I Miss The Crown and the Old Days.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UNSCSpartan051, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. UNSCSpartan051

    Back in December, where warpgate rotation wasn't there. Where the SW warpgate was your home. No matter how much you hated those canyons, they were easily defended from the VS and TR, they were like the warm embrace of a parent. Those canyons made you feel safe.
    Crown fights, where there would be a Sundy parked below that small footpath coming from Zurvan Amp, where the NC would crowd around that rock under the bridge hiding from enemy fire, medics frantically healing, Heavies with dumbfires, engis throwing down ammo. Inch by inch, everyone of us a meatshield, pushing up that damned path up to C or B (not sure). Dying didn't matter, your mates had been trapped there at that rock for at least an hour or more, so every centimeter gained was a victory. MCGs, Lashers, Cyclers all could not stop us. We pushed and we pushed. The higher we got the more frantic it got. The Magriders just shelling us from Magrider Hill, fellow NC pushing up from the Switchback and across the other bridge, not from Ti Alloys. ( forgot the name.) Then that sense of acheivement, 3-4 hours slugging it out at that same place. We just took the Crown. Jubilant yells, cheering and happiness at kicking the TR from their beloved crown.

    TL;DR : Give us something LIKE Old Crown, make it harder to cap, and put an interlink facility on it. Not this easily capped sh*t.
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  2. Macinzon

    You're playing the wrong game if you are nostalgic, with an update every 2 weeks where new content is added and stuff gets buffed/nerfed.
  3. KenDelta

    Somewhere people that are bored of "playing the objective" can hangout and kill eachother , since biolabs are 4minlabs now.
    Yea give us a TDM sausage feast , please.

    Atleast move C to the old spawn location in the crown..
  4. Hosp

    I'm still hoping against hope that bio-lab timers were a mistake.

    As for the crown...it needed a slight nerf, but the nerf it got was r3tard3d. The cap points are to far from the spawn to reinforce w/ vehicles. It actually incentivizes suicide bombing (C4/Mines) from the high ground rather than goold old VvV or IvV fisticuffs.
  5. RomulusX

    This game has been out for less than a year and you're talking about the "old days". When this hits PS1's status of what...10 years? then you can look back on these "old days"
  6. SmegForBrains2

    Fellow NC from Briggs here since beta

    I tell you it was fun for the 1st month or so then you just get bored and leave.

    I sometimes walk passed there at night and can feel the presence of the noobs who are waiting for the day the crown will return to its former meatgrinding glory.

    Ahh but those were the days talked a lot of smack back then heck you could because the battle would last hours tells galore i tell ya.

    lol just remembered how people used to count how many days they had the crown consecutively and gloat hard.
  7. UNSCSpartan051

    Exactly my point. The crown is too easily taken nowadays. I Might be nostalgic, but I love the new content. It's just the crown's current cap points are too far away to be reinforced. At least put A in the goddamned tower and remove the jumppad. With that design, the crown is an easily held base if the defenders are competent. It used to be 3-8 hour fight to take it, and now it's just another 5 minute cap. Make it so It takes even with a 2:1 advantage 30 minutes. I want crown fights to be memorable. Make it so that It's harder to defend, but not Pre- Nerf Defensible, that would make it go back to the impossible cap it was previously. Also, when interlink facilities come out, I think one on the Crown would be fitting.
  8. DeadliestMoon

    Yeah but then you'd never get to see the rest of the continent, or the other continents for that matter.
  9. Thrustin

    I don't really understand SOE. They changed the crown to make it less defensible, but at the same time introduced all kinds of fortresses in esamir?
  10. Ganelon

    The Crown was a horrible base that screwed the battle flow over entirely.

    If you want equally pointless fights, I suggest Indar excavation/Quartz Ridge.
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  11. Terrex

    New content? What game are you playing......?
  12. NeverWas

    yeah i remember when i first log into planetside 2 back in november, i was a VS, going out of the WG, and into a whale. Then i see the first thing that i would never forget, the crown.
  13. Eleo

    No one in their right mind who played more than one hour a week would miss having zero players outside ti alloy/crown/crossroad.

    Next people will tell us how they miss the good old days of being spawn camped by 50 libs.
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  14. Gammit

    Agreed. The old crown was a bit too difficult, but this version is way too easy.
  15. UNSCSpartan051

    You guys get the wrong idea. I"m nostalgic in the way of I'm new to this game, wow! So many people! It's the feeling I first got when fighting in the crown. I spent my 1st week of gameplay at the crown, and it was quite fond. Later I began to avoid it like the plague when I was SL or PLing. The old crown is too damn hard to take, while the new crown is too damn easy. If SOE pulls this off, we get a very fun base to fight over. Right now most defence efforts at towers are a instant loss, defenders almost never win.
  16. Farlion

    I do not. Thank heavens it's gone.
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  17. Cab00se187

    Then your first month, then the next, then the next then the.....
  18. KAHR-Alpha

    Losing the whole continent just because we had the crown, how I miss those days... NOT.
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  19. Rift23

    Fixed for you.
  20. MykeMichail

    I think they should move the B and C points at the Crown off those bridges and put them...


    The buildings on top of the Crown should only be the tip of the iceberg. Those things on the side of the mountain which look like entrances should lead to an underground complex with multiple rooms and a B and C point somewhere within.

    No tanks shelling you. No harassers zooming past with Fury's. No ESF's spamming rounds down at you.

    Just tight, close quarters, room by room combat to get to that B and C point.
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