Should i get resist shield?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    I have max NMG and i kept hearing cries about how OP resist is

    Should i get it?
  2. Torok

    I don't have a good answer for that, I used to run resist shield for a LONG time.. then I finally got the Adrenalinic 5 and switched to that only, I love how you can get taken by surprise and then pop it and fight back, with the Resist shield you'll still die.
    About the Adrenalinic combined with a very powerful gun such as the Godsaw I can almost easily score even 30 kills before dying, which is something I really can't do with the Resist because you'll need to wait for the shield atleast to regenerate, and you'll use some more medkits.
    other than That it's good, you can unlock it for 50 certs and test it out, after all what improves with higher levels is only the total duration. Give it a try since it's so Cheap
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  3. Notih8Darian

  4. IamDH

    I also maxed out nanoweave (just 4 stew)
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  5. IamDH

    Yes it is!
    Thank you

    I'll also try the Adrenaline shield in VR
  6. Kodaa

    I'd recommend the Adrenaline Shield.
  7. rickampf

    Don't listen to the noobs who says it is OP.

    It is pretty good if you are aware of your enemies. Mid - Long range engagements. It needs to be activated before u start taking hits to be truly effective... otherwise, the nano or adrenalide is better.
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  8. VanuSovereignty

    The Adrenaline shield isn't really better than NMG until you get it up to higher levels.

    Might as well spend the 50 certs on the first level of Resist, then save for Adrenaline.

    I'm not a noob, and I certainly find it OP.
  9. Notih8Darian

    Glad I'm not the only one :cool:
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  10. Morpholine

    Do you use your shield pro actively or reactively?

    If your habit is turning it on before engaging, the resist shield will give you more mileage. If you use the shield most often in response to taking damage, the NMG or Adrenaline will be better.

    If you're like me, however, you die most often with a full shield capacitor regardless of what you're using.
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  11. Lazaruz

    I prefer adrenaline shield just because I like jumping down from tall buildings.
  12. Cinnamon

    Only real downside is that you are locked into using nanoweave and med kits so buh bye to flak armour and c4 if you used them.
  13. Posse

    This is an extract from the HA loadout guide I made for the guys in my outfit:

    Shield Choice:

    This one actually depends on your playstyle and your skill, it's probably the hardest decision to make in setting your Heavy Assault. If you don't have a decent KPM (kills per minute) avoid adrenaline shield, you should first decide what you like more between NMG/Adrenaline and Resist Shield, if you decide the first option is better for you, then stick with NMG until you have enough certs to max Adrenaline Shield at once, or at least to level 4 (assuming you get a decent KPM of course).

    My personal opinion on this? NMG vs Adrenaline is a no-brainer since I can get the KPM necessary for Adrenaline to be better (it's not like you need to get too many kills anyway, at least for Adrenaline 5), and it has the plus that after you kill someone you instantly have around 130 HP back because of the instant recharge. Choosing between these 2 is quite easy (NMG for the less skilled, Adrenaline for the more skilled), the problem is deciding between the winner of them and Resist Shield.

    Resist Shield is a good counter for NMG/Adrenaline HAs, in a 1v1 where both start with full HP and both have the same skill, the guy with resist shield will win because he can take 2 or 3 more bullets (that said, this kind of situation is quite rare, even more if you're really skilled). The other advantage it has is in taking 2 or 3 guys heads-on, Adrenaline mitigates this though because you'll be recovering some HP after each kill (you depend on them being bad to survive anyway).

    Now for the disadvantages, NMG/Adrenaline can save you if you are attacked by surprise, it's a good panic button since it's a lump HP bonus, Resist Shield only gives you more effective HP when you're full health (or almost full), if you have your shields depleted for example, you'll have 500-750 HP and the bonus effective HP will be much less than with NMG/Adrenaline (a bit more than 400 vs 650). The other disadvantage is that it doesn't protect you against falls (this one is VERY relevant for me at least, depends on your playstyle of course).

    Finally, the damage you can absorb with NMG/Adrenaline before starting to take damage to health (which you can't recover without medics or kits) is way higher than with Resist Shield (650+500 = 1150 for NMG/Adrenaline vs 500/0.55 = 909), if you want to use C4, then you'll want to avoid Resist Shield for this matter.
  14. Lord_Avatar

    How does the Resist Shield work right now? As far as I know it's a straight up dmg *reduction* (somewhere up to 50%), as long, as the shield is up; whereas the NMG is an artificial 'health buffer', which degenerates with time and when taking damage.
  15. ViXeN

    Depends on your play-style. If you are a CQC player who can get a lot of kills then go with Adren 5.
  16. Hoki

    Its synergy with nanoweave, 100% HP rezz, and medkits give it an extreme edge.

    Not only is it stronger in a single engagement, it is also far stronger in successive engagements where your health is topped off and you only need enough resist shield to last a couple of seconds.

    This is happened so many times I cannot put enough emphasis on how effective it is. You can play completely sloppy aggressive, survive with a sliver of health, medkit, and immediately do it all over again.

    And adrenaline shield really does not even come close. Adrenaline can be better than recharge speed, but killing someone with adrenaline shield lets you survive like two more bullets. So you basically need to kill two people before it even starts being better than resist shield. Then theres the no synergy with topping of your HP, making it just hands down inferior.
  17. Posse

    But that's easy!
  18. Hoki

    You also have 1/2 odds that people you run into are NW5 resist shield heavies, so good luck with that.
  19. Posse

    Meh, most of the time I beat the HA with RS anyway, but yes, Adrenaline is not for anyone, I agree there.
  20. Liberty

    Basically if you are a 0-1.9 KD player, go resist. If you are a 2+ adrenaline.

    Adrenaline favors those who go on killing spree's, resist is for if you struggle to win 1 v 1 encounters.