "You're being healed by..."

    It's a warm and fuzzy feeling, but way too expensive cert wise for it's exclusive use in vehicles.

    I think triage needs to replaced with something else and made innate.
  13. Adept

    Haha! I've just received my 1st 10 XP 3 days ago! I've had Triage for 4 months maxed btw.. talk about wasting certs (OMG!!!).
  14. RealityWarrior

    1st level only of Triage isn't a waste by any means. It also is a low priority. Speaking as a mainly NOT medic character, finding healing isn't easy. I carry mines or C4 so I can't self heal and unless you happen to be near a medic that is using his AOE actually getting healed is very rare. Showing up at the next fight ready to go is pretty important and the Platoon leader doesn't want to stop the sundy or Gal long enough to have 2 people jump out, heal, and get back in.

    Should triage be redone? Absolutely. I would love to see it have an AOE around the vehicle you are in or something.

    If you are certing Triage for the xp return you are doing it wrong. It is to improve your squads effectiveness, not to power level you while you sit in the back of the bus.
  15. SirIBON

    Me fully agree.
    I do not fight for Exp, me fights for my Fraction.
    But the Exp reflect some effectivness. So i wouldnt certs i again, as long is has not real benefit for the Team.
  16. hansgrosse

    The one good use I can see for triage is as part of a combat vehicle crew. If the driver (and other gunners, depending on the vehicle) is (are) an engineer, then having a triage medic in the gunner seat could be very helpful. If the driver/other gunners hop out to repair and take hits while they're doing it, it's far better to be able to jump back in and get healed rather than to risk coming back out at half health next time repairs are needed. Also, having a triage medic gunner could be hugely useful for the engi in the back seat of a harasser, as that guy's almost guaranteed to take hits at some point.

    Other than that though, yeah, not an extremely useful cert line.
  17. MrK

    Understatement of the year :)
  18. Posse

    Get rid of Flak Armor, cert into Nanoweave.
  19. SirIBON

    Try the other direction.
    Take the driver seat as Medic and Gunner seat als Engineer.
    If your Hasserer get damage the Engy can swap to the backseat.
  20. rovad

    With so many peeps preaching C4, I can only add one more voice to the choir - while not nearly as worth those certs as on light assault, C4 will add that extra layer of fun that medic class often lacks. You will often be able to get those Extreme menaces by dropping it on maxes, and 2 bricks can save you when you're 1v1 against enemy lightning or heavy tank - experience, fun and certs from those will justify the cert cost over time....