Hotkey 'remove weapon attachment' - yay or nay?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Scudmungus, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. Scudmungus

    As per title.

    Specifically, I'd enjoy the option of removing/adding the suppressor without having to bring up the character load out, clicking to remove suppressor, clearing window to return to game.

    Ya can even add a 2-3 second delay - I promise I won't cry.

    So, ya'll - yay or nay?

    -.o Huh??!?

    Edit: With respect to this OP: I'd like to 'raise the issue'. Again. Loudly. In 4D. For JUSTICE!
    • Up x 5
  2. zaspacer

    I'm all for it.

    It would have a HUGE impact on Infiltrators who are Sniping across multi-dimensional engagements. But it would also help every player who wanted to slap a Suppressor on their pistol (or other weapon) in a key moment of Stealth.

    They already give players the option to toggle on/off the Laser Scope and Flashlight attachments. The ability to toggle on/off the Suppressor would fit in the same boat.

    And a Suppressor is something in the real world that is removable/addable by a user in the field. (just like in the movies when the bad guy with the gloves on attaches his Suppressor to his gun on screen)

    I know there have been a number of posts and threads on this subject before. There is no drawback in adding this and there are no people against it. It makes for a better game. It is not difficult for Devs to add. (just animate it by showing the gun go away like switching weapons, then a pause with no gun showing, then the updated gun comes back into view; skip any sound effect for it just like the Laser Scope has none)
  3. IIXianderII

    This would be my favorite change the Devs have ever made if this was implemented. Being able to switch to a suppressor without having to run to a terminal would allow me to adapt to a changing battle so much better.
  4. vanu123

    I am not sure why I would use it for my playstyle but ehh why not. Yay
  5. Vaphell

    indeed, it would be a blessing to spining infs. They tend to spend a lot of time away from the terminals and currently they are very inflexible with these fixed loadouts. Whenever frontline moves to an environment with entirely different characteristics, sniping feels like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, eg there was a lot of cover and nice perches so suppressed midrange rifle, then action moves to some wasteland with more distant cover and you are stuck with the suppressor that gives you nothing of value, only huge penalties (drop, loss of speed, loss of ohk against NW). Snipers already suffer from lack of utility and fixed suppressor only makes the problem bigger.
  6. Aimeryan

    Reasons this should be added: Easy to implement, no reason not too (I highly doubt there would be significant resistance to the idea), adds enjoyment to the game by improving quality of life and the ability to make tactical decisions regarding this in the field.

    Reasons this wont be added: SOE.
  7. Scan

    Not going to happen.

    It would make snipers to versatile, and they want to give people a chance to react.

    God forbid we'd get some kind of feature that would work in favor of snipers.
  8. ShinBreaker

    Then again, it would work for other classes too. Seeing how the suppressor increases bullet drop for ALL classes. Giving the player the ability to simply toggle on/off the suppressor without having to run to the nearest terminal gives the player more flexibility in the war zone. I mean, for example, when a sniper has to move locations from a medium range to a far ranged battle, their suppressor would be rendered useless because bullet drop is a *****. At some cases there wouldn't be a friendly terminal or one to hack. The player is left with a disadvantage until they redeploy and change their load out. As I said, this is not only for snipers; everyone can use it to their advantage.
  9. Hellhammer

    If it were an available action for all classes, I don't see why it can't be implemented. It's kind of stupid that you already can't
  10. Posse

    I'm all for this, might even incentive me to cert into the common suppressor instead of the flash suppressor for my LMGs
  11. Scan

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this feature implemented, but if it was, I would not be surprised if they give it to everyone, exept Bolt Action sniper rifles.

    I think it is amazing we are allowed to use supressors on BASR to begin with.

    Clearly, OHK someone, and not showing up on the minimap, is overpowered.

    They are not getting a chance to react after all!

    Okay... I sound rather bitter. But having have played this class since BETA, I've seen alot of features that apply to many classes, exept the Infiltrator. The first thing that comes to mind is for example the EMP grenade. It doesn't drain anyones' energy, exept the infiltrator's energy pool.

    SoE, doesn't understand stealth play, and is scared to death of it. It caused them to overnerf much Infiltrator related, and now almost a year later, have begun to slowly soften up on their nerfs, leading to changes such as our recon tool, no longer causing us to show up on the minimap.

    Anyhow.... I find I'm once again ranting about the unfairness of it all... while the topic is about being able to activate/deactivate attachments.

    So on topic: Yes, I'd like this very much, but I also think this would negate the fact of choosing what loadout you use in diffrent situations. I'd like people to be able to think what would work best in diffrent circumstances, instead of handing them a "cookie cutter" setup that would work in all situations.
  12. Posse

    Nanoweave solves
  13. Vaphell

    negate is a strong word to use in this context. No matter what you can't turn SAS-R into a true long range sniping machine by removing the suppressor, nor can you switch between mines and medkits which lend themselves to different scenarios. All it would do is to grant a bit more flexibility on the margins.
    Wasting 2 loadout slots for otherwise identical setups is idiotic.
  14. Scan

    It was sarcasm. ;)

    That depends on what loadout you are using.

    For instance: I'm perfectly able to snipe at close range with a 12x scope. There was a period I did this almost exclusively. Ofcourse I would love to be able to bring my supressor with me in the field, and slap it on once I am nearing the enemy, and could use abit more stealth.

    But: the effect would be that everyone would be able to do this, and I imagine in CQB battles, everyone will turn their suppressor "on".

    It would drastically change the game.

    Wether it's a good or bad change, I'm not certain of... but I think the impact would be far greater than having "a bit more flexibility on the margins"

    Also: as Infiltrator, being able to hack infantery terminals allows us to switch loadouts in situations where most other classes can not... so I'd say we already have a headstart in that regard.
  15. Posse

    Meh, 2nd time in 3 days I don't detect a sarcasm, I have to send my sarcasm detector to get fixed.
  16. Aimeryan

    Not sure my post will by a direct reply to your post Scan, but I think there will be some overlap, hence the reply!

    The magnitude of change it will have will ultimately depend on the speed of toggling the silencer and how the player works with this. Lets take three scenarios; a fast toggle, and a very slow toggle with a lacking-of-forethought player, and a very slow toggle with a forward-thinking player (in order).

    Fast Toggle
    "Ok, so that CQC fight went well, thank you silencer! Right, the stretch coming up looks quite vast. Lets see, can I spot anyone here? Yes! That guy there! Hmm, quite far away, silencer will really hurt here - no matter, fast toggle! Bang bang bang! Yes, fast toggle ftw! *Several moments pass while running* Hmm, looks like it is going back to CQC here. Fast toggle! Argh! Bang bang bang! Whew, did that toggle just in time, thank you fast toggle!. Ah, look, that other guy didn't notice me because my silencer was on... Bang bang bang!"

    Slow Toggle
    "Ok, so that CQC fight went well, thank you silencer! Right, the stretch coming up looks quite vast. Lets see, can I spot anyone here? Yes! That guy there! Hmm, quite far away, silencer will really hurt here - come on, hurry up with the toggle! Hes getting away! Come on! Yes! Toggle done! NOOOO, he got away! Slow toggle ftl! *Several moments pass while running* Hmm, looks like it is going back to CQC here. Lets just switch over to silencer again... Argh! Dead."

    Slow Toggle (round 2)
    "Ok, so that CQC fight went well, thank you silencer! Right, the stretch coming up looks quite vast. I will change the silencer in advance. Lets see, can I spot anyone here? Yes! That guy there! Hmm, quite far away, but no matter - I already changed the silencer. Bang bang bang! Toggling in advance ftw! *Several moments pass while running* Hmm, looks like it is going back to CQC here. I'll back off a moment and toggle the silencer. Right, what is around this corner? Argh! Bang bang bang! Whew, thankfully I wasn't trying to toggle my silencer then! Ah, look, that other guy didn't notice me because my silencer was on... Bang bang bang!"

    Basically, a fast toggle is very forgiving and wont add much tactically to the game - people will just fast toggle whenever they suddenly need to. A slow toggle would need more thought to be useful rather than a hindrance - but if done right it works better than not being able to adapt for the upcoming situation at all (because there is no terminal around).
  17. Scan

    With fast toggle, in theory, I could easily switch between supressor on/off as I run in and out of buildings. I'll always have the best and optimum setup, regardless of where I go. The supressors' drawback of making it less effective at range, gets negated, since you can easily switch it off, no problem, and still have the obvious advantages as a backup for CQB when you are in these situations.

    Despite everyone having access to this feature, I think it'll dumb the game down into something I wouldn't like.

    But perhaps having someone take about 6-8 seconds to screw on/off a suppressor on the end of the barrel would be an acceptable feature. It would prevent people from using it on the fly and immediatly adapt to changing situations, but would open up a new sort of tactical play that can be utilized out in the field.

    So..... okay.... I'll say "Yay!" but with strict conditions. ;)
  18. Posse

    It should take the same time as a reload imo.