Anyone feel like they struggle at playing infiltrator?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Travelman00, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Travelman00

    So I got max cloak, nano 4, cyclone and blitz, and not doing well. I do pick large fights, seems like people know where I am at even when sneaking. OK anyone else struggle? I am new at this been playing it a week..unsatisfied so far.
  2. SebaRaven

    (vanu infiltrator) I also have had this feeling.... but after abandoning sniping, i got a SMG. If you get a SMG, 2 mines, increase your cloak time, and just troll the enemy (in battle or not) you will get a lot of fun, xp and certs by doing this on a daily basis.
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  3. TheBlindFreak

    Yeah, I do get pissed when I am sitting still, cloaked, in a rock crevice and someone just happens to notice me there. Or if I'm running through a crowd while cloaked and I'm spotted. But other than that, I really only have trouble getting headshots on moving targets.

    For sneaking, be careful and plan out a route ahead of time if possible. And avoid running out in the open much. And definitely avoid running in front of someone's line of sight.
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  4. Simferion

    Some advices:
    1) Try always to flank
    2) choose a camo which can let you mix among the enemies.
    3) Recon dart is your friend
    4) Use mines, drop them and escape. They are effective against maxes and groups.

    Anyway the new IFF "enhancements" gave us some new disadvantages.
    And yes, more people are noticing me lately.
  5. VSDerp

    at first i struggled but months later i get busy on the battlefield. just gotta be more sneaky like i am. you will learn the do's and don't's after a while.
  6. oherror

    Its hard to begin with but once you get it and use a weapon that fits your play style its fun. Infiltrator is my 2nd highest scoring class right behind my HA.

    Also if your new pick your battles. your not a heavy trooper going to f up stuff. Your a deadly assassin.
  7. Spookydodger

    I've had some medium range sniping fun. The key I've found is to shoot from unusual positions, and place some mines behind you to cover you. Then shoot a dart when you think someone is coming, and get out of there.

    Hasn't been incredibly successful, but at least I've felt capable and gotten some good adrenalin rushes from it.
  8. XDDante

    yep feel the same,i think lag compensation is the cause of it...
  9. Simferion

    OP is a SMG infiltrator or the Real one, not the coward sniper :rolleyes:

    I forgot to add an important thing: learn to use the knife and possibly rebind the knife key to a mouse button. It's faster to shoot some bullets and then stab the enemy than trying to kill him with your bullets only and you need to reload less times.
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  10. Get2dachoppa

    Using a suppressor? That will help keep you off the mini-map.

    However, all radar now detects cloaked Infiltrators when they are moving, so if someone is sitting on a scout Flash or an enemy Infiltrator has spammed the area with recon darts, you'll show up on the mini-map.

    Cloak is not invisibility. I play on high graphic settings and depending on lighting and terrain, I've seen cloaked infiltrators moving about out to 40+m away. Your best bet is to stay out of someone's direct line of sight and hope they are too distracted to shoot the blurry figure on the peripheral of their vision.
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  11. Goolloom

    That is because the cloak sucks, you can literally see the terrain wobbling as the cloaked infiltrator passes by.
  12. LowTechKiller

    Honestly, I think they need to remove the timer from the Hunter Cloak. Make it so it just comes down when you need to interact with something or use a weapon.
    Either that or make the cloaking/uncloaking a silent operation.

    Hm personally as SMG infiltrator my KDR usually hovers around 5. I find it to be easily the best anti-infantry class in the game right now. The worst thing you can do, and I see many many infiltrators do this, is to treat cloak as a prison free card. You should play the class as if you wouldn't have a cloak in the first place. You may use it ofc, but you shouldn't completely rely on it. Cloak+constant movement is the key from my experience. And exploiting the chaos of a battle to your advantage.

    Use your motion sensors and observe your enemies. You want to know how many there are, where they are and how they react to hacked turrets/ terminals or a glowing noisy motion sensor before you throw yourself into a fight. All of this gives you a massive tactical advantage. You'll eventually learn how to use it to its fullest.
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  14. Rift23

    Bigger the fight, more likely you'll be spotted while recharging your cloak or from a close pass on radar at which point you'll be followed until your timer runs out. More people=more eyes=harder to sneak. And Q-spot doesn't help because as soon as you're spotted, even when cloaked, everyone stops what they're doing and looks for you because nobody wants to get knifed.

    Best way to infiltrate, imo, is to enter a base/satellite opposite the zerg but not in the direction the other zerg's reinforcements are streaming in from. From there you can get kills and hack terminals/turrets for vehicle kills.

    Real infiltrators grind out 1000 certs or spend $7.50 for a bunch of pixels....get this man a marketing job, SOE!
  15. Syphers

    SMG gunplay doesn't really excel in outnumbered zerg fights unless you flank defensive positions, sunderer spots and the less crowded areas, stuff like that. And don't forget to stay still when an occupied vehicle pass by, the driver could use the radar
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  16. Syphers

    Bottomline play with a ninja mindset and not straight into the firefight
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  17. Simferion

    I loved when I was in a tower and started knifing, SMGing and dropping mines to a group of VS which were spawn camping in the stairs. 14 kills before they decided I was an enemy
  18. ScrapyardBob

    When I play HA, I will hunt any infiltrator that I spot. What usually gives them away is:

    - Q spotting (it honestly still happens)
    - The cloak noise as I run past their hidey-hole
    - Them shooting at me and missing
    - Standing between me and the sky in the background
    - Moving where I can see them (it catches the eye)

    When I play inf, I'm a close-in SMG type, putting down mines in the middle of enemy packs and spamming recon darts non-stop, and sneaking around the sides to get a few kills before I respawn.
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  19. Drasilov

    I cant play them either lol. I've tried but I'm not fast enough to do all the things you need to do in a fight while moving and my fps sucks which doesn't help.

    Generally speaking no matter what class I'm playing I always assume a cloaking sound is from an enemy infiltrator and will bring weapons down into the area if I don't see a friendly target. I got a few TK's doing that but cloaking in the middle of a pack of your own soldiers gives enemy cloakers an advantage because you expect an infil to be cloaking so you ignore it - and then die to a knife.

    I don't apologise for infils cloaking near me getting a bullet to the face even if its a teammate. Don't cloak when you are with friendlies!
  20. ent|ty

    Infiltrator shines working behind enemy lines and shooting everyone in the back of the head with a silenced SMG.