Change Medic Revives

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tristan, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Astealoth

    I know it's an overplayed comment, but this game isn't CoD. This game isn't Quake III Arena. This game isn't Unreal Tournament 2004. This game isn't Goldeneye 64. People like to claim it is just an upscaled version of that style game, but fact is not every situation can be dealt with by running straight at it like an adrenaline fueled steroid junkie. Some situations take at least minimal thought and planning to overcome in a game of this scale. Begging the devs to remove any semblance of tactical play isn't the answer. Try playing tactical or go back to games balanced for 16v16 arenas.
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  2. Tristan

    So apparently you didn't get the sarcasm, but you seem a little thick so I guess I'm not all that surprised.

    The fact that we can kill most of a larger force means we're going into things with a plan, not running straight towards them.
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  3. Astealoth

    Oh I'm well aware of your sentiment. I liked your post for a reason, because I like sarcasm. The whole this game aint CoD even though people like to say it is spiel was just for funsies because it sounded nice in my head.


    Go home Varnu, purple dinosaur wannabes :p
  4. CrashB111

    The zerg is what benefits the most from medic spam. It doesn't take a whole hell of a lot of coordination to get a ton of blue shirts to go medic and just run around reviving each other.
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  5. HadesR

    Tweak the Medic tool and AOE heal, increase XP for healing and remove revives ...

    More Medic
    Less Necromancer

  6. Hobo Jack

    your issues are not issues. its a core design to the class itself just like heavy rockets not costing resources. it is a design decisionthat makes planetside planetside. your solutions are stupid and irrelevant
  7. XRIST0

    Medics are fine leave them as they are .
  8. Sock

    Always good to have your insight.
  9. PeanutMF

    Medic tools with a heating system like the engineer repair tool would be nice. The system you suggest sounds good.

    Although if permanently killing players that are already downed with one or two knife strikes or a grenade was implemented, I would go with that, and only then if it wasn't enough, go with this addition.

    Heavy rockets costing resources is one of those things I would agree with whole heartedly if engineer repairs were made to cost resources. However both ideas are stupid and annoying; apart from possibly Strikers, if only for their ease of use (and when inevitably VS realise lancers are amazing), heavy rockets don't really pose much threat to a well positioned tank driver, I don't see it as bad an issue as ease of medic revives in infantry combat.
  10. Flapatax


    1. See above picture.

    2. Dunno why you're calling them kamikaze bricks. Maybe you're bad enough that you consider going after a max sucide, but I generally use them as traps or around corners. Also, any decent HA doesn't generally have those equipped (med packs or go home).

    3. I often kill heavies due to positioning. If I get the drop on you and I'm hitting you in the face, odds are I'm strafing by the time you've turned around or I've broken off and made my way behind a corner. If we run into one another, then yea, sure, if you get your shield up you're probably going to win. GJ--you won a 1v1 with a heavy.

    In terms of offensive capability, medics are a step down from HA but not by much. That's all irrelevant though--their rez mechanics are broken as ****.
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  11. Tristan

    Except that the exact same design choice in Planetside 1 made it a totally different Planetside. But shhhh don't tell anyone that you're a window licker.
  12. Xhoydr

    I think it all comes down to what SOE wants this game to be.

    I have always seen the marketing for this game scream "MASSIVE SCALE COMBAT" with the additional "STRATEGY ON A GLOBAL SCALE", which is on the homepage for PS2.

    Right now, death doesn't matter in this game, where you can be killed by:
    -your own people
    -The occasional hacker

    What I mean is you can be killed by things you really don't have a hard counter at all times or things that can be out of your control.
    But I am ok with that because it means you HAVE to make a tradeoff. There shouldn't be a singular route to victory.

    Much of it would depend on the magnitude to which you change how death works.

    I will also agree that this game does indeed lack metagame, which brings a host of problems(similar to this one) that are brought up because of it.

    What you have to be careful about in PS2 is making fights too short and not enjoyable for everyone involved. For instance, Biolabs can be capped in 3 minutes. That is WAY too short for a facility of that size. That definitely needs changing too.

    Anyways, I thought I would put a few thoughts out there.

    My views about how the medic should be tweaked are elsewhere. I can reiterate them if need be.
  13. Thardus

    Ammo for revives. Heal all you want, but to keep reviving, you at least need an engineers help.
  14. Axehilt

    As long as overheating is only related to revives, not healing.

    I actually feel like the repair tool overheating doesn't flow well at all in PS2. My suggestion back in alpha was to put a repair debuff on objects (if something was damaged in the last ~6 secs, it would be repaired dramatically (-75%) slower,) and keep the repair tool so you could repair forever. But given the rate of healing vs. incoming damage for infantry, a similar change isn't needed for the medic tool.
  15. ghnurbles

    Agree with OP.

    I think the Sudden Death round of the Community Challenge made the strength of the medic revive blatantly obvious. All those players fighting across a bridge, and yet there was only a single Light Assault used. That single Light Assault was quite effective, so why weren't more used? Because they can't be revived if they die up on top of the bridge.

    The current state of the medic revive makes using clusters of infantry the most viable strategy. Splitting your force and using some units to harass and flank the enemy should be a lot more viable, but it's not because medics easily undo small strikes. The current revive speed makes for boring game-play.
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  16. Tristan

    This was a big thing for me. DA's match against BWC showed how ridiculous the revive ability was on Rime Analytics when trying to clear an even numbered force with a bunch of maxes from an enclosed room.
  17. Scup

    I don't think revives via medic tool is gamebreaking - if you can't shove a group out of an area you probably shouldn't attack them. Revives via revive grenade is something else though.
  18. sauna

    Heal Tool should have overheating like Repair Tool, 1 or 2 revives should overheat it completely so there would be a cooldown on res.
  19. Haterade

    Teamwork works on a micro and macro level. A group of six people, by virtue of their teamwork, can hold out against 15 people. That's micro teamwork. That same group will be eventually overrun, because they aren't utilizing other people from their faction (i.e. macro teamwork).

    Whether medics discourage skill depends on what you consider skill. Is working together skill? They were more skillful than you. Is skill about twitch aiming? You're more skillful than the combat classes. Is skill about positioning? The medic was more skillful than you.

    Maybe push toward the medics rather then sitting back and trying to pick off troops all day. In most firefights like this, there are times where the majority of players are dead and disoriented because they just got revived. Use that time to push the medic and kill him. You may die, but you're sacrificing your K/D for the betterment of the team (or, most simply, using teamwork).

    The solution is babysitting bodies while they are revived or awaiting acceptance of the revive. Kill the guy who just got revived and then push the medic and kill him. Sitting back all day against a medic behind cover is poor tactics.
  20. Flapatax

    Next time I'm sure he'll 1v15 harder and really push them.

    Zergskill=best skill. Or "macro teamwork" I guess now.