1. nooblet91698

    SOE just released a client update that removed the PPA bug. :(

    R.I.P. PPA BLINDING FLARE BUG 9/11/13 9:00AM-9/11/13 7:00 PM
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  2. nooblet91698

  3. AtheistPeace

  4. Pixelshader

    It was on the test server for like a month.
  5. nooblet91698

    bump :'(....i need to share this tragedy to all of forumside 2
  6. FocusLight

    Good Riddance.

    Rot In Pieces.
  7. nooblet91698

    TR don't hurt the memory of the proton :(
  8. Kanil

    Once I got over the "wtf was that?" the "are we getting nuked or something?" and the "how did SOE manage to break it like that?" I realized that this was the greatest thing to happen in the patch and immediately whipped out my flare gun to try to counter the magrider's superior lightshow capabilities.

    You shall be missed.
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  9. y3ivan

    the best memories i had with it was the initial player reaction to it.

    - a friendly sundy swerve away from the glowly balls on the bridge to the crown, ended driving off the bridge and fell 300ft to his doom.
    - a whole squad of low BR sniper fell off the edge of the cliff in a fail attempt to dodge it
  10. Donaldson Jones

    It was AH-MASE-ING, there needs to be MOR massive PLASSSSSMMMMAA!
  11. gloowa


    The one thing that made this patch exceptional... So much fun...

    *It's name was Proton II PPA*