Waterson NC: Outfit health check

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname707, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. Runsta

    Are we now witnessing NC leaders gathering around a fire and singing Kumbaya?
    • Up x 1
  2. Badname707

    Maybe, but it'll probably be an orgy next time you look.
  3. Badname6587

    Did someone say orgy,

    Goatsack reporting for duty.
  4. TheFencer0

    Well, while I appreciate the offer to merge, I a) don't have the authority to do that, Mook does, and b) I don't think he'd go for it, because we have the most awesome tag. Seriously, BLUE. Dang. Also, we like being a small outfit, and it fits our style. However, don't hesitate to call for our assistance -- if we can, we'll coming running.

    Mook, Musta, and I bring up NC Command about once a week, so yeah -- we'd love for it to be a bigger thing. NC Command really needs to put past grievances behind us and move forward. Feel free to PM us, Daniel -- we're more than happy to work with DREV.
  5. Negator

    What sort of impact does a squad sized outfit have when it comes to command chat? Next to zero. It would be alot easier if all those itty bitty outfits that want to be special snowflakes merged. You'd simply become a more efficient faction instead of having every individual squad leader putting his 2 cents in command chat and filling it with garbage about where their 10 guys are going.
  6. TheFencer0

    You're forgetting something, Negator -- the bigger your outfit is, the less you will know about each individual member. In BLUE, we all know each other, our strengths, weaknesses, capacity, favorite loadouts, what have you. We can only have this closeness if we keep things small. A bigger outfit loses this ability, as there are just too many people to deal with.

    At the core of the NC ethos is independence. We have a ton of good player, and good leaders, and yes, plenty of times, we don't get along. However, if we can leverage our strengths and work together, we'd be a wrecking ball. Small squads have a huge impact on the battlefield: we've changed the tide of battles on Waterson more times than I can count, and when we speak on command chat, people listen. We don't flood /c with junk, we tell them things they need to know. Simple as that.

    In an faction, there is always going to be a balance between larger and smaller outfits. Small outfits need larger ones to bring the bulk to a fight. Large outfits need smaller outfits fast response times and tight communication to accomplish important objectives. It's a balance, and if you don't understand that balance, then you're going to have a rougher time of it. As for BLUE, we'll keep our independence. Our results speak for themselves.
  7. NeoKhor

    It's not just that, leading several Waterson NC is like a farmer trying to have his chickens line up in a single line. I say good luck.
  8. NeoKhor

    In my opinion, the main issue is not that the NC weapons are underpowered, but that numerous NC players on Waterson are disorganized (lack of tactics/strategy) and/or afraid to engage battle, even when NC are NOT being zerged. I tend to find several NC players camping the spawn areas hoping to get kills or switch to another continent because things just did not go their way. Maybe its the issue of having that 'immediate satisfaction' or that the K/D ratio will suffer.
  9. Aegie

    idk, just logged out during an Esamir alert and TR only had 37% pop vs 32% NC and were just rolling all over about to get another dominating victory.

    Maybe it is just that Waterson TR are that much better organized, maybe Waterson TR are just that much better, maybe it is because TR has always outperformed VS NC since release- I do not know and at this point I do not really care because regardless of why things are the way they are it is not very enjoyable.
  10. NeoKhor

    This man needs an applause!
    Indeed! We need to better apply tactics and strategies and, use our advantages in the battlefield.
  11. Chewy102

    All factions have those idiots that camp empty spawns or run from good fights. You can't get the "must have good K/D" idea out of peoples heads thanks to every other shooter making that a main playing point if not the only reason to play those games.

    As for NC weapons and SOE Live. The choice to play as VS (from what I was told) was that they had some of if not the easiest weapons to use and VS have the best MAX out of the 3. That MAX was a huge factor in the choice from it's raw power to kill many players at a time and keep entire areas pinned thanks to the speed and power of ZOE. DVS almost played as TR and most likely would have if vehicles had a bigger role from being able to abuse the Marauder and Harrassers.

    NC just doesn't have what it takes to win an event like that. Look at the winner list. NC didn't have a chance to place till 7th if I am getting the outfit names right. VS teams took 1st-4th and not even TR could get placed till 5th. 666th and NUC are not outfits to **** with and they got their ***** handed to them. NUC kicks my *** all the time, they are good but couldn't touch VS teams.

    TR would have won if it was a vehicle event. (Striker and Fracture)
    VS won the infantry event thanks to that MAX. (ZOE)

    The only way to have a fair fight was to limit or just remove anyone from being able to use vehicles or MAXes and be pure fleshy troops. No way to abuse questionable weapons, classes, and/or vehicles. But that would have needed a non public place to fight. You can't have a fair fight in a public server.
  12. Negator

    seeing as the event was hardly something to measure faction balance by, perhaps the VS teams knew where to go to get the most out of their time? NEVERMIND that going VS seemed like a good meta decisions since the NC on Connery are hardly more then bots. Watched DVS play, saw them crush majority sub BR20 noobs/NC noobs in general.
  13. Scorchclaw

    Alright listen up: this is for all you leaders!

    The set will be leading a co-ops with other outfits. These will take place on saturday nights. If your outfit is interested send me an email at scorchyclaw@gmail.com .

    Within that email i need the following info
    Subject line:Co-ops
    outfit name
    outfit leader(if its you put your name)
    Your name and position in outfit.
    Estimated ammount of players you will bring to the ops.
    any other info you tihnk i need.

    Thank you, and i look forward to working with you all in the field.

    Live free in the NC
  14. Revanmug

    TR esamir pop was going inbetween 45-50% while both other faction were around 25%.

    In other word, you were rolling all over the place because the majority of VS and NC didn't seem to care about the alert. So no, that victory wasn't because you simply outperformed both faction.
  15. Badname707

    So here's what I'm thinking: A redrafted NC command built with a specific function in mind, namely to set up rules, guides, blacklists, whatever it takes to make command chat a feature that is not muted by the majority, to set up regularly scheduled events, and to help foster smaller blocs and alliances between NC outfits. Membership in NCC this time around will mean that the outfit commits itself to its success both by creating content/events and also directing their outfit to participate in the events of others. There won't be any 'leadership' for the coalition, just outfits pledged to work in a mutually beneficial way.

    I've written up a little thing for it, as I'm kin to do. I put a post up on the NCC website to see if we can't get a drafting session scheduled. I recommend only outfits that can spare someone with a decent attention span attend.
  16. Badname6587

    RBWC - Royal Black Watch Charlie Company:

    Force Commander: GoatSack

    Last night vs. TR 2 alerts - 2 wins. Capped Esamir, Capped Indar and won 2/2 alerts that night as well.

    As long as the pops are relatively even, the NC dominates night time - TR is not organized at all from 10p cst - 4a cst. Nor are they that organized during the day. The only alerts they seem to win are when they have 10-50% more pop.. in a continent which happens quite a bit unfortunately because the vanu just completely abandon alerts altogether 75% of the time. The vanu have terrible leadership. The NC are currently UP as hell - 11% less kills than the TR/VS according to stats OoD ran with very equal pops and similar BR averages. As a whole, it is impossible to argue that the NC doesn't need some upgrades to level the playing field.

  17. Badname707

    I'm shooting for either an in-voice, or live chat meeting next Friday 9/13. The 'official' post is on the NCC website. Do you guys think you or someone from your outfit will be able to attend?
  18. Chewy102

    Not upgrades, downgrades.

    NC has been the hard to use faction since launch. Shotguns need a certain playstyle to be of use (high risk) and our guns, and more or less anything NC, is hard hitting but kicks like a mule and slow as hell. High recoil and slow fire rate is never a good combo for the average (crap) gamer. Recoil can be 100% up and that wont help when it jumps in spikes and not a smooth motion like TR and VS weapons. Look at the Saw and Orion for example. Saw may hit a lot harder but you can't keep on target from it jumping with each shot. Orion can almost unload the entire mag on target with the smoother recoil. Not counting for COF, a lower recoil or higher ROF weapon is much better as a stock weapon from being easy to use.

    NC needs weapons that are easy to use for newer players, not skilled players. We have weapons for skilled players already, the underlings need some love as well. Making the Saw a stock weapon wasn't a good idea, should have been the GD22 (GR22? can't remember what one is for medic or HA).
  19. Badname6587

    no clue. message me in game, im working the next two days - ill be back sunday

  20. Wurd

    I am good to go for some Joint Outfit Ops. I lost a number of my [SMUT] Soldiers but I still have my core fighters. I will unmute my Command Chat channel tonight when I get online. I had muted it a few months back due to unnecessary chatter and bickering. Hopefully it got better.