What bugs are affecting your PS2 experience the most?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drasilov, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Drasilov

    • Being killed inside spawn rooms by normal enemy guns (not grenades)
    • On revive, getting the deployment screen instead of the accept/decline revive screen meaning you're stuck in the redeploy screen until you log out or someone kills you.
    • Enemy ESFs popping in and out of render at close ranges.
    • Missiles and bullets not rendering
    • Grenade physics and throwing through windows and doors doesn't work properly
    • falling through the world on respawn
    • Body disappears after death without you redeploying so medics cant revive
    • Lock On RL's not locking on or you have to aim 2 or 3 times to get the lockon countdown to start
    • People stuck in the death animation
    • Crashing on exiting game 100% of the time
    • Crashing when resizing the window or maximising it
    • Crashing when changing some graphics settings in game
    • RLs ignoring the lock on and flying dumb without the enemy popping smoke or flares
    • Game not registering hits
    That's off the top of my head...anyone else?

    We're up to GU14 and the game is still flaky.
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  2. jihon83

    The game tends to crash to desktop for me, luckily, it only does that when I want to exit the game, anyway. So it's a problem, but it's a problem that doesn't affect gameplay, at least.

    Though right now, I'm being hit hard with performance thanks to the HUD. If it's enabled, I get massive frame rate drops from 70-30 averages down to 0 frames. If I have it disabled, I get consistent frame rates but have no information on screen or even a reticule and, alas, I'm not nearly amazing enough to play 'cinematically".
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  3. Griffstar

    Not being able to tell where Strykers are hitting me from, seriously...I can't see these rockets, and everyone and their mother has one so when you do get hit it's usually by 3+ people.
  4. daniel696

    This one here piss me off.
  5. kungflu

    probably being unable to deactivate cloaking and die
    also dropping off a galaxy and teleported back to warpgate
  6. Tar

    Client crashes
    Striker - failing warnings, failing flares and failing hills
    destroyed enemy terminals in my base
    turrets that look occupied but aren't ("We totally fixed it this time!!")
    chat switching to platoon tab
    freezing flight controls at both flight ceiling as well as other random times
    structures instakilling tanks on touch
    spawn point choices absurd and changing under your fingers
    reviving impossible because a full health stupid is standing on the corpse
  7. Pikachu

    Bugs dont affect me much. What comes go mh mind are:
    Sticky grenades not sticking.
    Invisible projectiles. that one matters the most.
    Phoenix missile having a delay befor entering camera mode usually ends up with missile hitting something 5m away.
    Revive screen bug.
    Corpse pose bug. Verh rare bug butc beinc killed by what looked like a corpse is annoying.
    Destroyed terminals that doesnt convert to the right team.
  8. Griffstar

    Not being able to render targets when sniping long range, or when trying to bomb...
  9. Hatamoto

    The HUD because it eats 15 or so fps .. surely thats the biggest bug of all?
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  10. VSDerp

    the crashes and the medkits won't work sometimes.
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  11. LowTechKiller

    Ctrl + F10 will turn it off.
  12. HooWoo

    Lock-ons following me wherever I go no matter how fast I maneuver...
  13. faykid

    all these things bug me, especially the crashes (2-3 per a game session)

    but i am happy that this game at least updates my stats on the go, so if i crash i keep all my progress

    back when i played ME3 MP, crashing in the end of a hard 30 min match meant i lost all my XP and consumables for nothing, because nothing was saved until the win screen

    in this game, even my vehicle will be saved so i can log back in and have it (provided a team mate hopped into it after i crashed).

    second place goes to hits not registering. very annoying when your sniper bullet goes through a head and nothing happens
  14. RHINO_Mk.II

    My scattercannons and mattocks occsionally decide to deal 0 damage until I reload again, this is irritating because it almost always happens in the middle of intense action. I have lost so many 1v1 MAX battles because my hits were not registering.
  15. GSZenith

    after that, crashes.
  16. eldarfalcongravtank

    these are some of my top pet peeves in this game! they certainly need to be fixed. hopefully, the next GUs do not only optimize the game but also fix gamebreaking bugs like these. i dont care for more content at this point
  17. Goretzu

    • Crashing on opening the map
    • Crashing when redeploying
    • Crashing randomly for no apparent or repeatable reason

    Are by far my biggest bugbears.
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  18. Goretzu

    Thank Vanu you don't have to worry about Strikers. :)
  19. raistra

    If you thought bullets not registering was bad, I couldn't respawn and was stuck as a ''ghost'' after I died 70% of the time while playing infantry.
  20. VanuSovereignty

    Do bad platoon leads count as bugs...?