Whatever happened to the TR max buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TerryTenMen, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. reticentbassist

    I think that is the conventional wisdom, and is correct in many situations, but I do not believe that the risk of taking decimators to the face is without reward.
  2. NinjaTurtle

    Because just regular old NinjaTurtle was taken :(

    And who doesn't like that number? :oops:
  3. JonboyX

    Lockdown does appear to be the worst of the abilities ... and by that, I mean you can only really use it in highly situational circumstances such as when you've gal dropped a point at the top of some stairs and the enemy need to come to you. I think if I played TR I'd hardly use it either.


    1) I'd contest strongly that the fracture nerf, such as it is, was warranted. You might not see this with one max, but two-three fractures standing on an ammo crate are hard to get past with anything. If they then lockdown, it's a barrage of high volume damage.

    2) I'd contest that the TR max weapons are every bit as good as NC and VS ones. Just different.

    If you just compared "Charge" slotted maxes then I wouldn't be surprised if it ran TR>NC>VS. Max vs. Max with an Aegis shield TR still stand a chance, without that though, you get to hammer them through your opponents reload.

    But... factoring Aegis, Lockdown and ZOE I think the order is VS > NC=TR. I feel this is most likely because NC maxes work so well in biolabs, but so poorly elsewhere. TR max weapons are more versatile than the NC ones, with an effective ttk not too far away from NC ones < 5m, better 5m-10m, and much better above that.

    It's just ironic that their special (lockdown) is the complete opposite.

    Just my opinion!
    • Up x 1
  4. Ultramarine

    Same thing that happened to the NC empire.
  5. CrashB111

    AI MAX doesn't really benefit much if at all from Lockdown though. There really is no point in rooting yourself to one spot to get 2 shot for a slightly increased reload speed when you could be strafing or crouching behind cover and able to turn 360.
  6. Cinnamon

    A lot of TR MAX still use dual mercy because they paid for them but since the rebalance it is just one of the weaker MAX weapons. That could explain a difference.
  7. PieBringer

    Pretty much lost all credit right there.
  8. DeathTollDavid

    I'm ok with it. While I find it disappointing to die easily as a max we have to face the fact that every faction has something that is overpowered and/or underpowered when compared to the other faction.

    That to me makes the game fun. I of course realize not everyone feels that way. And that's ok too.