T2 Striker is now useless, What can replace it?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by X ProwL, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. GraphicJ

    Glad you asked...


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  2. SEMoslaw

    I will put image of cute cat to help ppl realize that this is not a bug only a stealth nerf.


  3. Ronin Oni

    Welcome to the new Lock-On mechanics...

    they've been talking about this for the last couple months, though I'm not sure they intended to actually push these changes live or if it piggy-backed off some other update.

    ALL lock-on weapons in the game now require you to keep the target in your sights until impact.

    Vehicle users rejoice. No skill lock-on users, let your tears flow... the salty sweetness will sustain us.

    This is seriously the best news I've heard for PS2 all month... year... SINCE RELEASE!

    Oh, and I do own Nemesis, Striker, and A2AM (on mossie) and I absolutely APPROVE these changes.

    As all of you liked to tell us when we complained of constant lock-on that made vehicle usage within 500m of any TR infantry useless......

    Deal With It
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  4. SEMoslaw

    Errrr... what are talking about. Did you read what I posted? I'm just saying that this is not a bug only a stealth nerf all lock-ons are working as intended you just have to maintain lock to hit a target.
  5. IronWarrior

    NC/VS have locked on weapons too which on my server they all have, including their faction weapons.
  6. X ProwL

    "ALL lock-on weapons in the game now require you to keep the target in your sights until impact".

    Sounds like a DICE move to me, Maybe they can go ahead and just remove all lock-on launchers from the buy menus.

    No reason to bother with them now.
  7. Reis

    Something wrong with requiring a bit more commitment to hits that are basically guaranteed? Using a dumbfire is some skill and a whole lot of luck, which increases exponentially as the range increases.

    Lock ons are hardly useless, even now.
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  8. X ProwL

    Given the lock on time, Time to fire, Flare, Lock on time, Time to fire x4 all while keeping your target in your sights?
    Sounds like lock on launchers require more luck than other launchers.
    All the time required is enough to allow any pilot to exit the area unharmed.

    To put it simply there is no reason to invest in lock on launchers over other AA options.
    Better to put that 1000 certs into a MAX.
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  9. Iridar51

    I would be completely fine with pilots flying around if they weren't inclined on massacring every single one of my comrades.
    It's payback for six months ago.
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  10. Snoozzzer

    It's nice to troll, yee, such a shame that the Striker is not a dumb fire and must lock on before firing, while needing to remain aimed at a target throughtout it's flight, like a pheonix.

    This needing to maintain constant lock is BS. Every other lock-on in the game doesn't need it, enabling their users to seek cover shortly after firing. But now, with new Striker, there's the lock on time, the time to the clip, and the time waiting for the missiles to hit - all while being in the open and exposed. The Striker needed a fix, but this went to far

    ~NC for life.
  11. Moltke

    lets hope your striker is crap for 6 months and then you can feel a little of my pain...
  12. Reis

    The missing also happens to the Annihilator. I haven't tested the dedicated launchers, but they were meant for this fix as well.
  13. RobotNinja

    Lol, right because...no one uses Annihilators. Wait...I mean...EVERYONE does.
  14. Liewec123

    i don't know a single person who has an anni, they're too dam weak.
  15. RobotNinja

    The difference is a whopping 300 damage between an Annihilator and the lock-on+dumbfire launchers. And aside from slightly higher damage and the ability to dumbfire the Annihilator is still a killer.

    Regardless, no lock-on weapon is going to help you when you have players who just camp spawnrooms in a liberator/esf and run away back to their warpgate as soon as someone fires a single bullet at them.
  16. Onyxinator

    I have been advocating using the Lancer and Phoenix more extensively for that reason among many others (also, SOE, buff phoenix, the NC guys deserve better! Make it fly off as dumbfire after 300m).
    The horror of airchavs as they get nailed by a 3+ 3x1 Lancer salvo, or better yet, rocket-propelled karma flying out of the spawnroom, is always amusing to watch.
    Additionally, the upper spawn shield of facilities (the one that also serves as the floor for the 2nd floor of the spawnroom) can also be fired through, many people do not realise it. lolpodders can be taken out/chased away, it just takes some specialised tools in case the podder is not braindead and pays attention to decimators flying out to kill him.
  17. baka

    My striker experiences over the last couple days have been:
    Making the mistake of hitting reload instead of standing there waiting for the last three rounds to hit and seeing my missles shoot straight up. Better that they would loose lock and proceed on a straight path until impact.
    Seeing an aircraft pop flares and having the couple shots released loose lock and proceed in a straight path. Seeing an aircraft pop flares, NOT loosing lock and having all five missiles hit the target. Both situations have occurred several times, so I do not know if it is a bug or simply that there is a chance flares fail.
    Taking a sniper round while holding missile lock and having to decide if I should duck and cover (wasting my shots) or hope the sniper does not finish me off (not likely!)
    And, as has always been a chance, having one of my missiles shoot to the right and impact the ground next to me - splash damage and all.

    I think I am going to pull out the old annihilator. Less potential damage per shot cycle, but faster potential shot cycles overall.
  18. Verenz

    You heard it here guys, tanks must hide from infantry in open ground.

    Obviously infantry should be the dominant force in wide open countryside, I don't see a problem with that at all.

    Oh PS2, only game I know where infantry get stronger as range goes out and cover depletes but where tanks can be really strong against infantry provided you are within 100-150m and there is a lot of cover to contain the infantry and prevent them spreading out. So much logic.
  19. [HH]Mered4

    I was driving my HEAT lightning yesterday over a plain, and I found myself thinking, "TANKS! Masters of the open ground!"

    It took me a few moments to realize what had happened. NO LOGIC! Be banished from my mind! :rolleyes:
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  20. WycliffSlim

    You didn't happen to play an NC alt on Waterson around 10 last night by XenoTech?? We had a squad on top of that mountain obliterating NC armor for about 30 minutes. Many lulz were had. I will admit that Lancer squads on open field are ridiculous specially around the edges of northern Indary. It just doesn't seem like they're quite as prevalent as Strikers... and poor Pheonix squads... haven't seen them for months :/

    And if this thing about Strikers is really true then you can be damn sure I'm going to do nothing but farm infantry(TR specifically) for a good week or two. Payback is sweet. :)

    vicious cycle lol