A game like WoW didn't have hacks in PvP.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bombman, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. Bombman

    If it did in 7 years I never saw one..

    I know it's a different game (it is not a first person shooter obviously) but cheats were non existent on wow.

    Why did that game not have a hacking problem? I mean when I went into a battlegrounds I never got insta killed, I never saw a speed hack, no god mode hacks, I played it for 7 years. I never saw 1 hack..

    Is wow coded differently? I am not a computer geek, is it client side?? Is there some magic reason? Why can't planetside do it?

    I see hacks all the time in PS2 the other day had aimbotting tanks one shotting my reaver while I was flying fast at 600 alt..4 times yesterday.

    Why can't planetside 2 achieve what WoW achieved? Is SOE a weak company compared to Blizzard?
  2. Kurohagane

    I would guess since blizzard has arguably the best balancing team in the world (SC2) and they treasure greatly anything that makes them a buck, they would keep a money-machine like WoW safe at all times.
  3. Zotamedu

    A quick visit to google tells me that you are wrong. There are lots of hacks for WoW.
  4. WaiZen

    Where do you even see hackers?.. I've seen none the past few months.
  5. HMR85

    WoW had plenty of hacks. They where cleverly disguised as ability's. Many people wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless they set there and paid close attention. It was just as much a on going problem in WoW as it is for PS2.

    IMO SOE has been doing a great job banning hackers as I have not seen one in over a month now.
  6. Greenies

    Don't forget that WoW is an MMORPG, not an MMOFPS.

    Casting spells / abilities /... on a fixed target you selected is quite different from one where you have to aim and move around.
    (Not saying you dont' have to move in WoW, but it's an entirely different level of avoiding hits)
    You can pretty much break down any kind of cheat you can imagine and figure out why it does not prevail in MMORPG's (or as much).

    The big issue an MMORPG has however are grind(bots).
  7. Bombman

    Never saw one in 7 years.
  8. Nolenag

    You don't need a good balance team for an oversimplified RTS game.

    You probably did, just never noticed it.
  9. Zotamedu

    You not seeing a hacker is not the same thing as there not being any hackers. Check google yourself, there are a bunch of them out there are quite a community around them.
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  10. Greenies

    Not to mention :
    A) WoW has (atleast in the past) had serious balance issues.
    E.g. : Warlock chain fearing, Shadow priest drains, paladin bubble hs, ... (at specific points in time, it's personally been 5 years)
    B) Balance has nothing to do with hacking
  11. CaligoIllioneus

    Those are hacks for private servers, not the actual game.
  12. Zotamedu

    Your google fu is weak it seems. Try harder.
  13. Jakey

    The 'short' technical explanation - Client Side vs. Server Side

    Having code on the client side (e.g. your computer) takes stress away from the servers, imagine if the servers were trying to calculate things like recoil and spread for all the players firing at once! It's a big headache, so this is done on the "client side". However, this does mean it's prone to abuse - you change the code and you have no recoil.

    With an information intensive game like an FPS, a LOT of coding takes place on the Client Side - it has too, otherwise you'll need insane servers to process that much info. There game struggles as it is with hit registering etc. so think about what it'll be like if it had XXXXXXXX amount more data!

    With a turn based game like WoW, where your activating an ability every 3 - 10 seconds it's much easier for this info. to be processed Server Side - There's simply less of it to be processed. But Blizzard will have made this decision with exploiting in mind.

    Aiming is obviously done Client Side, so all an aimbot has to do is 'lock-on' to the object code and there you have it. Again, not a problem in WoW, where the game target locking is already an aimbot.

    With so much of the data for WoW processed Server Side the worst cheat you'll see is a speedhack (easily detectable) and bots.

    tldr. More data (recoil, spread, etc.) processed on clients computer on an FPS than WoW, means it's easier to exploit.
  14. Astealoth

    WoW is so unbalanced right now. The PVP balance in WoW has been an ongoing joke for many years. The team has no idea what's going on, they try to balance PVP by giving every class a new stun ever patch. WoW PVP is pretty much a chain stun minigame with vanity title rewards.

    And if you haven't seen a hack in WoW PVP in 7 years either you aren't paying attention or you don't PVP. Cheating in WoW PVP is extremely prevalent with the availability of around 60 different extremely high quality multihacks on the market that currently offer a lot of free content, but with higher quality premium content that you can use on a trial basis within the free program. The general model is release a high end hacking tool that has 5-10 really nice free features and then another 20 premium features that people will grow to want. Blizz is also very bad at detecting these PVP hacks, as for legal reasons their hack detection has been nerfed to hell over the years. The cheaters pretty much run rampant these days with no risk of a ban.

    This thread is so off the mark it's likely just a troll post.
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  15. DuckSauce

    I used an aimbot in WoW.

    I would just press Tab to toggle it on and then all my attacks would hit. Completely undetectable.

    MMORPGs aren't very fun 'games'.
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  16. Crashsplash

    And I've hardly seen any in all the time since launch. No doubt there are out there, somewhere, but they are not a noticeable problem.
  17. Kurohagane

    Uh, SC2 might be simplified from it's prequel, but it's in no way simple mechanically and strategically. Unless you didn't understand or notice the parenthesis and this is some kind of metaphor to WoW.
  18. siddar

    WoW had/has hacks.

    Its just WoW is mostly a PVE game while PS2 is 100% PVP. You wont notice hacks as much in a PVE game because there mostly directed against NPC characters in the game. Also PVE games simply atrach less cheaters then PVP games.

    Cheating is simply a plague upon PC based FPS games and there doesn't seem to be anything the current generation of games can do to stop it.

    I think SoEs only real plan to deal with cheaters in PS2 is to release PS2 on PS4 console. If you want to play PS2 with almost all the cheaters removed then playing on inherently more secure PS4 is your only choice.
  19. TeknoBug

    WoW was LOADED with hacks especially when they enabled client side mods, however the good news is that Blizzard are VERY good at handling them quickly- they didn't sit there picking their noses for 2 weeks after you received the automatic message from submitting the report like you see in many other games.
  20. hazmat88

    I wonder how long before cheating is rampant on ps4? 1..2 months?

    Is that worth 4-500 bucks?

    Does ps4 somehow block all cheats?