First of its kind? definitely, maybe

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigIronRanger, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. BigIronRanger

    No noob tubes or vehicle farming was included in this feat.
    Anyone else?
    10/9/13 6:00 pm - 12:00 am
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  2. StolenToast

    Go hard or go home.
  3. Aegie

  4. Aegie

  5. Darkplace

    That fourth name -.-
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  6. UNSCSpartan051

  7. Aegie

    Uh, I do not see how I am embarassing myself by pointing out that the daily leader board looks very different than the overall. It was just a simple observation thats all not sure why you think that warrants some kind of personal attack. Geesh.
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  8. Mustarde

    sorry not the first. I've seen vonic and nivx do it on mattherson several times.

    458 kills? I hope you just took that screenshot in the middle of the morning. You'll need triple that to be #1 on Mattherson, at least.
  9. LowTechKiller

    Nice. That must include your suicides.:p
  10. LowTechKiller

    Is NivXVS as big a cheater as is reported in these forums? I've been killed by him, but I've always wondered.
    After all, he's killed Stew 51
  11. UNSCSpartan051

    Sorry for it to come off that way, it's somewhat true as Munter is AWOl since time immemorial and lots of those players quit. I have mistaken your intentions and therefore sorry.
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  12. Corporate Thug

    Nicely done and congrats. After this the only thing left is to try making no. 1 with your secondary only???
  13. MykeMichail

    I haven't done first and second but I've done like 3rd and 5th (edit: lol 5rd) on MykeMichail and JamesCalhoun.

    You must've spent the night farming at Crossroads or something?
  14. umbrellapower

    Briggs is much lower pop than Mattherson or any US server, which means it's both harder to find guys to kill and harder to kill them when they're not as oblivious due to smaller battles.

    I don't think anyone should be proud of killing zerglings or pubbies during primetime on any US server. It's like mowing down lemmings.
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  15. BigIronRanger

    Hey you're that infiltrator who hides under the landing pads of towers i remember killing you twice on Matherson (briggsironranger). Gosh if i played on Matherson you probs would have died like 20 times to me now.

    and actually my KPM for that leaderboard thing is around 2.1 thats about 126 kills an hour the only people that can even come close to that consistently is Nivx and on the occasion a lib pilot who has a good run.

    Then again Briggs does have lower pop then Matherson harder to find fights.

    This was done during prime time.
  16. BigIronRanger

    LOL im suprised someone outside of briggs actually understands that kudos man :).

    I sometimes play on Matherson and i have to say when you come back to briggs its like everyone has a 3rd eye or something. you get noticed that easily.
  17. Mustarde

    Hey you're that guy who made a whole thread about yourself and got defensive when people weren't impressed. Congrats on killing me twice.
  18. Fortress

    Well, I'm pretty sure this is the first time a thread combined ************ ego boosting and server elitism without being started by a Dramatherson player or outfit, so good job.

    Wait no I just saw the other thread you ego-ed all over. I definitely recommend switching to Matherson, we're well used to your kind here.
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  19. MrMurdok


  20. DuckSauce

    It's SOE's genius. CoD managed to trick everyone into thinking they're good by compressing the skill gap in the actual shooting mechanics. Planetside manages to do it by putting people up against F2P lemmings with single-digit FPS. :p