Enforcer C85 Modified Harasser?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    Interesting stuff.
  2. Angry Scientist

    Spread mitigates any real potential of that. Additionally, there's damage reduction on armor or light craft. Infantry need to be sitting on your tank hull to get the full effect of it, and that's basically wasteful. A kobalt can kill infantry at nearly any range. The armor damage is nearly nill, too. Try dumping mags into maxes or tank rears. You'll be there a little while.

    It's basically a classic NC weapon example. On paper, it sounds amazing, and a lot of fun. Implementation leaves you with a weapon that can fill a single niche, and not always being the best or even second best at that niche. Anywhere else it is functionless, giving you better options. The enforcer is an exception to this, and the air hammer is only feasible with full mag upgrades, and being on the third most agile craft in the game. And even then the vortex negates it, leaving its selling point as 'silly fun!'.
  3. Pikachu

    Btw in v3 they increased reload time.
  4. Lamat

    I used it on an outfit members vanguard once, he didn't know how much it sucks before getting it, it takes 3 shots to kill even at 10ish meters. Its amazing how everyone knows this is by far the worst weapon in the game and the devs have done nothing to fix it in ever. It easier to drive over enemies in the slowest mbt than effectively kill with this gun.

    You can imagine a giant shotgun on a harasser being a beast. But there's no reason you would ever use this over a fury or kobalt for ai. I would love to see someone post a killing streak video with this PoS.
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  5. The King

    Like he stated, go try it in the VR training room.
    Usually, things feel great in there, until you try it out with real players.
    However, trying this out in the VR room, it totally blows. It is not worth getting, at all. Ever... THe basailisk is a lot better, since you can kill everything with it.

    I've only seen one on the field, it was on a harasser.
    I tried to get hit from it but all I saw were many light tracers going towards me. Never was I hit from any one of them. I actually killed the harasser on foot with my SMG Infiltrator... running towards it.... running towards it....

    The gun needs to be redone. It's just bad. No real reason to waste certs when the default is a lot better. It's not a side grade, it's a downgrade..

    Against a bunch of newbs, you can get quite a decent kill streak with this, like any other. As they wouldn't really know how to kill a harasser. Against others, you're not going to kill anyone. I mean, you will, but you will eventually not use it ever again.
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  6. Sen7rygun

    The C85M needs to have its spread choked so it becomes a viable mid range weapon for the tank. The shotgun association with the NC is ok butif iit's going to be for vehicle mounts it needs to be useful outside of a 15m range. The cannister shells in BF3 are a pretty good guideline for the sort of spread and accuracy the weapon should have. It's not a sniper weapon and you might land a few stinging pellets at long range, but close to mid range it just rips infantry to pieces.
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  7. repairtool6

    I had SO HIGH hopes for this when they tweaked it, but i was a fool :/
    It is trash.

    Thing is, i really really WANT THIS to be viable. It would fit my playstyle in the tank so well!
    Its what my slow, cluncky Vanguard (with the awsome main-cannon) NEEDS.
    Yes i can use the halberd, but my main-cannon is great. So why? Yes i can use the AV-Enforcer, but my main-cannon is great. So why?

    I want a great close-range (empire-specific) dedicated AI-Option.

    I want to chase down tanks, rushing in close, blasting my main-cannon. And if i find myself ambushed and in deep sh*t getting swarmed my LA/HA/Medics etc. i want to pop that shield, jump in the C85 and take out every fool dumb enough to rush me

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  8. JonboyX

    Ha ha. I tried it on a random friendlies Vanguard and after just ten seconds realised I'd be more dangerous with a flare gun.

    Actually, that's a brilliant idea. This gun should be a flare gun. >> pew pew.... rustling crisp sound, sparkle! <<
  9. TheMercator

    Play Napoleon TW: Canistershells kill whole regiments of infantry
    Play Planetside 2: Canistershells are worse than a Shotgun
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  10. Cinnamon

    I have it on my harasser. I like picking up random gunners and guessing how many shots they will fire before they bail and do something else.
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  11. lilleAllan

    Sometimes I wonder how NC engineers crafted such a shoddy shotty.
    It's vehicle-mounted, so WHY are there only 5 shots in the mag?
  12. Sinoby

    C85M harasser is the most stupid way to spend 250+ certs and some vehicle resources.
  13. Tack

    I saw 'canister round' and thought it was like the Marauder.
    I was wrong.
    I bought it with SC.

    Now I have a confetti launcher that Sony won't take back.
    I'm considering paying them to remove it from my game.
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  14. Chlorox

    What's the difference between the C85M and a scatmax? The scatmax can kill another max in one clip with extended mags. Also, the scatmax can be used in biolab fights.

    The C85M is proof that the devs hate NC. When I look at the weapon compared to others, it's the only conclusion I can come to. Frankly, all "Nerf NC" threads should be countered with this. It is unequivocally the worst faction-specific weapon in the game, something that most players from all 3 factions can agree on.
  15. ronjahn

    I'm not sure if it was some cruel trick SOE played on the NC to get them to waste their certs and SC, or if the devs just don't play the game or enjoy fun, or if they skipped the portion of development and testing that would have pointed out that the weapon is extremely useless and ineffective.

    Whatever it was, this thing is a joke( I will continue to call it "this thing" because it doesn't deserve to share its name with it's big brother.)

    It's funny that all shotguns were nerfed, but this thing was useless before said nerfs anyway. Was this thing affected by the nerf? I'm not sure, but if so why?
  16. PieBringer

    Idea: Blackmail someone to force Higby to gun for a C85 Harasser until he buffs it into being the Talos of the Planetside franchise.
  17. ronjahn

    VS get laser grenades, TR get rapid firing grenades with a huge clip, NC gets the equivalent of putting a couple of pebbles in a straw and blowing.

    If they want to limit effective range on the NC at least give them something fun. How about an AOE blast damage weapon to replace this piece of junk? It should OHK infantry within the center blast radius (limitted range surrounding the vehicle) and 2 hit in the outer radius. Give it 2 shots per reload along with a long reload speed to avoid spamming it uncontrollably. At least then we have a chance of getting some kills when we are forced to get with 10-15m of the target. Sounds very high risk, high reward to me, more fun then spraying pebbles, and removes the most useless weapon in game.

    But in all seriousness, a buff is in order to say the least.
  18. ElCreepo

    Interestingly enough, my PS2 plan for this weekend is to roll nothing but a C85M Harasser with a couple outfit mates specifically for the purpose of cutting a video of it. If I get some good footage, the video should be up around, eh, probably Monday night, provided I can figure out this newfangled editing software. I hope to show that while it's certainly capable of killing people, it is undeniably the worst option available, and you are better off using any, absolutely any other option.

    Outfit X: The Masochists of Connery
  19. MilitiaMan

    It's fun to use but that is it, I would buy it and equip it on my Harr/Vg if when you shot a flag came out that said "Bang" and confetti shot out.
  20. Pikachu

    They could return the damage and pellet count to it's previous version and reduce the reduction of damage against vehicles. Currently it takes 40 seconds for a marauder to destroy a sunderer while c85 takes 91. The damage reduction could be reduced so the TTK a sunderer matches that of a marauder.

    Proton cannon takes 39 seconds for anyone who's curious. I wouldn't mind that reduced to give the PPA a buff and be more different from the other 2 weapons by being more versatile.