[Suggestion] My Concept for a VS Charge Pistol - The Aurora

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lavalampe, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Lavalampe

    I've thought a lot about "How would I design a charge up pistol" for the VS. Well I came along with this idea and I would like to know what you guys think about it.
    Sorry in advance if there may be some grammatical and typing mistakes. English isn't my foreign language.

    The Aurora - a charge up pistol

    125 dmg per charge @10m
    65 dmg per charge @50m
    16 round magazine
    325 rpm in single fire (a bit less than the manticore)
    Accuracy should be a tiny bit worse than the manticore
    Short reload 1.8 seconds
    Long reload 2.2 seconds
    Up to a level 4 charge-up mechanic

    Ok so this is how the charge up mechanic works:

    The Singlefire mode is always the level 1 charge.
    With the Aurora you can charge up to 4 shots (level 4 charge) into one single shot. Unlike the Lancer the charge dmg grows linear so a level 2 charge deals the same amount of dmg like two single shots. The charge up is overall slower then firing the gun in single shot mode BUT it gives you a huge burst dmg at your first shot when fully charged so the ttk will be lower when your first hit is a charged one (compared to single fire).

    Charge Time from Level 1 to Level 2 - 0.6sec
    Charge Time from Level 2 to Level 3 - 0.6sec
    Charge Time from Level 3 to Level 4 - 0.6sec

    The charge time is linear and it needs 1.8 seconds to fully charge the weapon and dealing the maximung dmg of 500 which is 50 more then the commissioner.
    One important thing is that you can hold the charge an infinite amount of time (unlike the Lancer).

    + An fully charged shot placed in the head is an instant kill against non-nanoweave players. So this gun grows with your aiming skill
    + Highest first bullet dmg of all pistols in this game when charged
    + Charge can be hold as long as you want (or till you switch the weapon)
    + Extremly cool synergy with the upcoming stalker cloak
    + Enough rounds to kill 4 non-nanoweave enemy via headshots

    - Without the charge a piece of garbage
    - Long ttk when the charge has to be build up
    - Can just kill 2 non-nanoweave enemys via bodyshots
    - Lowest minimum dmg at max range of all ingame pistols when not charged
    - Level 1 Nanoweave prevent a one hit kill via headshot (except infiltrators)
    - The one hit kill via headshot range is limited to 10m
    - Longest reload time of all VS pistols (except the NS ones)

    Suggestions for improvements are always welcome! ;)
    Please let me know what you guys think.

    • Up x 1
  2. Delnar_Ersike

    So essentially you want a pistol that mimics the way SMGs work on Infiltrators, ie. get the drop on someone close, uncloak, and destroy them before they can respond? I can also see this being a nightmare on LA's, since they can now OHK infantry without having to equip a shotgun.

    As nice as the concept is, I just don't see how it really adds to the game. Pistols are used as sidearms anyway, and the charge-up behavior is only useful if you're using it as if it were a primary weapon, ie. holding it out for extended periods of time.
  3. Lavalampe

    I just like weapons that reward aiming skill with a huge amount of damage. And it's not that you can pull out this damage as an instant. You need to charge and hold the charge.
    For an light assault that means that he has to use his jetpacks with a pistol in his hand that only kills if i hit the head in 10m. If i miss this shot or hit the body i'm screwed. With an commissioner your next shot after you hit the head is always an instant kill and this beyond 10m. I wouldn't fly as an light assault with this pistole charged up. Your ADS accuracy will go all over the place and you cannot fight pack real threads.

    But yeah, the role of this gun is skilled assassination.
  4. FinalFroggy

    Except that you probably wouldn't be able to hold charge while cloaked. If you're going to uncloak and shoot someone immediately it seems with this concept you'd be better off just shooting them without charging.
  5. DocteurVK

    I'd honestly prefer a "Lasher-like" pistol.

    No More charge weapons, please, we want more diversity and new mechanics.

    Recycling can be usefull, but 3 Charge weapons would be a bit too much.
  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    solid idea but i'd much rather like to have an empire-specific or common-pool high-capacity high-firerate automatic sidearm next. the cerberus was already disappointing to say the least and charge-up doesn't sound promising either
  7. CobraJD

    Which is what Infiltrator will do while using the Stalker cloak.

    I, for a long time, assumed this - "the" faction specific pistols in the roadmap, were mainly for infiltrator, but were basically cool toys with different features. However, a large amount of people, mostly the non-Infiltrator people, were thinking they would be useless as they wouldn't fit their need - finishing. So then SoE suddenly add a bunch of pistols that are different to the normal pistols factions have... NC get a burst fire pistol, like a TR repeater. TR get a fast firing, spammable pistol, like a VS beamer. And VS get a heavy hitting, slightly slower firing pistol, like the Magshot. All of these provide a different style to finishing for each faction. So really, no one should be complaining about the charge up pistol anymore. You have the Cerberus. Let the Infiltrators have their fun now.

    Also, to the OP, sadly, the name 'Aurora' has already been taken :(
    SoE gave that name to a helmet for VS obtained after 'recruiting' 25 people, which no one will do. I hate the recruitment system.:mad:

  8. Flashtirade

    I wouldn't use this over the Commissioner. 1.8 seconds is an extremely long time in a firefight, and I'm assuming you can't charge it while cloaked because that would be ridiculously cheesy.
  9. Lavalampe

    Ah damn. I've got the feeling that I heard that name before in relation with planetside2 but after a look at the weapon sheet I couldn't find a weapon named aurora. So they named a helmet with it... Ok, the name is a placeholder anyway. ;)

    That's the reason why I added to the pro list "+ Extremly cool synergy with the upcoming stalker cloak".
    The Stalker cloak was an unreleased cloak from beta (i dunno if it's listed at the testserver already). It allowed you to stay cloaked for an infinite amount of time while standing still and you could also fire your secondary weapon while cloaked! This should make the cloak nearly disappear. You also regenerated energy while standing still. Only when you move you drain energy. The big downside of this cload is the fact, that you aren't allowed to carry a primary weapon while stalker cloak is equipped. It's an pure infiltration cloak. Before the commissioner and the underboss came out it was very weak but with those two guns it started to be a good way to play your infiltrator.The empire specific pistols will all be a very good synergy to this cloak.

    - The NC shall get a shotgun pistol
    - The TR shall get a full-auto pistol
    - The VS shall get a charge-up pistol

    So every of this weapons is a close range monster. I was afraid, that the charge-up pistol will stay behind if the charge is implemented worse, so I decided to post my own concept that fill the role of a good close range gun, with it's downsides.
  10. DeadliestMoon

    Really now? Having 3 charge up weapons would be too much? So I guess NC having shotguns as a Heavy weapon, ESF weapon, secondary vehicle weapon in addition to the standard shotguns is just fine then huh?
  11. Van Dax

    ah yes shotguns, do you see vs running all over saying that you should get more shotguns? Or, instead do you see members of every faction acknowledging that the c85 needs a total rework.
    you should also note that there are many charge up weapons hidden in the game files, they are every where and we don't want them-you've already got your shotguns, we can influence what gets created.
    Also you can try not being a dick, if the majority of a faction doesn't want to have a gun created for them and it will have abysmal sales SOE wants to know ahead of time, we haven't been very impressed with their charge weapons so far and the vs is very lacking in decent pistols-if they do this right they'll get a ton of sales.
  12. DocteurVK

    Never said that NC shouldn't get weapons which are not shotguns.

    Actually, I though about an "NC flavored" weapon type (don't really know which class/vehicle could use it, TBH) based on a magnetic cannon (Gauss technology) firing at a high speed, a dense metalic bolt able to either penetrate armor to heavily damage vehicles (slow reload, no splash damage at all, low drop)

    or an infantry crossbow-like gun firing small bolts loaded with an EMP device, exploding when hitting a surface and dealing direct damage to infantry.

    TR could get incendiary rounds, not very powerfull, but dealing stackable DoT allowing sustained fire to be a death sentance to ennemy infantrymen.

    I'd like to see Vanu get plasma-firing guns which projectiles would reduce ennemy armor or mess up with their mobility like Goo-like burning plasma with high drop, low velocity but average splash (Lasher Mark II) and slowing down infantry.

    If the community is creative, Sony will be able to work on some ideas.

    If we stay on existing ideas, SOE will not have the time to investigate as much as community can (how many Game designers do they have?)
  13. DeadliestMoon

    Dude, the beamer and cerberus are fine pistols, which no one seems to care for because most people will just stick to the revolvers. In what way was I being a dick?
  14. Famif

    I am about to post a similar thread. I was going to use the Aurora as the name too, when I searched for the name, I found your post HAH! Similar ideas, though I think mine has one kink above your own. I just finished a drawing.