[Suggestion] Katana-like melee weapon for Infiltrators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hunterion, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. MrMickson

    You saw the Warframe trailer on the steam store so you think that any badass with this kind of mask should have swords.
    I would prosecute you.
    Just cuz.
  2. DanGadelha

    Or even better!... you can buy another knife if you can't find yours for only 1000 SC !!!:eek: (yourwelcome devs)
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  3. NeverWas

    would prefer light saber more, katana ......... pfft .... met my plasma betch.
  4. Archlyte

    Make it work like the weapons in Chivalry. Oh man the hilarity!
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  5. Hands Down

    Playing Borderlands a lot, eh?
  6. CaligoIllioneus

    Pfff. A weapon with a plasma bayonet attached would be much better. The bayonet would be usable as a secondary mode like the UBGL.

    But then again infiltrators don't need to be more OP and annoying.
  7. CrashB111

    And here I thought that VS were the weeaboos.....
  8. Haruk

    How about, when you swing it, it makes a bunch of explosions everywhere too.

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  9. Taki

    SOE, please do NOT give infils more tricks. It was a mistake giving them smg's!
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  10. Goretzu

    More like Night Elf Rogue.

    The reality is though it couldn't be any more powerful than the current knife balance-wise.

    They are going to open up a huge can of worms if they ever put the permanent stealth cloak in with PS2 low TTK.
  11. Torok

  12. hansgrosse

    If they add this then I also want shurikens to throw in place of my pistol and the ability to climb walls. Also, I need to be able to super-jump and run super fast, because ninjas can do that. Actually, I changed my mind. I don't want shurikens. I want a sniper rifle that shoots shurikens instead of bullets.

    Also, add bullet time. Please make an ability where the entire server operates in slow-motion for the duration of the effect for my amusement as I slo-mo decapitate mans.
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  13. MichaelS

    in that vid someone posted about the ps4 player separation they talked about to implement new melee weapons.
  14. CaligoIllioneus

    While the infiltrator class as a whole is annoying (SMG infiltrators can be hard to see when cloaked especially if you run in ultra) giving them SMGs was a step in a very good direction. Infiltrators shouldn't have meant snipers, which are 100% useless for the team and do nothing but stay somewhere in a hill camping enemies and doing nothing of worth except being flanked and killed in amusing ways like Beamers, being knifed, etc. The only way I can see a sniper helping their team is taking out engineers on AV turrets, and that's it.
  15. DramaticExit

    No. Go lick ninjas in your spare time not ours.
  16. theholeyone

    Mind blown :eek:

    So does that mean a knife is like a midget's sword?
  17. Torok

    Bullet time ok, but only for you, everyone moves at the same speed but you, wouldn't that be glorious?
    I can already foresee the epic humiliation knives recordings with Hans Zimmer playing in the background
  18. Spude

  19. MrMurdok

    Not this again. Please stop.
  20. Sgtjoeyk

    this sums up this thread entirely