Do you like the new camos?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pikachu, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    We already have all terrain camo we could possibly need. What is there left but artistic ones to add?
  2. TheBloodEagle

    This camo for my TR

    and I'm pretty sure there's a ton of great US Army, US Marine, Russian military and Wehrmacht style camo patterns out there that could be in the game & I'd gladly buy. Not to mention getting back the original TR color scheme & fabric textures:

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  3. TeknoBug

    I like the comic book and Phoenix armor for TR, rest are meh. Rock lichen on the Magrider would make a great nighttime camo.

    Speaking of which, what happened to the black flame camo for 1000 SC? Was that taken down? Not selling? lol
  4. GoogleIntern2013

    black flame camo was taken down because the guy who made it didn't get his paperwork in
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  5. Locke

    Ouch lol. I bet thats a lot of money lost!

    I like all these new camos and there are a few I might buy. They all fit in with the game. I was kind of worried there was just going to be a ton of crazy stuff coming of the player studio.
  6. GraphicJ

    All of TR's cammos have a nasty red stain on them with a "shoot me" sign on them. Seriously though at least you NC and VS have two cammos in those pics that have hardly any teal or yellow. Especially on VS. We TR have a highly visible red on everything.

    Well to be less critical at least these cammos are a bit better than the ones I've seen on all of TR's cammos.
  7. CaligoIllioneus

    It would be easier if Forumside accepts camos in Planetside 2 are meant to differentiate your character from the rest and not really make you blend with the environment.

    There are only two ways to blend in right now:

    1) Be a Vanu at night, especially in Amerish.
    2) Use a camo and a decal that makes you look like the other faction .

    "Real" camouflage that makes you very hard to see won't be added because of a Pay-to-win issue.
  8. jihon83

    "Real" camo can usually be achieved by just staying still. Even without an Infiltrator's cloak, it's surprising how many people can run by you, or how often you'll run by someone. I remember playing on Esamir once and literally seeing about twenty or thirty people charging out of a building at Echo Valley to begin hitting Saerro, I run in and see a TR HA standing in the corner. I shoot him, he kills me, and a straggler in that platoon finishes him off. In this game, the camo seems to be purely about cosemetics and making your character distinctive. I have some faction-specific camos for that reason.

    Though I hope that the TRside conspiracy theorists latch onto the fact that the TR's "Rock Lichen" camo doesn't actually have any red on it. It's more evidence of SOE's favoritism, ha.
  9. eldarfalcongravtank

    couldn't agree more! i wouldn't even call empire-specific variants "camo", they are rather fashion skins that are supposed to make you stand out among your allies. they have nothing to do with traditional camo in a military sense
  10. dragonwinds

    I got Delta for my reaver and I wasn't let down, It looks really nice. Though I don't like the bright blue on the NC camos. It has just too much contrast to look nice.
  11. tastyBerryPunch

    I really dislike 90% of playercreated camos. They all seem blured to me even on high graphics. I like the Cracked Earth camo for TR, but I don't get why it's different for VS and NC. I though black and red were TR colors and grey was just a secondary color.
  12. Kitakami

    In all seriousness, is there some stipulation in the Player Studio rules that camos can't actually be camouflage?

    If I were allowed to design camos, they'd actually be based around camouflage design concepts.
  13. mavix

    I made this one but I'm not sure when it will make it in game.
    Called Nightshade
  14. tastyBerryPunch

    It looks to me like black camos aren't accepted. If they would be, we would surely see loads of them.
  15. Pikachu

    Looks good. Change name so it has something to do with forest. :D Btw it looks like you have 4 colors there, the player studio "getting started" thing says only 3 colors. :confused:
  16. mavix

    Not really. T Ray has said they want to get more mileage out of the submissions so expect to have a camo color and faction color of each one.
  17. Pikachu

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  18. mavix

    Too late now. I'm not very good at names and descriptions. I've seen many other 4 color ones go through. I think it's more like 3 distinct colors(pink,orange,teal) but some slight change is ok.
  19. Kitakami

  20. Pikachu

    Only americans can submit. They don't accept cross faction terrain camos anymore.