Heavy assault + resist shield + ( Ar/SMG like LMG ) are seriously OP and imbalanced ...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Vyss

    1250/.55 = 2273. It's not a flat 45% health increase, it's a 45% dmg decrease which is effectively an 82% health increase.

    2273 is 16 143dmg rounds or over half an LA clip.

    Please don't try to prove your point with math again.
  2. Hoki

  3. Tommyp2006

    Choosing to play however fits your playstyle should mean actually having to choose a specific class. Not trying to make every class do everything. You might as well just give everyone the same gun, abilities, etc if you want perfect balance between classes. Each class is meant to be played completely differently.
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  4. Teekoon

    HA is fine. HA should destroy any other class (except MAX) head to head 1v1. Any other class should, and most certainly can, kill HA in any other circumstances.

    There is no argument that I have seen to sway me that every class should be balanced 1v1 head to head. Indeed, probably no such argument exists.

    If you want to be the best infantry killer, then roll Heavy. If you want to be a perfectly fine infantry killer that can do lots of other things as well, then roll any class.
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  5. Stew360

    extended magazine have you ever hear of it ? It double your amo pool so if your weapons is a 75 shot it become a 150 shot and if its a 100 shot like the Em1 it become a 200 shot ;)
  6. Ganelon

    Why would I want extended mag instead of forward grip or laser sight? 100 bullets is plenty, don't need 200.
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  7. Stew360

    Why they should ?
    Do we have any restriction on HA that grant them to have this edge ?

    Why the HA should be grant to have a win button in 1 vs 1 combat ?

    What you just said is totally Insane my good sir
  8. Ganelon

    Because the Heavy Assault class is designed to do that. It's designed to take a lot of damage and fight on the forefront whereas it's the Light Assault's job to gain the advantage through positioning.

    Do you really think it's balanced for an Engineer and Medic to go straight-up against a Heavy Assault and win while they're supposed to be resupplying/repairing/reviving/healing stuff and the gun is more for self-defense than for anything else?
  9. Stride

    Oh stew. It is posts like these that remind me why I don't give a **** about anything you say.

    No real evidence or statistics rather claims and assumptions based on your so called experience. I once felt sorry for you not being able to make cohesive arguments and sentences but lost that ability after realizing you are never going to make an effort to fix it.

    Lets get this straight though. You claim that HA kill better, have more survivability, and just as much mobility compared to other classes.

    You fail to realize that HA is supposed to be the dominate infantry grunt and is supposed to be the GO TO option for players that simply want to kill other players.

    Medics, Engineers, and Infiltrators all have secondary support rolls or abilities that add something to the game and these classes sacrifice their killing effectiveness to have them.

    LMGs are basically SMGs with better ADS but worse hipfire and have bigger magazines. Why is this a problem though when that player chose "Heavy Assault" aka the class meant to have infantry offensive and defensive superiority.

    Movement as good as other classes? Straight up lie. Everyone knows about the shield abilities mobility debuff.

    12 HAs? Try killing 12 medics. 12 medics>12 HA any day of the week sir.
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  10. BoomBoom4You

    You took my post out of context, I went on to describe how it's balanced against other classes, etc. Hence why I said "from that perspective"
  11. LowTechKiller

    Because they don't have a win button. If that were the case, every player like myself that prefers to play HA would have crazy KDRs, and they don't. Mine hovers around 1, by the way. Why? 2 reasons...

    1. I never get to fight in a 1 v 1 vacuum. There are tons of things around the battlefield damaging front line troops, including friendly fire, falling vehicle parts, and tank/aircraft/turret explosive rounds. And then when finally I do engage other soldiers, it's rarely just one. There's always at least one or two other players/weapons contributing to my deaths.

    2. There's always a better HA soldier waiting around the corner to knock my d!## in the dirt. I'm not the only beefed up heavy assault running around, and I'm certainly not the best fighter, nor do I have the fastest Internet connection.
  12. IBleedblueyellow

    So my in game name is sgtBourque on waterson TR. i almost excluseively play MAX kinetic 5 mercy/mutilator and heavy nano 4 and the sheild. but not the resist sheild, the other one. Why? because i want to dominate scrubs. i make no apologies for taking the classes that i play best in and wiping the toilet seat of vs and nc poop stains. i do it farely well. look me up....above 2 kd and climbing, without vehicle use, all infantry.

    so what i gather from this whiny stew scrub is that resist sheild is better than the first? hmmm maybe i should invest in it. i have heard different opinions from outfit mates though. some like it, some like the other better. not sure what makes resist better than the one that prevents ANY damage.
  13. Runegrace

    This thread makes no sense. Saying that it's unfair for a HA to win in a punch-in-the-face contest is like saying it's unfair that a sniper wins at range. A LA wins when they flank you, a Medic wins when they heal and revive the people you're trying to kill, and the Engineer wins when he keeps that tank cannon that blasted you in the face operational.

    The only thing I tend to notice with fighting HA is that they sometimes glow before you kill them. Really handy at night. Sure, sometimes you lose and see that you gunned through the HA shield, normal shields, and half their health, but I don't curse that any more than an Infil's cloak when he gets the jump on me. Even when a HA wins due to their shield, 80% of the time I'll see a "crit kill assist" on the death screen. Often, followed by "xxxx wants to revive you".
  14. JokeForgrim

    Wants to "Dominate scrubs" gets out typical scrub kit... Profits.
  15. Stew360

    You migth be a truely awefull player then ? who know ?

    Good or average player with HA have Much much better kdr with it especially if they are using medical kit ;)

    Maybe if you take any otherclasses you would have a 0.2 kdr instead of 1 so its not a marginal difference also a HA that dosent use the shield ability is not that much of a problems ;)

    Problems comes with Nanoweave + Shield abilitys been stackables but also with magazine size efficiency and range but also weapons availability to the HA

    They can have Snipers like Semi auto weapons , they have acess to SMG , LMG , (AR like LMG such as Orion LA1 ancor NS15-M ) and so on ... ) , Shotguns and heavyweapons + all sorts of rockets launchers lol is that not enough ?

    IS anything justified their insane 2.0 or 2.5 X survibility ?

    No it dosent , HA make you win some figth you were suposed to loose

    Yes HA can die can be kills as much as MAXS can be kills , but their survivability are not comparable by any strech of the imaginations ...

    HA who are not using any Nanoweave armor or shield ability are No true problems what so ever
  16. Afrodude4

    This might be the most garbage thread I have ever seen.

    Why should a support class be able to 1v1 a Heavy successfully? Use the advantages your class gives you, then profit.

    Let the Heavy Assault do what it's supposed to do: Assault Heavily.
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  17. Stew360


    As i can see here its not a biased statement by any mean am i rigths ?

    HA assault isnt suposed to be a Overly resistant classes SOE made it this way to (( apease )) the ps1 hardcore fans who was the only ones complaining that the already long ps2 ttk was to short but givving a single class the monopole of survivability or a suits slots NW awefullness was two BIG mistake in term of balance

    Raw ttk as to be pretty similar across the board to ensure a fair and competitive experience bases on skills and not on loadout exploits
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  18. ViXeN

    Exactly. If anyone is actually expecting to be able to go 1 on 1 against heavies using an engi or medic (support classes) then you're crazy. Sure you can get some kills on them sometimes but support classes shouldn't be as lethal in CQC as the main combat class. that would make zero sense.
  19. Afrodude4

    So? I've mained Infiltrator for the past ~15 levels. Besides, when I play heavy, I am almost always killed if a support class uses their abilities like they should (Light Assault outmaneuvering me, Infiltrators cloaking then flanking, etc.)

    Also, pointing out my most played class proves that you have no legitimate argument, as you have resorted to petty jabs at my player. it's truly pathetic, especially seeing you don't understand proper English.
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  20. Posse

    If you're fighting a HA heads-on then you're doing it wrong, if you get the jump on them then you should kill them easily, that's how you're supposed to fight a HA, I mostly play HA but when I get the jump on another HA I don't bother activating my Adrenaline Shield since I'll kill him before he deplets my common shield (and not activating the overshield makes me the same as every other class). With the other classes it's the same thing, in fact, except for Infiltrators, all the other classes have access to higher DPS weapons (in the case of VS, the H-V45, V-X67 and Serpent outdps the Orion), so it should be even easier for other classes to kill a HA if you get the jump on them.

    Now, if you don't kill them easily when getting the jump on them, well, go play League of Legends, idk...