[Guide] Guide me to the best shotgun for me?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AceOf5pades, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. AceOf5pades

    I'm looking for a shotgun that is deadly at close quarters (aren't they all :p) something that can take out an enemy within 10m in 1 or 2 shots. Rate of fire doesn't really matter to me, as I think the automatic one is crap.

    im stuck between the Semi or the two bolt actions.

    I'm also looking for one with med recoil that can hit at somewhat of a distance (regardless of how many shots it will take to kill at said distance).

    I plan on using it for my LA with a laser sight and iron sights. Maneuver behind enemies take out a few quickly and then zip away.

    I know what I'm asking for might not exist, but what do you suggest as a shotgun that is closest to what I whould want and why?

    Thank You,
  2. Kodaa

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  3. DJPenguin

    ^ outdated video before shotguns got nerfed all around.
  4. Kodaa

    Are you sure? Wrel is usually pretty good about making it known that his videos are outdated if they become so.

    Also, the information is probably still relevant. You'll just need to watch it knowing that pump actions have less ammo, and shotguns overall do a bit less damage. This is probably why it's not marked as outdated, because he mostly discusses the core mechanics that didn't change with the nerf.
  5. DJPenguin

    Varying shotguns have different magazine sizes, rate of fire, pellet count and damage since that vid. It's certainly not the same as it was 5 months ago.
  6. Hobo Jack

    if you like to use slugs i would reccommend the high capacity shotgun. otherwise depending on your playstyle get the pump shotty or the auto shotty. i would reccomend the pump shotty with the 1 fewer pelet count because the spread is much tighter so you will get more pellets on target per shot despite the other one haveing 1 extra pellet
  7. Hoki

    The pump actions are point blank only, they'll only get you killed any further away.

    You said you don't like the fully auto one, so you're left with two semi-auto options.

    1) 8 rounds
    2) 6 rounds with tighter shot pattern

    Keep in mind that ADS slugs are just as accurate and deadly for all of the semi-auto shotguns. 3 bodyshots from long range, 2 bodyshots from closerange. +1 for nanoweave at any range.
  8. Rohnlex

  9. AceOf5pades

    Im really liking the nova with slug ammunition, i can hipfire from 0-15m and be pretty accurate with a 2HK, then any further i use a scope and 3-4 shots
  10. Lafri

    To start I would go with any of the two semi autos with extended mags and have fun. You can't go wrong with either of them, good stopping power, quick reload and a mag count that forgives some misses. As Ammo conversation is always a shotgun issue so pistol and knife are your new best friends. Learn to use them.

    Pump actions are good if your aim is spot on and you know how to get into the 0-5m sweetspot to use the OHK ability. As a first step into shotguns it's frustration guaranteed. low ammo count, long reload, strange behavior in some situations...

    I would also suggest to use the comissioner or underboss with shotguns for some range stopping power and the 1 shot + knife to the back treatment for those unsuspecting guys. but well that's another topic.
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  11. ThaFreeJ

    If you're planning to equip a laser and no sight attachments,I assume ammo is no issue with you so I highly suggest going for the fast reload ones.
    VS: Thanatos
    NC:Not sure about the name
    With a fast reload you'll be able to perform quick successive hit and run attack and being able to survive oh **** moments
  12. St0mpy

    Get the pump, theres nothing more satisfying than sneaking up on a lone infiltrator oblivious to his surroundings, aiming for the head and bang, one shot dead before he can even move or realise his little camp is blown :D
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  13. PhysicsMan

    I have Auraxium medals on all VS shotguns but the Deimos VA29 (nearly have it on this) and from your post I'd recommend using the Phobos VX86 (pump action shotgun) with an extended magazine. You can kill anything but heavies and MAXes up close with one shot, and it's insanely effective in tower fights if you know the tricks of using the light assault.

    Also, don't bother with slug ammunition (it decreases effectiveness at close range) nor laser sights (you'll find out that extended mags are what you need on all your shotguns, they will allow you to take on more enemies at once).

    P.S. You don't like the Pandora? D: That gun is epic!
  14. blashyrk92

    Whatever you do, do not buy PA shotguns. They are unreliable and due to faulty hit detection (or whatever the reason) you often won't get that OHK even if you are 2-3m away from an opponent. They're basically upgraded quick knives right now.

    And besides that OHK ability, semi auto shotguns are better in every other way imaginable. So if you really want a shotgun, go with the semis or autos. If you just need a good CQC solution, consider 2nd generation SMGs as well.
  15. PhysicsMan

    Nonsense, pump actions (Phobos VX86 and Deimos VA29, in the case of the VS) rarely suffer from hit detection issues from my experience.

    @OP: The Phobos is a great choice for tower fights in particular as it allows you to kill a few people very quickly and then jump jet down/up to the next level, reload and do it all over again. The difference between the Phobos and Deimos, by the way, is that the Deimos has a slightly larger spread, slightly higher damage per pellet (I think) and a slower refire rate - for these reasons, I prefer the Phobos.