What should be the minimum fps & how do you quantify that?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ironeddie, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. ironeddie

    The devs must have a minimum frame rate in mind that they think all players at a certain graphics setting should be obtaining.

    So how do the devs calculate that? Is it based on the best, everyone playing on a high end pc on ultra settings with shadows, flora & physX on should get a minimum fps of 'x' in a large, medium, small battle or at WG.

    And what do we the community think would be an acceptable minimum fps? 60 in a large battle with said high end rig everything turned on & up?
  2. Konfuzfanten

    i run 40-50 FPS in the largest battles and i feel thats a bit slow - looking very much forward to the optimization patch.
  3. Pozidriv

    This is an FPS, 60 is what they should strive for. Especially since they are harping on and on and on about MLG.

    This situation is like asking an athlete / driver / something if they are OK with using worn down equipment on professional matches, just ask and see how many will say yes.
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  4. Chipay

    Systems that meet the recommended specs (Core i5-661 3.33GHz or Phenom II X4 910) should always get a minimum of 60 fps on low settings, no matter the size of the fight. After all, this is what recommended should mean.
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  5. LynxFury

    Think game should worry about medium end systems more than highest end and try to get to reliable 45 fps in typical I5/six core AMD systems.

    I run high graphics, medium everything else on an FX6300 OC to 4.5GHz + 560ti.

    I don't play below 30 fps....I go somewhere else; fortunately I get that 30fps even the largest battles, usually pull in the 40's everywhere else.
  6. Hatamoto

    Apparently they went for 50 or so fps in large battles, and then the HUD took away 15 ... so 35 must be acceptable to them i guess, even if none of the stuff happening on screen is causing the lower fps. After all, the purpose of this games very existance was just so that the current HUD could be implemented. Its all about the HUD, it will all become clear to us soon ...
  7. gigastar

    I run at 10-15 fps in most situtions.

    Yeah, i need to upgrade.
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  8. Hatamoto

    you could have 25 to 30 fps if the HUD wasnt so badly optimized
  9. Lazaruz

    3-year old laptop and I usually play with 18-25fps during prime time (medium-heavy fights). Late nights/early mornings when there's less people on I get around 35-45fps, it makes me feel like a freakin' FPS God :D

    So yeah, after I get a new system I would be really happy if I could get 35+ fps in most situations.

    The HUD does eat a lot of fps, that's for sure.
  10. gigastar

    I hope thats truly the case, i really do.
  11. Loegi

    How did they ever think that that was going to be a good recommended AMD CPU? That's just laughable with the current performance.
  12. Hatamoto

    disable it and see what happens, especially in heavy combat
  13. ironeddie

    You can't compare an offline story driven fps to any fps multiplayer. What do the online multiplayer components of cod & bf get as a minimum. And should allowances be made for the size & scale of ps2. No doubt we could have a better frame rate in smaller maps with only 64 players.

    Which begs the question is today's hardware server side up to the job or is this game over ambitious?
  14. IamDH

    You and your little fury flash

    Yeah thats right i c u
  15. IamDH

    I have an i5 that boosts up to 4.3 GHz (or 4.2 i dont remem) and i dont get anywhere near that FPS
  16. Pozidriv

    PS2 is still an FPS, my comment doesn't get invalidated one bit because PS2 decided to amp the scale to 11. 60 or bust, especially if you want pro-gaming.
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  17. RHINO_Mk.II

    30 is an acceptable minimum. 60 is ideal. Anything higher is just gravy, and most of the people who tell you they can see a difference are simply experiencing a placebo effect.
  18. Awote

    I want permanent over 120 fps becuse my lcd has this refresh rate.
  19. Brayton

    Basically, the way me and my friend got my best FPS was turning off Vsync.

    We then set the Default Quality to Ultra, and started reducing things from there. DO NOT SET THE GRAPHICS QUALITY BELOW MEDIUM. It'll offload a lot of the graphics stuff onto your CPU.

    Also, set your view distance to 2200, because anymore than that and infantry don't render.
  20. ironeddie

    On my 2.6ghz core 2 quad I got 30fps consultantly on medium graphics settings. And it's an acceptable minimum fps on those medium settings. Think 40 or higher as a minimum for high & ultra settings working on the assumption the PC running at ultra settings is better than the one running at medium.