The Iron Wolves versus Future Crew

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sledgecrushr, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Hitback

    Lol so FCRW is to blame for SOE's $$$ walking out the door? Okay, we will start using keyboard turning in an effort to shore up SOE's bank balance. Thanks for the memo.
  2. HadesR

    Well it's kinda common sense to me ... Yes a lot of people lack it in day to day life so it can be expected in games also ..

    I mean my last FPS before Planetside 2 was Doom on the original grey brick Playstation :p .. I don't expect to be as good as those who have spent the last X years playing FPS ..

    Do I feel I have improved since Beta ? Yes
    Do i expect to continue to improve ? I hope I do

    But those are just personal milestones ..

    From years playing and managing sports teams ( Football = Soccer to the unwashed ), and time spent in competitive MMORPG PvP you do come to the realization that 99.9% of the time there is always going to be someone better than you.

    So you play your own game and enjoy it. If you turn out to be good .. Great go for it , if not then have fun in what you do.
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  3. RobotNinja

    I highly doubt anyone is deciding not spend money on Planetside 2 because of Future Crew. I'm pretty sure the most common reasons are they don't want to spend money/don't have extra cash to spend on PS2 or are tired of seeing every new update bring a slew of new bugs, reintroduce old bugs, add some extra content to the cash shop and continue to ignore game-breaking bugs that are months old. Also, they're probably just waiting for a sale.
  4. Negator

    Thuggernaut, it's very hard to take you serious when it appears you lack the experience to accurately comment on weapon balance.

    Does that get my point across without trolling? It's a legitimate point.
  5. ({x})Kyoji

    Gaming culture is amusing if you look at it. Pretty much the polar opposite of what would be considered acceptable or successful in real life is what gaming culture thrives on. The more time you spend in-game often directly correlates with skill level (as with anything the more you do something the better you typically will be), however, it also corresponds with the decrease in time spent outside or at a job making a living.

    So essentially calling yourself a pro gamer in essence is like calling yourself a sad individual in the world outside of gaming. Granted this may not be the case for everyone and nothing is pure black and white; however, I find it interesting that people always brag about being the bigger loser in real life just to justify themselves in a virtual world where they may be more accepted than outside it.
  6. Giggily

    Community Clash would probably be a lot more interesting if each team was limited to a certain number of MAX suits and Medics.
  7. CaligoIllioneus

    The answer is guns. Shoot the ZOE, watch his HP melt, even more so if he has flak armor.
  8. Recursion

    I enjoyed watching this event and want to see it develop into something further. I hope to see more of these.

    I did want to see more first person footage though; it's hard to get into following a favorite when I feel no connection to what they're experiencing (I'm speaking about both teams). I want to be in their shoes for a minute and possibly hear some of what's being communicated.

    Here's hoping a little more control on the field becomes standard too. I hate outside interference when I'm trying to watch teams compete. I have to know they're on a level playing field.
  9. Van Dax

    I guess it would be more fair but a large part of an platoon/squad's success comes from properly managing its troops, choosing the right tools for each job is an important measure of skill in a leader, its also the foundation of meta-gaming: constantly evolving to counter an opponents likely move. This is what should set PS2 apart from any generic FPS.
  10. Nenarch

    Dunno, I watched for example twf playing since start when he streamed as we'r on different timezones so my quiet time, he's prime time.

    He's just better, like someone else said on this topic. They got better invidual skill players than the outfits who recruit "good" guys.. but that's competitive scene for you. Hell even a squad of lonewolfs with a pro's survaivability could slaughter some of these MLG outfits.. but as everyone has said, maxes and shotguns are great equalizers in skill or numbers.

    I'd join f-crew if they would be european but tbh I work for a living (student days are done).. and my job doesn't end after 8h's.. so I mainly play at weekends these days. I don't think my server has anyone at TWF's lvl, close it are about 3 players who I know.. rest don't even come close in infantry combat.

    I play mainly with other br100's and some others who we know to be good, not for support.. but because I know that we got better chances to do our stuff if we'r in same area.. Ofc if someone spots a opponent factions top BR squad (full of 90-100) or outfit squads.. we go there instantly and play as a team, it's a ego thing you know.
  11. MrMurdok

    I was actually talking to a couple of outfit members last night and tried explaining to them why MLG is nothing but bad news for Planetside 2.

    ...If I only knew this thread existed, I would've just posted it on TS.
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  12. vilehydra

    MLG just doesn't make sense in a traditional term for PS2.

    Lets have a game that isn't just about a single battle, but an entire war. With resource logistics and movements affecting every battle, which can affect every other battle on the map. Then lets have an MLG scene that focuses on only a single isolated battle completely removed from everything else as a whole.

    PS2 isn't about a single fight, it's about all of them. How to create a unique PS2 MLG scene

    -fix resources and logistics so that grand strategy actually exists in the game thats more complex then push lattice line A, hold lattice B
    -make MLG matches massive, a single continent maxed out by a conglomeration of outfits. I know the organization and would be nightmarish and a host of other issues would arise. But it would pay rich, rich dividends, a truly unique and special MLG scene tailored for this game that nothing else could even come close to boasting.

    But I'm pretty tired and may be delirious right now...

    As for FCRW, they bleed like the rest of us. They screw up like the rest of us. I've fought them several times and have killed them quite a few times as well (not nearly as much as they've killed me probably).

    They just play smart.
  13. Thuggernauttt

    lol the only thing worse then your replies is that weaksauce outfit Das An Fall. Btw it means ( sit n spin) in German.
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  14. Thuggernauttt

    just got this whisper from HitbackVS

    "Hey man I am sorry about all those hacks I use" - Hitwhack
    "Np I just screenshotted u admitting to hacks and Higby knows" - Thug Life

    He than challenged me to a rap off so I will respond

    Hitback ya dats yo name
    u see me comin and u run n shame
    I mastered the gauss saw like er'day
    I know u like diddling boys cuz u ***

    Thug Life ya keepin it real
    Da Thuggernaut has tons o zeal
    While u living it up in ur moms basement
    Im out makin records and spendin da payment

    My lyrics u wish that u could beat
    but now you know I am in the elite
    im fresher than the pilsbury doughboy
    Hitwhack loves all his boy toys.
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  15. Thuggernauttt

    hey why dont u pull a mossy and oh dats righht I just burstered u and now u crying
    Thug life aint goin to well for NE of you on Connery when im around?
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  16. Riskae

    Oh man, keep it up... this is hilarious!!!

    Hey maybe you can start an nc drunk division????
  17. SocratesEverywhere

    People who constantly accuse others of hacking or cheating are present in every game--as are cheaters. But the reality is that there are actually people who play FPS games who are insanely skilled. You can even watch footage of them playing at competitions to dispel your own notions that they're cheating.

    I'm with the poster who talked about improving his game by playing against better players. It's better to assume your opponent isn't cheating and figure out how he or she beat you than it is to assume cheating and learn nothing.

    Also, the trash talk about FC and TIW is really lame and stupid.
  18. SocratesEverywhere

    I'll check out the song.

    I has one more thought too. In professional sports, we have the image of the fan yelling "You stink" behind the batter. The image is absurd because the guy saying "You stink" is nowhere near the caliber of the player.

    But is has become part of the game.

    I think a little bit of this thread falls into that pattern--so the competitors have to learn to deal with it--within acceptable tolerances, of course.
  19. Zotamedu

    How about that one time I managed to shoot down your Galaxy and kill you? It was the second time I ever saw you online. The first time you flew a Galaxy that attacked a Sunderer with me in it. We panicked and you dropped an entire squad on us and you killed me. You even sent me a tell about recognising my name. So now we're even.
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  20. NoXousX

    Are we talking HT as in Ht as in Hostile Takeover? And if so, do they know what you are posting ITT? I'm a former member of Ht back in PS1. I have a lot of respect for the original core of the outfit.

    Also Guapoh is a great player but I wouldn't say he owns literally everyone on connery. I know he doesn't own me in the air. We put up a hell of a fight against eachother. You come across extremely offended and obsessed with our outfit. We play to have fun like everyone else in the game. It's evident on all of our streams. If I'm not having fun, or the fight sucks, I log out. We look for a good fight and tend to dominate it. That's what happens when good players are in the same area. It's just hilarious becuase the community builds these massive conspiracies about us which just make us all laugh. Remember the ****storm when skyexile got BR100? He wasn't even on connery and Future Crew took mad flak for his supposed hacking.

    Good times.