GU14-Where's my FPS gone?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by ReformerTR, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. eldarfalcongravtank

    fps drops at warpgate
    fps drops in combat
    fps drops when turning
    fps drops when bringing up the map

    what did GU14 do to this game?
  2. Fleischwolf

    I've noticed around 10 fps loss in larger fights since GU-14.

    I actually had to go check my .ini to make sure shadows or other CPU intensive settings didn't get turned back on.

    Hoping for the standard "Post-GU Hotfix" that usually occurs before the weekend...
  3. Gammit

    I saw and configured PhysX options yesterday afternoon...?
  4. HonkSam

    What I get are random freezes for 1 second, then a black screen for another second and then my FPS drops from 30-60 to 20 for a few minutes. Sometimes Alt+Tap fixes it, sometimes I have to sit it out. Happens since GU 13 actually.
  5. Thelgow

    Ok, I don't feel as bad.
    I just bought a gtx660 yesterday to replace sli 260s and saw whether on low or ultra, Id get 35-45.
    I was wondering if I had a lemon for a minute. Althought it would say 25-45 it felt smooth.
  6. jihon83

    My FPS is awful today. It can run anywhere from 70-80 FPS in a warp gate, and 30-40 in a battle, but it's also suffering from really annoying spikes where the FPS drops to 0 for a second. At first, I thought it was tied to other characters spawning in, but now it seems to be affected by moving or even just rotating the camera, but I think it's still tied to the game spawning in new models. It is pretty annoying, though, as I've played for only a few moments before quitting both last night and today.
  7. General_Hall

    I'm in a very similar situation as Coors916. My FPS at warpgate used to be around 80-100 FPS, and now I get around 60, this is everything maxed out.
  8. jihon83

    I think I helped my situation a bit by just reinstalling the game fully. I just got done with playing for a couple of hours on Connery and it was working alright and running a constant 30-40 FPS, even in multi-platoon engagements. It seems like an odd solution, but I suppose the game's stream of updates, hotfixes, and mystery downloads means that its performance will gradually deteriorate under its own weight.
  9. Rail Tracer

    I had to knock all my settings down to low/med from high/ultra after this patch to get 60 fps at the warpgate. Elsewhere, it jumps between 30 and 50.
  10. HooWoo

    I've been getting MAJOR Fps spikes going from 50 to 0 in intensive fights, all from that random 40MB hotfix or whatever it was.
  11. HeadHuntr

    I need a little help here too. Before GU14, I got 40FPS on Semi-Ultra in large battles. After GU14, I get 10FPS at warpgate in Medium!

    My rig:
    Sapphire Radeon HD 7750 2GB DDR3
    Windows 7 64 bit
    8GB RAM
    Intel Core Pentium G630 (Yes, handles pretty well on large battles strangely)

    I already deleted my Useroptions.ini and stil nothing :(
  12. Ripshaft

    Been getting frequent massive "loading" type lag spikes, where it'll bring everything to a halt or if I'm lucky a slideshow when entering highly populated areas. Overall there's not any clear decrease in performance, probably a bit worse in large fights, but I never really payed much attention to it so cant say for sure, only that it bothers me more recently, where typically it was fine.

    Also FYI to people posting here, SOE tracks everyone's framerates at all times (or at least they did in beta, not sure if they shut that off for live, due to potential backlash for data gathering), so they know if you're experiencing unusually crap performance in general, though they probably dont gather hardware info (due to data gathering hate), so post your system specs if you have generally crappy performance after a patch, is alot more helpful than just saying you have crappy performance in general =p

    If you have bizzare performance hickups it's usually fine just to mention it's happening, as this is not detected normally.

    Though yeah, I'm using:

    Would give more detailled info but it's 5:30 and I'm flippin tired, sorry =/
  13. Lazaruz

    Only thing I've experienced are the old random drops to 2-5fps (although they are pretty rare).

    However, I have noticed that the UI screens (character select, loadout screens) are laggy as hell and a pain to navigate through.
  14. Joiner

    All just check fps with UI on options in general options and without it
    All enemy and friendly markers in game use one ui code.
    I test in vr room = Without ui 100 fps if you look directly nc mobs respawn and 88-90 with ui( and build in fps meter tell its CPU limited FPS).Its 12% perfomance
    And its in vr room with no one humans plaing.When you play in server with 48+ its more 30% perfomance drop !!! Only reason UI perfomance drop
    SOE completly failed UI G14 update
    UI now not faster its more CPU loading
  15. HeadHuntr

    Apparently, the update did something to Radeon support. PS2 will launch but won't use your radeon GPU and instead, let's your CPU deal with the whole game itself. SOE, please release a patch ASAP!
  16. Thelgow

    Yes, this is confusing me. Hard to test a new video card with this change. 30-45fps on ultra.
    switch to medium, 30-45. low, 30-45.
    I threw it all back on high, dont see a difference in performance.
  17. Alexlightning7

    that is not true. No CPU can run the full game by itself. CPUs just arent designed for producing visual images.

    Also, I have an amd card and am doing fine.

    Anyways, upon playing the game again for the first time in awhile, I noticed something like a 2-3 fps drop in battles. Not that bad like alot of you are saying, so I guess Im just lucky again.
  18. ReformerTR

    Still no response from SOE. They broke more than they fixed in the last patch...
    • Up x 1
  19. DuckSauce

    25-30 gone to 10-15 (!) in zergfights.


    y u do dis
  20. Waxa

    Just loaded it up on my radeon hd 7950, it randomly froze, 2 or 3 times, then it wasn't responding, so I closed it in the task manager. Also, for a while now it always says planetside2.exe has crashed when I exit the game to the desktop.

    I doubt we'll ever get consistent fps in this game, which is such a shame as I love it. My fingers are still crossed for the AMD optimisations that are in the works regarding the engine.....but that may be a little too late if it's a long way off.

    It may sound weird but instead of looking forward to patches, I sometimes dread them, as I know there'll be a high chance I'll lose even more performance :(