[Suggestion] Reduce RL damage to infantry.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRighteous, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. Giggily

    Rocket launchers against infantry are a gigantic ******* crutch in this game and it's ridiculous. I encountered a bunch of TR earlier who did nothing but shoot me with dumbfires from around corners, so I gave up and then just switched to my UBGL to out cheese their cheese.

    One hit kills are stupid. Launchers are fine against MAX suits, but using them as AI weapons against infantry is stupid and shouldn't anywhere as effective as it is.
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  2. TheRighteous

    You did the same thing buddy.

    Seriously though, Im not saying putting on flak won't stop a RL OHK. Im saying you shouldn't have to cert into that line to stop it being a OHK because people are using RL's as primaries. The RL'a should do less damage. People are using them as alternatives to primaries which should never be so. The rocket launcher is meant for vehicles. There is no disputing that whatsoever. It may work against infantry, its not intended for them.

    This thread is purely me stating what I have just states. For whatever reason, you seem to be opposed to the idea. Because I dunno, you think im a bad player? You want to continue OHKilling infantry with a weapon never meant to do that? I haven't actually been able to discern why you are against me here.

    Its getting late here in the U.K, I don't know about where you are. I will reply once or twice more to any responses, then im afraid im off too bed, and this time I will actually agree to disagree, and go to bed.
  3. FateJH

    I'm not going to lie: I originally read this thread's title as "Reduce real life damage to infantry" and I wondered if someone was drunk.
  4. SwordofCyric

    Actually it does, since you only get one shot against infantry. If it doesn't OHK it might just as well do 0 damage because there won't be a second shot.

    The lines doesn't get any less funny no matter how often I read it.

    You do. In fact the chance that you'll be missed and then get a free kill as the other guy is without any defense is much better than winning the firefight against an LMG

    In that case you need

    a) better situational awareness

    b) would be just as dead if he opened fire with a LMG instead
  5. Mr_Giggles

    And you dodged. No surprise there. Not to mention that once again you ignored the description of the dumbfires. Like grenades, UBGL's, and other explosives, they are used to break lines.

    By the way, I told you that I'm an engineer. The few times that I do play a heavy I'm equipped with either the Annihilator or the Striker, both of which are lock-ons and completely useless against infantry because they won't fire unless they have a lock.

    What I'm opposed to is unnecesary nerfing, which is common when somebody is killed by something and they feel cheesed about it. Especially, and this is important, there is a preventative measure out there (though currently being worked on so it actually works). The fact that you don't want to use it is a personal problem. The launcher shouldn't be downgraded for that reason. The dumbfires have a high damage rating but lack tracking abilities that the other launchers receive. Flak was put into the game to make a player choose, does he want to live survive an extra bullet or an explosion. You made your choice not to wear flak.

    I never said that you were a bad player, that is projection on your part. You are on a different server than me and I have no idea how you are in game.

    ps. I was in fact able to prove to you that it is a ohk weapon so no, I didn't do the same thing. You made a claim and I asked you to prove it, something that you never did.
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  6. Bloodlet

    The thing is that what you are describing hardly ever happens. Are you over in the underbarrel grenade launcher nerf thread asking for that to be nerfed too? What you are asking for diminishes the game and I say that as someone who plays an engineer 95% of the time so I am not one of the people you complain about.
  7. KanoHe

    U.S. soldiers in iraq used Carl Gustav RL , M40 and underbarrel granade launchers most of the time... They must be playing Battlefield now... Where people die when they get hitted by explosives you know... It might be frustraiting on recieving end, but those games with lack of thrill in situations where you actually can be afraid of something loses player interest very quickly...
    There wount be any interesting and competitive gameplay to watch in planetside 2 soon.
    Paper tanks, paper planes, tough universal soldiers with ability to instagib any vehicle...
    If RL will lose its OHK against infantry, can we hope for c4 to lose its ability to ohk Maxes and Tanks please? Or atleast new certification line agains it...
  8. TheBloodEagle

    Didn't read the entire thread, just the first two pages but I'm so sick of gaming snobs.
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  9. TheRighteous

    Well, my arguments are on the table. Love me,hate me, just don't forget me.
    Im Marmite ;)
    Night chaps
  10. KanoHe

    Can't see any arguments... only anecdotal evidences and your noobish experience versus RL spamming horde...

    Seriously , if you can't kill a person while hes swapping from primary to RL and kills you (like you stated in your first post) you kinda deserve to die...

    Dumbfires kept their ohk more than for a year now... I don't think they were a problem before... I don't think they are a problem nowdays...
  11. eatcow0

    But I love my single shot sniper rifle!!! Especially when they see the projectile coming and stand there like a dumba$$ watching it faceplant them. Do us a favor and give us HA snipers some optics for our RLs =)
  12. KanoHe

    Atleast for Lancer that is ? 4x would be usefull...
  13. Cab00se187

    Wuh? Getting hit in the face by a rocket shouldn't kill you?? That's how this works guys, jesus!!!
  14. LynxFury

    It's always a balance between suspended belief and good game play.

    Its somewhat dumb to survive a RL with more than a bar or two on one hand while we don't want RL being used as the primary AI weapon. I think we have a good balance of both right now.

    Are their HA players who deliberately pull a RL in a mostly infantry fight--sure. I do in certain situations--such as when the opposition has a max in a room I want to clear, or just a bunch of players stacked up in a room too far off for a good grenade toss. Usually it's a matter of both.

    Other times I'll have the RL up ready to fire at a target, such as off a tower balcony and an Infil or LA will appear in front of me. He's got the drop and I know I don't have time to switch so will pop a RL at his feet--sometimes taking both of us.
  15. Typhoeus

    Equip flak armor if it bothers you that much. Unlike the ubgl you actually know where the projectile is coming from and will also rely on someone else or a terminal to resupply you. No nerfs needed here my friend.
  16. LT_Latency

    Most of the time when I see a HA with a rocket launch I consider it a free kill
  17. VanuSovereignty

    Flak does not mitigate direct damage.

    Getting hit with a default lightning weapon shot does not result in death.
  18. Typhoeus

    Oh and I forgot the most obvious point (for me anyways). Anyone on any faction can use them. RL's, grendes, all NS weapons, flashes, sundies, lightnings, liberators and galaxies. I find it hard to consider any of these OP since my enemy can just use them back against me as well. That's why the old nerfs to the lib confuse me to this day. In hindsight, were they really needed?
  19. faykid


    Rocket Launchers can be used to take down enemy ground or air vehicles, as well as tightly packed squads or MANA turrets (c.)

    They are for killing infantry among other things.

    Besides, it'd be just stupid if a rocket launcher couldn't kill a person. Are you saying infantry must be more armored than tanks?
  20. CNR4806

    Cross-faction balance is not the only type of balance.

    You're going to screw up hard if you ignore unit-to-unit balance. Beta Skyguard cuts through ESFs like a hot knife through butter (or so I heard, at least), it is a common pool but it was clearly NOT balanced.