Prone Position in Planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by moto6727, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. KAHR-Alpha

    - Allows us to have three guys firing in line
    - Small bumps in the terrain can be used as cover
    - Useless to shotgun users
    - Can't use rocket launchers while prone
    - Grenades throwing distance reduced
    - Can't move effectively
    - Can't look around effectively (will require some coding)
    - Two seconds animation to go prone, no dolphin jumps
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  2. Joe_da_cro

    all of the arcade type shooters which includes COD series BF series etc etc.

    the amount of variables in which proning can be achieved in the real world compared to a game is quite large. do make proning the equivalent of hitting the deck hard as in taking cover, do you make it slow as in to set up your gun for accurate fire. what happens to you while you are acting the prone. then limiting turning angles for latitude and longitude have to be considered. then determining how to get out of prone what happens. then determining how a gun would behave while prone.

    now with the speed of movement in this game the animations will be relatively slow also which means with the TTk of most weapons it would make the use of prone very situational and frustrating at times that it wouldn't be worth man hours to even implement in the first place. and even then you will have a cut down version of proning not even close to the representation of the advantages as in real world.
  3. Pikachu

    SOE mentioned somewhere (I think was Higby) that they did pay some thought to the idea of adding prone to the infiltratr in the update but were aömost sure that they would npt do it. I remeber that one of the reasons mentioned was the coding issue. Amther thing is that they would have to add a bunch of new animations.
  4. Pikachu

    You forgot the most important feature: bipods!
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  5. Gheeta

    Prone is a nightmare to implement properly, so far i haven't seen a single game where the prone mechanic has worked flawlessly without some silly side effects like dolphin diving, legs sticking out from walls, getting stuck, messy hitboxes and falling through terrain.

    Even if the implementation was flawless there is the issue of prone having negative impact for game play. I think we are much better off without prone.
  6. Mr_Giggles

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  7. Pikachu

    Swedish song. :) Why did they even make it possible to jump from prone position? Try doing that in real life.
  8. Mr_Giggles

    Like dis!

  9. KAHR-Alpha

    Stop using the "dolphin-diving" argument, it's trivial to prevent.
  10. vincent-

    The road kills.......THE ROAD KILLS..........ROAD KILLS.............................MY GOD THE KILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Hoki

  12. Llaf

    For it, it's a part of war and it's a part of a lot of fps games. I'm not sure why prone wasn't included in the first place honestly.
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  13. LynxFury

    Prone would help defenders, a sore point that enters half the threads on this forum.

    But as others have already pointed out it wouldn't have nearly the advantages as in IRL because of the way that game is put together. IRL hip fire is rarely used or trained--its MUCH less effective IRL, best left to Hollywood and fps(s). IRL EVERY handheld weapon has sway--even more so in the heat of combat. You go prone in large part to get a better supported position to reduce sway. And then of course there's the reduced profile and nearly as important the concealment one gets from shrubs, grass etc--something pretty easy to just turn off in graphics settings of games including this one. All of it adds up to a bunch of changes to do half way well. At this point there's bigger fish to fry.
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  14. phreec

    It wouldn't enhance the experience. Rather the exact opposite.
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  15. MarthKoopa

    Why do people want something that is only going to make it easy for people to kill you?

    Moving is important as it makes it impossible for anyone to hit you at sniper distances.

    Sitting still will only give snipers a free kill.
  16. Awass

    Well with all the problems with clipping through objects and stuff already, I have heard it was more of a coding issue. Probably not worth the effort for the devs. I would still like a bipod, though, that maybe would activate while crouched. At least something useful as a sniper rifle attachment.
  17. Flashtirade

    Sometimes, when I'm sniping on a hilltop not contributing to a base capture, I get really tired of standing and crouching. In those moments, I just want to lay down but still have a good view of the base.

    I propose adding a deployable hammock.
  18. Ash87

    They shot this down already on an old FNO, Sorry
  19. Mr_Giggles

  20. HerpTheDerp

    Because it requires a lot of effort to code in.

    And effort is not the SOE way.