Infantry is OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AirHarper, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Accuser

    There used to be a game called "Planetside" where tanks controlled the open ground, but infantry had EMP grenades to disable vehicle weapons at close range.
    That crazy game didn't have spawn camping (with vehicles) because if you were inside an enemy base to shell their interior areas, the infantry could EMP/rocket you with impunity.

    Of course, everyone realized that such systems were silly when Battlefield came along and showed everyone how it was done: by strictly limiting the number of vehicles and the frequency of their respawn. Fortunately for us, Planetside 2 learned from both of these games by...

    Wait, no.
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  2. jak

    looooool, comedy gold. All those tanks that camp pretty much every spawn room at a large fight are doing so to save themselves!
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  3. AirHarper

    I do agree that the bases need a redesign to allow for more spawn points and easier defense so that tanks cant shell a spawn room. The Bio dome amp stations and some of the new towers in esimer work rather well.

    I think what also would help is remove all those small bases. They slow down the game. To much time is spent taking small bases for NO REASON other then they are their. Give Eng the ability to make their own defense positions. Put strategy back into the game.
  4. Garbageman

    Every time someone who plays lone-wolf whatever complains about getting *** handed to him all the time, he/she is told: hey, this is a game where you need teamwork, so join an outfit. Does that advice apply only to the various infantry classes? Or should it also apply to tank drivers and aircraft pilots?

    Sure, five infantry who have paid for lock-on weapons can take out a tank easily. Or several, if the tanks come one after the other over an open field. The lock-on time for those weapons is 3 or 4 seconds. The infantry needs line-of-sight to the tank to use a lock-on weapon, meaning that the tank can see them and shoot at them while they're just sitting there with tunnel vision waiting for the lock. Then there are another couple of seconds needed for a reload. Tank drivers have the option of getting smoke or something to break the lock giving them a few seconds to try to get under cover.

    The tank drivers I see getting killed are the one doing the same thing that I see pilots do that get killed -- just ignore the tone or incoming damage, charge on forwards toward the enemy like a mad bull, trying to gut it out. That's not a good strategy. But that is just an aside. Back to my original question: should a lone-wolf tank driver or pilot expect to fare much better than a lone-wolf infantry? I'd say yes, somewhat. But not so much better that it makes no difference if they play lone-wolf or work with a group of other vehicles and engineers.

    This 'infrantry is OP' sound to me like a complaint from a frustrated lone-wolf play who doesn't want to play cautiously, but rather with the same style as if part of a mad tank rush and expect the same results.

    It is already the case that only heavy infantry get those lock-on weapons. The engineers have their anti-vehicle turrets, and light infantry has C4, but the actual complaint here seems to be about lock-on weapons. They already have a long lock-on time, so much so that the Annihilator is pretty much useless against low-flying aircraft, and not much better against armor in rough terrain. It already takes 4 or 5 rounds to take out a tank. If those weapons are nerfed by increasing the lock-on time any more, they will become totally useless except against parked vehicles. That would leave nerfing the damage. So let us say you reduce it to take 10 shots to take out a tank. What will happen? Instead of 5 infantry on a hill, it will be 10. Players will adjust.

    If infantry has all options taken away from them to counter tanks, they will not come out to play and get farmed. The only place you will find them is inside bio-domes. And the tanks will be left to wander around outside with nothing to do except shoot at turrets. If you want infantry to come out and play, they have to believe that they have a chance, if they work together and/or are sneaky.

    I think this part of the game is fairly well balanced. Tanks rushes wreak havoc. Single tanks have to be cautious. I don't drive a tank often, but on the occasions that I do, I have a friend on Teamspeak who is my gunner, and I either follow a bunch of other armor around, or else approach enemy positions very carefully. So far, in spite of not being a dedicated tank driver, I have a positive balance, i.e. usually get a few kills before my tank gets blown and keep the tank alive for awhile. I do that by running away from fights I cannot win, a strategy used by the famous Red Baron if Hollywood bio-pics are to be trusted.
  5. deggy

    Because infantry NEVER, EVER spawn camp, right?

    Get real. Spawn camping happens due to game mechanics, not vehicles or weapons in particular.

    And yes, it is self-defense. What happens if one LA gets out of that spawn room with his grey, box-shaped presents?
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  6. Lagavulin

    Wow :eek:
  7. jak

    Tanks farm infantry because it's, by far, the easiest and most rewarding way to earn certs. Not because they're afraid of infantry.

    And if you consistently die to C4 in a tank, I have to be're pretty inept as a tanker.
  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    i agree! just like air should only be countered by air, right? RIGHT?

    unfortunately, it does not work that way on the ground. i wish it was like that but rocket launchers/mines/c4/av turret/max av weapons, they all destroy armor in seconds
  9. Vastly

    Indeed, and infantry should only be countered by infantry.
  10. Klondik3

    But if only infantry can counter infantry and Forumside complains that infantry is OP, what do we do then?
  11. deggy

    I drive a Magrider, I get C4'd once in a blue moon, and the last time it happened was... sketchy. I still need to check and see if a BR1 can possibly have two C4.

    But I digress.

    What we're seeing here aren't root problems, they're symptoms of a larger issue with the vehicle/infantry game. There's nothing that we have to do in Planetside 2 where we say "We need armor for this!". Tanks are farming kills and XP because they can't help with anything else.
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  12. Vastly

    Seems to me that if only infantry counter infantry and tanks counter tanks and air counters air, infantry are no longer OP.
  13. SolLeks

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  14. Afrodude4

    The **** is this thread?

    Everything (Ground vehicles, air vehicles, and infantry) should and do have the means to counter anything else.

    Infantry --> Ground = Rockets, AV Turrets (Engineer and Base defense [The former of which we don't really need, the latter of which isn't really infantry]), C4, and tank mines.

    Ground --> Air = Skyguards, Secondary heavy tank weapons, normal tank rounds (less effective), and a plethora of other AA attachments for vehicles.

    Air --> Infantry = AI Rocket Pods, main ESF weapons, Daltons, Zephyrs.

    Infantry --> Air = Flak Maxes, small arms fire (very inneffective; only against ESFs), Lock-on rockets.

    Air --> Ground = Moar rockets, main ESF weapons, Daltons, Zephyrs.

    Ground --> Infantry = Tank rounds (very effective; can take out large groups of infantry at a time), running over (less reliable), secondary AI weapons (Grenade launchers etc.)

    Notice how everything has multiple ways to counter anything else, it's a three-way balance.
  15. MorganM

    I totally disagree; tankers farm infantry because they die quickly and thus can actually be farmed. Trying to fight another tank is actually a challenge. Humans take the path of least resistence.
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  16. jak

    I totally agree with you, but saying tanks are after infantry because of their threat level is crazy talk. They're after infantry because it's easy certs and rewards you far, far better than fighting other vehicles.. If you want to talk about lock ons and the AV turret (this thing needs to be changed asap) or even the lack of role that tanks have outside of farming infantry, I'm completely in support of that. I'd love for tankers to be extremely well rewarded for killing other vehicles.
  17. Lord Robert

    Yes you are. There are also about 100 other games you could put there.

    Let me help out as well since people still can't understand the difference

    Combined arms where tanks don't have to only fight other tanks in arena style battles and planes don't have to only fight planes in the same way and can instead be part of a larger war effort that also includes infantry and thousands of players--------------->
  18. Zar

    nah you are the biggest whiner. You whine about other whiners ..... lol sad.
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  19. joe smo

  20. Necron

    There was no whine in my post. I accept that tanks and lolpodders are going to own me constantly. What I did was state truths; truths that tankers and lolpodders are too busy whining about to accept.