spotting for air

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Archangelmmiii, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Archangelmmiii

    If infantry spot tanks other infantry etc should i be able to see that as a pilot? i never see anything i havnt spotted. maybe people arnt spotting then.
  2. LowTechKiller

    Now I think you have to be within 100 meters of the spotter at the time, so unless you're hovering, you're probably missing them.
  3. GamerOS

    I wish as infantry I could tag or designate enemy vehicles or very precise coordinates using a special tool giving pilots in a certain radius with rocket pods a special icon on said target so they know it's an attack request from ground forces, heck maybe even make it render on longer distances so it's easier for them to zero in on it.

    Knowing how most pilots don't know what teamwork means I doubt it will affect most people tough.
  4. LowTechKiller

  5. bodmans

    this will be sortof implemented with the missions system
  6. GamerOS

    It might be just my experience, but most ESF pilots I know care about 2 things, 1v1 honorbrawl skill based dogfights against other ESFs, and lolpodding infantry targets.
    The few times I see air working together with the ground it's either because it's a zerg with everything in it, or an outfit getting all it's members, even the one's who barely know how to fly, together to rocket pod the targets.
  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    sorry but i'm against 'global' spotting. an infantryman could highlight a to him barely visible tank in 500 meters and all ESFs/Libs end up seeing and destroying it. basic things like hiding, flanking and camouflage would be totally useless. you might as well keep doritos above everyones' heads forever
  8. GamerOS

    Allow only one class to do it (infiltrator maybe?) or only squad/platoon leaders (like some kind of new spawn beacon, heck maybe they fill the same slot) and let it only be possible within a certain range (can only tag at 100M or less) and give the person using said device something so he can be spotted (a red laser light if you look in his direction?)

    Because certainly we don't want something like this spammed, but if it's usage could be limited so it's something you have to choose to use and not something everyone just gets it would be pretty interesting.
  9. Bill Hicks

    I think spotting should be nerfed into the ground.
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  10. FateJH

    Saying "nerfed into the ground" in an Air thread. That's classy.