Sniping as an Infiltrator. Is it worth the time?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Almaru, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Spookydodger

    The only way I've found to be effective at this is to go with another sniper. Q target someone, talk to each other, and squeeze off your shots at the same time.

    Also use a Wraith Flash to rapidly move locations / get away from pursuers.
  2. zaspacer

    Hunter Cloaking Device Level 6

    It's the single thing that all Infiltrators use no matter what they are doing.

    Longshot is the best Sniper Rifle for the NC. I suggest making the following 2 Loadouts with it:
    1) Short-Medium Range Sniper:Longshot w/ Default Scope (6x) + Suppressor
    2) Extreme Long Range Sniper: Longshot w/ 12x Scope

    Loadout #1, is AMAZINGLY effective vs. opponents defending a Tower. Copy the style you see here @22:30. Most my massive kill streaks come with using Loadout #1 at a Tower with this playstyle. And it's very fun. :)
  3. K4is0r

    Coming from a 77 that mostly plays infiltrator
    dont say "dont snipe".

    You are right, sniping is harder then playing other playstyles, buts its not at all pointless. After playing as a sniper for so long i get a better XP/hour score as a sniper then as a Medic/HA/CQC Infiltrator.
    Even your argument "you kill faster with smg than with a bolt" isn`t valid for me. As example, if you look at my stats (!/5428013610444378001/weapons) you see that I have more kills/minute with my bolt rifles then with the smgs.
    So maybe sniping isn`t the best for you, your playstyle or the way you measure your success within PS2, but that doesn`t automatically mean that other (or the OP) have the same problems with sniping.
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  4. Skeith

    nope it means that you can kill faster with the smg if you put the same amout of effoert that you put in a sniper rifle,considering that everyone in my server runs nanowave armor i prefer shooting a dart running around killing enemies and helping my team by tracking their position

    if you get more points by sniping then with the medic ha or cqc infiltrator,it's because you dont play them as much as you play the sniper inf

    keep in mind that the infiltrator has the lowest exp gain in the whole game,and this is not a theory it's a fact go to check some server stats if you dont believe me
  5. Scudmungus

    I find sniping with the RAMS very much worth *my* time, for my style of sniping.

    I'll use the RAMS like a... pool/snooker/billiards que to take out targets from oblique angles - It's a beautiful tool for sneaky attacks. You have to be quick, scope in, take your short asap, move on.

    It's also a great tool for keeping eyes on what-s going on and where. The x12 Scope lets you see what's what then you have a tool for taking out those targets far away and up close. Yes, at long distances, not every shot will result in a OHK head shot - lucky for me, I have a team ready to take out spotted targets.

    What I won't do is insist on sitting back as far as possible, plinking away, hoping to kill something. It doesn't help the team. While I'm sure the game could be re-designed so that such a role could help the team but, within the constraints of the current system, I find that being closer, often in/under/over (Infiltrating..) the enemy line, is much more effective.

    However, if I want to relax, to chill - I'll happily play the extreme long-distance mini-game.

    So, yes, very much worth *my* time.

    Love it. Very effective. Consistent rewards, great feeling of contribution.


    Now, let's be clear: I don't *insist* on sitting back, as far as possible. I am better closer to the fight.

    A good example would be last night's Alert. A fellow BRTD Infiltrator (note: not 'Sniper') and myself were asked to snipe from a tower. My fellow BRTD Infiltrator and I are good at sniping. However, we have different approaches. He stayed on the tower, no suppressor, shooting at extreme range targets. While I was happy to join in, I realised I'd have more impact atop some coral, inside the enemies line, with a supressor. Being.. all snealy -.o. So I redeployed, courtesy of a Squad Drop, and proceeded to kill many, many Vanu.
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  6. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I have been a dedicated sniper in every first person shooter I have played. Needless to say, I do not snipe in Planetside 2 anymore...and I think that tells you more than enough.
  7. Black Humor

    Looked at the leaderboards for the fastest killing Infiltrator on the boards from this week on Waterson when I made this post. He had 317 kills in 2hrs 14 minutes. 2.3 kills a minute using only SMG.

    No one on the board was even close to this guys kills that didn't spend 3+ hours more, many with 7+ hours spent. So it's a tall order to see if long range sniping is as effective.

    Went Long range sniper and played for exactly 35 minutes and scored 75 kills, or 2.1 kills a minute. So 10% slower than that dude, which is significant, but not so much that I would feel sniping is "not worth it".

    A different Infiltrator also in the top 10, Sniping only using the M77-B had 348 kills over 7hrs 40 minutes; 0.75 kills per minutes.

    Sniping is worth the time while playing Infiltrator...Both SMG and long range are viable, if you practice and become lethal.

    Most Infiltrators do not get a high SPM because there is little passive XP gain ( dart and spot only ) and 99% of the time no vehicle kill or vehicle assist XP, which everyone else can receive.

    Infiltrator is still fun as a sumbich if you like the playstyle though, cuz you can do things no one else can;

    If you are content with your SPM as a long range playstyle infiltrator, keep it up! If you are not content with your cert gain, either practice more and find those juicy zergs to pick off, or consider altering playstyle.

    Anti vehicle is usually going to land you more SPM because vehicle destruction and assists is so huge. I absolutely slaughter while sniping and have an average 222 SPM, I have no idea WTF I am doing while libbing or gunning for a lib and it's SPM is 669.

    I do wonder tho, how much AFK time and just running around lowered my SPM with the rifle, as I rarely AFK as a gunner or pilot
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  8. idiot

    Each rifle has it's own unique feel. Take into account not only the quantitative data (such as damage and muzzle velocity) when choosing a weapon, but also other factors such as what type of scenario will you be in: What range are the enemies at, will you have reinforcements or will you be isolated, etc.

    The VR Training Room can be used to help get a feel for various rifle setups and how they effect bullet drop and the # of shots for a kill. Go in, check out the weapon stats at a terminal, and spend some time experimenting with them. I sometimes warm up for 10-15 in VR before going into combat and I find it easier to adjust to targets at various distances.

    VR won't improve your ability to hit targets in motion however. Targets that stand still require vertical adjustment, but targets in motion require vertical AND horizontal adjustment (predicting your target's movement). It's harder, and it should be.

    I have yet to find an outfit that takes proper advantage of my abilities as an infiltrator. The trend seems to be to recruit quantity, not quality. This leads to a very isolated, patient, precise style of play which is very challenging, but I enjoy it.
  9. Swoo

    As someone who plays an Engineer quite a lot, I don't worry about sniper infil's at all. Now, the ones with the SMG's that kill you from behind before you can turn around...totally different story.

    From how you describe it with the phasing bullet however, it sounds like a lag issue. This could be yours or his, it's hard to tell. If the bullet looks like it hits, but phases through, then it didn't actually hit on one of your screens. This is very noticeable with things like sticky grenades as sometimes you will score a 'direct' hit, but the guy will survive because on his screen it went behind him.

    If he is completely stationary and you don't believe it's the hit detection, then it could be several things. It could be nanoweave simply keeping him alive (IIRC, Nanoweave 2 is all you need to survive any long range headshot), something not rendering like his turret force-shield, or you actually connecting with the abnormally huge hit box of the anti-vehicle turret which will soak up a lot of bullets that looked like they should have hit the engineer.
  10. Astraka

    Are you talking about Edynz? I have no idea how he does what he does, but suffice it to say that I am thoroughly impressed and would love to know his secret. I like to think I do pretty well, but that guy is on a completely different level compared to anyone I've ever seen aside from Traseros. I'm surprised ZAPS hasn't tried to recruit him.

    Edynz alone proves that the Infiltrator class is very viable in CQC, and people like TARPMONSTER/BigJimTaters proves that a well played Sniper is viable as well. The class is great at just about everything it does combat-wise, having a few more support options to increase its value to competitive outfits & its overall SPM is really all we need.
  11. Black Humor

    Honestly I don't think there is any secret at all to being a swedish murder machine like the guys you mentioned. Here is a rundown;

    1.) Your computer hardware and mouse/keyboard must be sufficient and TAILORED to you. Spend time configuring sensitivity and having graphic lag free gameplay, and watch your opportunity to learn increase.

    2.) Be AGGRESSIVE, not SUICIDAL. Don't be afraid to engage "better" players/outfits, even if outnumbered, but only if you have the drop on them. Patience is of extreme importance. It is safe to assume all the best players spent the game time to practice and learn, fights won't go well if one does not do the same. You won't be no scoping enemies point blank or pistol killing 3+ at once if you never attempt it.

    3.) It's ok to get killed in game, even often, long as you are observing why it's happening and learning how to both STOP it from happening to you again, and also how to repeat their tactics if you like them.

    4.) Remember to crash a galaxy into unsuspecting BR1s from time to time, it is a game meant for fun after all, and putting on try-hard pants all the time can be exhausting. They are way too tight on the crotch if ya know what I'm sayin~
  12. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Yeah if you do not know what you are doing. To prove this point I farmed 9k certs in 6 days by playing 6-8hrs a day of not even hard core farming; I did silly stuff which in terms of farming reduced play maybe to 5 hrs if that even. And that was 90% of the time sniping
  13. TheAntiFish

    I would adamantly disagree, the 12x is only good for stationary targets,unless you have some sort of godly predictive skills you will find it very hard to lead a target properly at range if they're running. I find the 10x and the 8x are the most effective.

    P.S. Those damn AV turrets, i hit people in the head all the time on those but unless i'm side on the only thing getting hurt is that damn turret.
  14. DeathSparx

    I suppose scope choice is really just preference. I stand by my 12x for sniping at those ranges though. Also about the AV turrets, aim a little higher--it works for most people. ;)
  15. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    I personally prefer the x12 for ranges between 5 and 15 meters :D
  16. Niamar

    The only thing I dislike about sniping in general, is the total lack of a giant HEADSHOT flashing on the center of the victim's screen with the crosshair emblem of course.
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  17. Kogmaw

    Personally, I love all ranges of sniping. The only tip i could really give would be to get SUPER creative for where youre sniping. The main complication with this is that you often have to keep on the move which can potentially reduce your kill output. But so long as youre aware where the fight is, it doesn't detriment it too much

    but thats just my playstyle :D
  18. Ganjis

    I have been having some fun lately playing engineer with Battle Rifle and setting up camp with an infiltrator or two. Drop ammo so we can have sensor coverage. Drop a rocket turret not too far away in case I need it. Drop some AV mines on vehicle approaches and settle down. I am not normally in a squad, but they soon figure out that when I call a target, it is about to take enough damage from my plink gun for them to OSOK to the head no matter what and usually OSOK with a body-shot.
    I sometimes finish (steal) a kill for them, but normally it is the other way round, which is cool since I am getting juicy ammo XP.

    There have been some medium-sized tower attacks where I have felt that 2-3 of us made a big difference to the outcome of the fight due to the wonderful position we were in, elevated and at just the right range to be safe from most enemy fire.
  19. TheAntiFish

    This is a fantastic idea. I really want them to know they've just been shot in the face! It's like an E-slap.
  20. Vaphell

    lol :D to expand the idea, along with the HEADSHOT i'd love if the victim also saw a pic of its char that gets X-ed with a fat red pen :D