NC should leave Waterson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrazyMike, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Mr_Giggles

    I already have a low level NC on Waterson, I just don't really want to spend the time leveling him again or else I probably would be NC more often. I can tell you right now that Waterson NC, while they still have issues, also have a lot more communication than Connery NC.

    My NC used to be my main until Helios merged with Connery. When that happened the NC acted like it went full ******. Eventually it got to a point where my friend and I decided to go back to TR Waterson (which were our original characters. Yes we had moved away from the almighty TR).
  2. MasonSTL

    You know what I'm am getting sick of these threads, you guys are making the Waterson NC look like sissies with this kind of crying.
    Remember when VS on Waterson was at around 25%-28% for about 4 or 5 months? I don't recall hearing them cry so damn much, hell, they did just the opposite! They relished the fact that they were the under dogs and they got together and became VERY organized and fought very well.

    The problem here isn't population as much as morale. Instead of coming on the forums and throwing buckets of tiers around, man up, start a platoon and get all the pubbies rounded up and organized. If you lose bite the bit and fight harder.
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  3. Archlyte

    Don't blame yourself. The game is fundamentally flawed where pop balance and faction interface is concerned. The playability of the factions has become an urban legend, and so the mechanics of it are simply ghosts that cannot overcome the psychology of wanting to play with an advantage.
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  4. Brayton

    Yeah, that's pretty much what I've been saying. EvilMiND and a few others just love to ***** and moan but we're trying to get organized and then they come on here and whine and cry because they got team killed or we had a draw or something.

    It gets annoying, if you want your team mates skill level to rise, berating them and calling them ********, WILL NEVER HELP.

    If you're sick of the ********, get involved and stop it. Don't ***** about it.
  5. ViXeN

    NC does pretty well sometimes on Waterson. They usually have more numbers than VS at least.
  6. Moltke

    The thought of leaving has crossed my mind a few times. It's very frustrating to be so outnumbered by the TR all the time
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  7. NinjaTurtle

    It's not the uphill battles that irritate me, more so the bizarre tactical choices that are sometimes made that effectively hand the alerts to the TR

    I actually like having a pop that is slightly lower, I enjoy the xp boost and it feels better winning when you know you were at a disadvantage.

    Problem is NC is too disorganized. There are decent NC outfits but they don't work together as one united faction. There needs to be more communication at the top where tactical decisions are made that make sense

    Given the choice I don't know what I would do, the chance to have a go at Future Crew would interest me. Mattherson and Miller interest me also where I believe NC have an under pop though I don't play on those to know for certain
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  8. LibertyRevolution

    Well the VS are better players than the NC...
    18% VS would work together and take continents, they played as a faction.

    NC can't even work together enough to win continent biolab alert when they start with 2..
    NC on waterson are the joke of the server, they are referred to as walking certs.

    It took me all of 2 weeks after being merged with waterson for me to make a VS and TR alt..
    NC are almost hopeless on waterson at this point..NC Command is there last hope.
    If that fails most will bail when server transfers tokens go on sale.

    I miss jaegers... :mad:
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  9. Regpuppy

    There's the grass being greener on the other side... but then there's the grass being completely dead on yours.

    I like this image.
  10. NC_agent00kevin

    I know that feel.

    Jaeger had a synergy of pubbies, zerg outfits and well coordinated Outfits. Most of that dissolved slowly after the merge. I am a former member of Death Legion, one of the better coordinated and skilled NC Jaeger Outfits.
  11. Lamat

    So the majority of Planetside 2 players prefer using TR weapons... maybe there's a problem?
  12. Twitch760

    The TR glut of high rate of fire of weapons appeal to the can't hit the broad side of a barn players. After all why learn your weapon when you can just fire enough bullets at them that some may land getting you the kill or the assist.
  13. Phantomstrk

    The problem is that SOE has refused to put in any kind of faction population balance to the game. I've heard there was faction population balance features in PS1, but why they have refused to do faction balance in PS2 is beyond understanding. I am an NC player, have been, and I enjoy it, however when your outnumbered almost constantly by almost 2/3 to 1 then why would you keep playing that losing faction.

    So in order to play the game the way SOE intends us to play it, every NC player make a TR character right now. Atleast that way you'll get the reward as the balance is so one sided right now on this server, there is no point in even doing anything else.
  14. Mad Hatter

    Thank you for saying so. Those two alerts yesterday were the most fun I've had in this game for a while. I was leading a full platoon through both alerts and everyone in it did a fantastic job.

    The NC on Waterson certainly have their problems. I've been very vocal in Leader chat of my disapproval for much of NC leadership. When the first alert started, NC population on the continent was awful. It hovered below and around 20% for much of the beginning. I committed my entire platoon there from the very start knowing it was likely to be a very grueling effort.

    I ranted and raved a bit on Leader chat as I do sometimes(particularly when I haven't slept) and was met with mostly apathy. There were 3 or 4 standout leaders from small to midsize outfits who quickly joined the good fight. The large outfits used the alert as an excuse to ghost cap a handful of territories on Indar whilst the real fight raged elsewhere, only to join us in the last 40 minutes when they noticed things were actually going well for us. I didn't mince words on how I felt about that sort of behavior.

    I know things have been tough for NC lately with the surge of TR population and the sickening nature of 4th faction fair-weather fighters, but we proved yesterday we can still get things done when we have the gumption to do so. I've been NC on Waterson since the beginning. I'd easily be BR100 if I didn't enjoy goofing around in my Galaxy so much. This is my only character and always will be.

    The feeling of glorious victory against the odds we had yesterday will never be felt by those who flock to the safety of numbers to compensate for their inadequacies, or those who avoid the tough slog in favor of the easy road.

    Hang in there NC brothers! There is hope!

    By the bye - I've included some of my rants from Leader chat during the first alert in case its of any interest to anyone at all. I'm often replying to people speaking, so it's rather disjointed.

    I make no secret of being a lunatic with a flair for the dramatic, but I still feel my heart is in the right place.


    Mad Hatter
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  15. Cascinovva

    If you coming as NC to Matherson then I hope you are sadistic because otherwise you might be jumping into the fire. The Vanu dominates here, and if not them then TR, us NC never win an alert, the most we hope for is a draw, you should see the pop percentages as soon as an alert happens. Tonight the Vanu were 50% of server pop, and its ridiculous how bad they zerg. I think a lot of NC just ignore alerts because we are so sick of losing.
  16. Chowley

    Very easy for an elmo to say that isn't it. I feel exactly the same as the OP, if i had a chance I would transfer my NC off Miller immediately, its the European equivalent of the Waterson situation.
  17. Yerk

    On yesterday's Waterson Amerish alert. It was back and forth TR and NC the last 40 minutes.

    With 23 seconds left, NC has 38%, TR has 38%, but they are capping this small base with 10+ seconds left. Us NC charged to the the point with while TR tried to hold on dearly.

    NC resecures (woo what a rush) and the Amerish alert ends in a draw seconds later. TR rages because they can't get their easy win.

    Today, NC has 4 biolabs, but we lost Mani on Esamir, given the TR have much population advantage, but we still ended up with 3.

    NC is already the weakest faction by far and still contending for alerts. NC Waterson is still great for all the cards we've been dealt with.
  18. TheShrapnelKing


    NC has 4 biolabs and just has to hold them for 15 minutes to win alert (pop is even with TR)


    We leave like 2 people to guard Xelas while everyone goes after the VS. The TR takes Xelas back and no one does anything until AFTER it's capped. Meanwhile both NC and VS start a massive counterattack on Esamir. Problem is, when the VS were only 1 minute away from capping Mani, NC shows up and starts a three way which the TR then use to gain the advantage. Meanwhile Xelas is being retaken, but unfortunately the cap timer is 30 seconds longer than the Alert timer.

    TR, with 4 biolabs, wins alert. NC has 3 and VS 2. 30 seconds later Xelas gets capped.

    ******* moronic operational decisions.

    I killed a bunch of people, I guess. Doesn't feel like I'm dong much though.

    Bravo NC Command. Way to NOT guard your flanks.
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  19. Yerk

    TR has about 62% of Esamir population so there's no chance to hold Mani at all. NC Indar was being attacked from all sides. NC was holding off a massive push by TR.

    If NC didn't hold long enough, we would have lost that Biolab too within the alert.

    Meanwhile, Vanu is attacking from the Crown Direction and from Tawrich. See there's also the World Domination event. Vanu is just trying to pad their points and as a result some NC had to hold them off from being warpgated.
  20. NachoFoot

    Mattherson has some sort of EVE Online cult following with a lot of EVE outfits. The pops are mostly even on Mattherson but, like always, TR tends to have pop advantage.

    However, Mattherson has extremely skilled VS players that tend to win most of the alerts. The last two continent alerts I played started with TR overpop and ended with VS dominating victory. If you weren't afraid of VS before, you will be soon...